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DS9 Avatar Websites 2004 Updates

Avatar Links

Avatar S.C.E. - Cold Fusion Section 31 - Abyss Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness
Gateways - What Lay Beyond Divided We Fall
Mission: Gamma - Twilight Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit Mission: Gamma - Cathedral Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil

The Crew of Deep Space Nine
The Defiant Deep Space Nine USS Enterprise-E IKS Gorkon The Pathfinder Project
Klingon Empire Romulan Star Empire The Dominion Cardassian Union Ferengi Alliance
Section 31
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition Prophecies of Bajor
Authors of the DS9 Relaunch Ask Martok - The J.G. Hertzler Q & A Ask TerriO - The Terri Osborne Q & A
DS9 Avatar Awards Page The DS9 Avatar Archive The Avatar Links Page
The DS9 Relaunch MiniPedia The DS9 Avatar eGroup @ Yahoo
Deep Space Nine Avatars
The Brave and the Bold - An IKS GORKON Website

March 20, 2004

Believe it or not, I am actually workin' on changin' some stuff here at the website. I've got some new backgrounds for the summary pages, will be adding pages for Rising Son and Unity soon, and spent the last hour or so workin' on the Authors of the Deep Space Nine Relaunch pages. Updated cover art has been added to the pages for authors S.D. Perry, Keith R.A. DeCandido, David R. George III, Heather Jarman, and Robert Greenberger.

Links to official websites have also been added to the pages for Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens, and Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur.

More changes to come over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned.

March 27, 2004

- I've added the cover art for S.C.E. Ishtar Rising, Books One and Two and The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two to Authors of the DS9 Relaunch - Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels. Be warned, the cover art for The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two does have a spoiler for DS9 Unity, if you haven't read it yet.

- I also added the cover art for TNG Gemworld, Book Two and Star Trek - A Time to be Born & Star Trek - A Time to Die to Authors of the DS9 Relaunch - John Vornholt.

- If you click in the links for any of the cover art for the authors' pages, you may notice a non-Angelfire site address for the image. This is to save space for the account I use here at Angelfire. I'll be transferring some more images around, so if you see a box with a red x in it or something over the next couple of days, please be patient.

March 28, 2004

- David Henderson's Psi Phi website has, in the past couple of weeks, added an excerpt from 'The Lotus Flower' by Una McCormack. 'The Lotus Flower' is the Cardassian story in The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume One, which will be available in June, 2004.

To read the excerpt -

- Also, the back cover description for The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two, which will have the stories for Trill and Bajor, was added a few days ago. Be warned, the cover art and the back cover description have a spoiler for DS9 Unity.

To read the back cover -

July 4, 2004

- Happy Fourth of July to those who celebrate American's birthday.

- Alright, it took me awhile, but I have changed the backgrounds to the story summary pages for Avatar, S.C.E. Cold Fusion, Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness and the comic Divided We Fall.

- While checking the referrer's today, I found Kestrel's Nest - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which has links to this site, the DS9 Relaunch MiniPedia and the DS9 Avatar eGroup.

In return, I've added a link to Kestrel's Nest to the Supporters' Websites list.

August 14, 2004

- The DS9 Avatar Website wishes Star Trek author Terri Osborne a happy birthday!!! Terri is one of only three authors who have participated in a Q & A for this site, has had two short stories published in DS9 Prophecy and Change and New Frontier - No Limits, and will have the fiftieth S.C.E. story out sometime next summer!

Many happy returns, Terri!

November 22, 2004

- I've been modifying the backgrounds, increasing their size for those of y'all with larger computer monitors than me, which should be just about everybody, I guess.

I also changed the background for Gateways - What Lay Beyond 'Horn & Ivory'.

More changes are coming soon.

November 29, 2004

- While shopping at Wal-Mart the other night, I saw that they had mass market paperback copies of DS9 Unity by S.D. Perry for only $4.88. So, those of y'all who didn't spring for the hardcover can now get yourself a copy for cheap!

Congratulations to Jackie Bundy for getting a quote from her review of the novel on the cover!!!

- Psi Phi has posted an excerpt from "Fragments and Omens", the Bajor story by J. Noah Kym in The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two. To read the excerpt, click here -

- And, in website-related news, I've changed the background for Prophecies of the Bajorans. To check it out, click here -

December 4, 2004

- With the removal of Cecily Adams' photo from the main / entry page, I've decided to give her a full page, with the article that was posted last March at To view the page -

In Remembrance - Cecily Adams