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Review of Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil

Title: Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil, Book Four of Four

Author: Robert Simpson

ISBN: 0-7434-1024-6

Publication Date: November 2002 Format: Paperback

Review by Jacqueline Bundy

Wow. WOW! That was my first reaction as I absorbed the last few pages of Lesser Evil. To understand why I am afraid you are going to have to read the book yourself. Not only could anything I can think of to say not do justice to the impact this novel’s plot makes when you read it, but you probably wouldn’t believe me anyway even if I told you exactly what happens.

It takes true creative genius to come up with this kind of stuff. It takes the collaborative effort of a group of extremely talented and creative authors, and one modest editor, to put together a series of novels that has been as incomparable from beginning to end, and one heck of a lot of fun to read.

The final book in the Mission: Gamma series, Lesser Evil by Robert Simpson, is remarkable. Picking up where Cathedral leaves off, this is the shortest of the four titles that make up this unrivaled story. Lesser Evil has a much tighter plot than the previous books. It is less detailed, less introspective and extremely action packed. But none of that means that Lesser Evil is any less exceptional than the previous Mission: Gamma titles.

Lesser Evil is perfectly paced and skillfully written. The characters, especially Commander Elias Vaughn, continue to exhibit real development and growth. It ties many of the plot lines together very carefully. The whole story comes full circle in Lesser Evil and the ending is absolutely brilliant.

Now that the full impact of Lesser Evil has had a chance to sink in, I feel as if the final episode of Deep Space Nine’s eighth season was played out across the pages of this novel, and it left me excited about what might come next. I for one can’t wait to find out, but in the meantime I’m going to go back to the beginning and revel in Mission: Gamma again.

Other Reviews by Jackie 'MsFerengi'Bundy

ST: DS9 Avatar, Book One & Two ST: SCE - Miracle Workers ST: DS9 Section 31 - Abyss ST: TNG Gateways - Doors Into Chaos ST: DS9 Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness ST: Gateways - What Lay Beyond
ST: TNG The Battle of Betazed ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma Twilight ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Cathedral

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