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The Pathfinder Project

In 2371, the USS Voyager, NCC-74656, under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, launched from Deep Space Nine in the Bajoran sector on a course for the Badlands. During the search for the Maqui vessel Liberty, the Starship Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant.

Four years later, the Voyager's Emergency Medical Holographic program made contact with Starfleet Command after being transmitted to the Starship Prometheus. After returning the EMH to Voyager, Starfleet began to investigate possibilities of bringing Captain Janeway and her crew home. This investigation was called the Pathfinder Project, and was under the command of Admiral Owen Paris and supervised by Commander Pete Harkins.

Due to Pathfinder Project member Lieutenant Reginald Barcley's unauthorized experiments, contact with the Starship Voyager was made possible for a brief time in 2376. During that time, Captain Janeway transmitted the crew's logs, sensor records and ship's status reports to Starfleet Command.

Stardate 48315.6 - the USS Voyager became stranded in the Delta Quadrant, along with the Liberty were both pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. First contact was made with a Talaxian trader named Neelix and the Ocampan people. On the same planet as the Ocampa, the crew made contact with the Kazon. The Caretaker was in search of a replacement to protect the Ocampa from the Kazon, and performed experiments on the crew of both vessels before sending Ensign Harry Kim and Maqui rebel B'Elanna Torres to the Ocampa homeworld.

After rescuing Kim and Torres, Captain Janeway decided that to save the Ocampa the Caretaker's Array would have to be destroyed. A battle with the Kazon ensued, and Chakotay's ship was lost. After the destruction of the array, Kes of the Ocampa and Neelix joined the Voyager crew. Captain Janeway also integrated the thirty Maqui survivors into her crew.

Stardate 48439.7 - First Officer Chakotay recommended B'Elanna Torres for the position of Chief Engineer. After becoming convinved of the woman's skill, Captain Janeway promoted her above Starfleet engineer Lieutenant Joe Carey.

Stardate 48532.4 - the crew made first contact with the Vidiians, a race that suffered from the Phage. The disease caused the Vidiians to have advanced medical knowledge, as well as organ harvesting techniques.

Stardate 48579.4 - after discovering an ancient, decaying wormhole, the crew made contact with Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor. The wormhole crossed time as well as space, and Telek was transported aboard from his vessel in the Alpha Quadrant in the year 2351. He was sent back with messages from the crew to their families, to be delivered after Voyager would have launched from Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 48642.5 - first contact was made with the Sikarians. The crew learned that the Sikarians had the technology to send Voyager forty thousand light years closer to Earth, but the technology was withheld by the Sikarian leader. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, Lieutenant Joe Carey and Ensign Seska conspired to get the technology from Jaret Otel of the Sikarians, but it proved to be incompatible with the ship's computer systems.

Stardate 48975.1 - the Starship Voyager landed on a Earth-type planet after tracing an SOS signal to it's source. There, they discovered that a race called the Briori had kidnapped over three hundred humans from Earth in the early 20th century, including Amelia Earhart. The human slaves revolted against the Briori, and destroyed the alien technology while forming a new colony in the Delta Quadrant. The Voyager crew was invited to stay with the colony, but they decided to continue on to their own home.

After discovering that the Kazon had access to Starfleet transporter technology, an investigation pointed to a traitor on Voyager. The prime suspects were Lieutenant Joe Carey and Ensign Seska. The traitor turned out to be Seska, who appeared Bajoran but was really a Cardassian agent planted in Chakotay's Maqui cell. Seska was able to escape and joined the Kazon.

Stardate 49301.2 - Captain Janeway and the Starship Voyager had their first encounter with the Q Continuum. A Q-turned-human named Quinn was a member of the crew for a short time, before committing suicide with the help of the same Q that Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise-D and Commander Benjamin Sisko of Deep Space Nine had encountered in the past.

Stardate 49337.4 - Captain Janeway attempted to form an alliance with the Kazon sects. The alliance was destroyed thanks to interferance from the Trabe. The Kazon were slaves to the Trabe before they revolted and stole Trabe technology.

Stardate 49373.4 - Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris was successful in his attempt to break the Warp Ten barrier, but it caused an advanced evolution. An amphibious Paris kidnapped Captain Janeway, and forced her into the same condition by breaking Warp Ten. The advanced human/amphibians mated, but their offspring were left behind by Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Tuvok. The Emergency Medical Holographic program was able to remove the mutant DNA, and returned Janeway & Paris to normal.

Stardate 49655.2 - a transporter accident melded Lieutenant Tuvok with the Talaxian Neelix. The new lifeform called himself Tuvix, performing both of the men's duties on the bridge and in the galley. After several weeks, the Doctor devised a treatment to restore Tuvok and Neelix. Captain Janeway ended Tuvix's existence, and Tuvok & Neelix were returned to normal.

