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Review of ST: The Next Generation Gateways - Doors Into Chaos

Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation Gateways - Doors Into Chaos

Author: Robert Greenberger

Review by Jacqueline Bundy

The title Doors Into Chaos is extremely appropriate for this novel, the third in the Gateways saga. The story is in the beginning quite chaotic, jumping from scene to scene to set things up, but it soon settles into an elaborate and engrossing plot that continues to build as the pages turn. Doors Into Chaos is the TNG installment in this series and is written by graphic novel editor and author Robert Greenberger who has collaborated on several previous Star Trek novels and authored the TNG title The Romulan Stratagem.

As the story opens several things are all happening simultaneously. Numerous Gateways across the galaxy are turned on and various races, both familiar and unknown, begin to take advantage of the ability for instant transportation that they provide. It soon becomes apparent that stepping through the Gateways either intentionally or accidentally can lead to ramifications that no one could possibly foresee or guard against. Consequently Captain Picard and Counselor Troi have been summoned posthaste to Earth to attend an emergency conference.

The ancient Iconians have returned. Or have they? Each of the major powers in the Alpha Quadrant has been approached by representatives of a race claiming to be the descendants of the legendary Iconians. They are the ones who have reactivated the Gateways and are offering the secret to controlling the technology to the highest bidder. War weary and still recovering from the Dominion War, Starfleet is suspicious of the mysterious aliens but at the same time must prevent the technology from falling into the hands of any potential aggressors. Admiral Ross calls upon Picard to head up a seemingly impossible mission. The first objective is for himself, Picard and Troi, to approach key Alpha Quadrant races and enlist their support in forming a task force of representative races to approach the Iconians as a united group. Some races decline to join with the Federation in this endeavor, being either unwilling or unable to cooperate. But others decide to join in, if for no other reason than to make sure that whatever is learned of the technology is shared.

The second objective is for this convoy of ships to approach the 'Iconians' and try to determine if they can reasonably be supposed to be who they claim to be. Harder still will be trying to persuade them to deactivate the Gateways while discussions about the technology are taking place. Comprised of ships representing the Romulans, the Klingons, the Deltans, the Ferengi, the Gorn, and others, the Enterprise and this unlikely fleet prepares to confront the Iconians and attempt to learn just who and what is behind the riddle of the Gateways. Picard struggles to control his allies and their sometimes conflicting interests as elsewhere chaos is reigning across the quadrant and beyond.

It does not take long for things to get out of hand and a fierce and deadly battle ensues. A battle that seems to provoke yet more questions, but whose outcome forces the Iconians to talk and to finally supply some answers to at least a portion of the riddle. In the end some of pieces of the puzzle are in place, but important ones are still missing as conditions across the galaxy are becoming more and more desperate. Just like the other commanders before him, Picard is forced to step through the Gateway in hopes that the answers they need can be found in what lays beyond.

Doors Into Chaos finally sees this series coming into focus. And certainly with this novel the series shifts into high gear. This fast paced story is a bit hard to follow at first. There are so many characters to be established and scenes unfolding as the author jumps from situation to situation setting up the plot that I found myself getting a bit frustrated at times trying to keep it all straight. Additionally I usually I enjoy a novel with lots of various Trek references to episodes and previous novels, and Doors Into Chaos certainly has those in abundance, as well numerous cameos of characters from other series. But it's a bit forced at times, and sometimes more of a detriment to the flow of the story than an enhancement to the plot.

Despite it's flaws Doors Into Chaos was the best in the series so far. An enjoyable and interesting story that certainly holds your interest. With a wide variety of characters to choose from the one that stood out for me the most in this book was Deanna Troi. The character of the Commander gets to see some real growth in this story. The plotting and events moves quickly and if you enjoy long descriptive battle sequences you are in for plenty of action. Overall I would call Doors Into Chaos a good read. Not great but certainly worth the time, especially if you plan on reading the remaining Gateways novels.

ST: DS9 Avatar, Book One & Two ST: SCE - Miracle Workers ST: DS9 Section 31 - Abyss ST: DS9 Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness ST: Gateways - What Lay Beyond
ST: TNG The Battle of Betazed ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma Twilight ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Cathedral ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil

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