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Days after the Gateways crisis, the crew of the Starship Defiant is pushed to new limits as they escort the Europani refugees from the Jaradan world of Torona IV. The ship is badly damaged and members of the crew become casualities, but the Europani are saved through their sacrifices.

As repairs are made and injuries heal, Starfleet Admiral L.J. Akaar arrives at Deep Space Nine. Admiral Akaar questions Colonel Kira Nerys about the Europani on Bajor, relief efforts to Cardassia, and other actions being taken by her government. As the crew prepares for the upcoming mission into the Gamma Quadrant, Admiral Akaar and Andorian Councillor Charivretha zh'Thane leave the station to meet with First Minister Shakaar.

On the eve of the Gamma mission, zh'Thane returns to the station, and in an attempt to keep Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane from leaving, she brings his bondmates - Anichent, Dizhei, and Thriss - with her. Commander Vaughn gets a visit from Admiral Akaar, who wants to replace the Defiant's helm officer with one from the Gryphon. And an unlikely romance begins to form between the station's chief of security and a member of the Promenade Merchants' Association.

While the Bajorans take the next step in their planet's future, Commander Elias Vaughn must face the ghosts of his past as he fights to save an alien race from unstoppable energy bursts.

Deep Space Nine: Relaunch

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Avatar, Books One and Two by S.D. Perry
  • Star Trek: S.C.E. #6 - Cold Fusion by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Book Two - Miracle Workers by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore, David Mack and Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Section 31 - Abyss by David Weddle and Jeffrey Lang
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Star Trek: Gateways - What Lay Beyond 'Horn & Ivory' by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Star Trek: S.C.E. #14 - Caveat Emptor by Ian Edginton and Mike Collins
  • Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers - No Surrender, Book Four by Mike Collins, Ian Edginton, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, and Jeff Mariotte
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - Twilight by David R. George III
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit by Heather Jarman
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - Cathedral by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil by Robert Simpson
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rising Son by S.D. Perry
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Left Hand of Destiny, Books One and Two by J.G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang
  • Star Trek: S.C.E. #29 Aftermath by Christopher L. Bennett

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Unity by S.D. Perry *COMING NOVEMBER 2003*
  • Star Trek: Gorkon Book One - A Good Day to Die by Keith R.A. DeCandido *COMING 2003*
  • Star Trek: Gorkon Book Two - Honor Bound by Keith R.A. DeCandido *COMING 2003*

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Battle of Betazed by Charlotte Douglas and Susan Kearney
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Gemworld, Books One and Two by John Vornholt
  • Star Trek: The Lives of Dax stories by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Jeffrey Lang, Michael Jan Friedman, S.D. Perry, Susan Wright, Robert Simpson, Steven Barnes, and L.A. Graf, edited by Marco Palmieri
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #27 A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation #61 Diplomatic Implausibility by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Maximum Warp, Book One of Two by Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Gateways - Doors Into Chaos by Robert Greenberger
  • Star Trek: Gateways - What Lay Beyond 'The Other Side' by Robert Greenberger
  • Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold - Book Two by Keith R.A. DeCandido

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Graphic Book Four Part Series - 'N-Vectors'
  • Star Trek Graphic Book Four Part Series - 'Divided We Fall'

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Walking Wounded by Bradley Thompson **No Release Date Announced**

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Book Reviews/Summaries

Authors of the Deep Space Nine Relaunch The Deep Space Nine Relaunch Minipedia
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine The Left Hand of Desinty Reviewed by Raul M.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine The Left Hand of Destiny Reviewed by Tom Sharp
Book Padd - The Left Hand of Destiny Reviewed by Jackie Bundy @ TrekToday
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rising Son Reviewed by Tom Sharp
Star Trek: Gateways - What Lay Beyond Reviewed by Jackie Bundy (revisited)
Star Trek: Gateways - What Lay Beyond Reviewed by Tom Sharp (revisited)
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