Stardate 50020 - Maje Cullah of the Kazon and Seska were able to capture the Starship Voyager and marooned the crew on a hostile world. A task force of Talaxian ships led by Lieutenant Paris was able to retake the ship, and save the crew. Cullah and his child with Seska survived the attack, but Seska did not.

Stardate 50074.3 - the Ferengi Kol and Arridor were found by the USS Voyager crew. After being stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the unstable Barzan Wormhole in 2366, the two Ferengi used their superior technology to set themselves up as gods to a primitive culture. When Captain Janeway attempted to remove the Ferengi from the planet, the two escaped back into the wormhole before weapons fire destabilized it for good.

Stardate 50252.3 - the Starship Voyager made first contact with a private, aggressive race called the Swarm. The Swarm attacked in fleets of small, one man ships that could attach to the hull of the target vessel and beam directly onboard. When the Swarm attacked Voyager, the crew was able to drive them off with standard phasers.

Stardate 50310 - the USS Voyager was attacked by Captain Braxton in the 29th-century Timeship Aeon. After the attack, Voyager was pulled into a temporal vortex, and exited in orbit of Earth, circa 1996. There, they learned that Henry Sterling of Chronowerx had been using technology from the Aeon's crash in 1967 to start the computer revolution. Captain Janeway and her crew were able to stop Serling from going to the 29th century for more technology, which would have destroyed Earth in that time. After the crisis was averted, Captain Braxton returned Voyager to it's proper time in the Delta Quadrant.

Stardate 50384.2 - the Voyager crew had their second encounter with the Q Continuum, and learned that Quinn's suicide had caused a civil war within the continuum. Q wanted to mate with Janeway and produce a new breed of Q. Janeway refused, and Q mated with a female Q after the civil war was stopped with the help of the Voyager crew.

Stardate 50537.2 - while investigating a planet heavy with gallicite, Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Tuvok learned from the planet's undergroung inhabitants that their ancestors had been attacked by invaders. Chakotay made an arrangement with the Sakari, exchanging defensive systems for the gallicite. Before leaving the Sakari planet, Chakotay found a Borg corpse.

Stardate 50614.2 - Commander Chakotay and Ensign Kaplan were responding to a Federation distress call while en route back to Voyager. Upon landing at the site of the distress signal, the two were attacked, and Kaplan was killed. Chakotay was severely injured, but rescued from the attackers. Upon recovery, Chakotay discovered that he was in a colony of former Borg drones who had been seperated from the Borg Collective by an electro-kinetic storm. Many of the former drones had been assimilated during the attack at Wolf 359. With Chakotay's coerced help, a new, more powerful Collective was formed.

Stardate 50693.2 - first contact was made with the Mikhal Travellers, and the crew exchanged medical supplies to the Mikhal for knowledge of the surrounding territory.

Stardate 50732.4 - first contact was made with both the Nasari and the Taresians.

The Voth scientist Gegen and his assitant Veer believed that the humans of Voyager held the secret of the origin of the Voth species, due to DNA markers identical in both. Gegen tracked Voyager, and kidnapped Commander Chakotay. The Doctor examined Veer and discovered that the Voth were descended from Earth's dinosaurs. The Voth Ministry of Elders refused to believe the evidence, and Gegen was forced to renounce his own distant origin theory.

Stardate 50912.4 - first contact was made with the Nyrian when they tried to capture the Starship Voyager by transporting a crewmember off and one of their own to the ship at nine minute intervals.

Stardate 50984.3 - Captain Janeway entered into an alliance with the Borg Collective to defeat Species 8472 of fluidic space. In exchange for technology to stop the threat to the Borg, Voyager would be allowed passage through their territory. When the Borg cube escorting Voyager was destroyed by Species 8472, Captain Janeway, Lieutenant Tuvok and several Borg were beamed to Voyager's cargo bay. When the Borg attempted to expand beyond the cargo bay, Commander Chakotay ordered for the bay to be decompressed. Borg drone Seven of Nine was the only survivor. After defeating Species 8472 in fluidic space, Seven of Nine's link to the collective was severed to protect the crew from the Borg.

Stardate 51008 - the Ocampan Kes experienced rapid development in her mental abilities and was forced to leave the ship before her expanding power destroyed it. Before evolving to a higher existance, she pushed Voyager ten thousand light years closer to Earth.

First contact was made with the Cataati, a race of refugees left behind after a Borg attack.

Stardate 51082.4 - first contact was made with the Vori and the Kraden, two races locked in a war. Commander Chakotay was brainwashed to fight for the Vori, while Captain Janeway had to get help from the Kraden to locate Chakotay on the planet's surface.

Stardate 51244.3 - the Srivani were discovered aboard Voyager. They were using the crew for medical experimentation without their knowledge until Seven of Nine detected them. To force them off the ship, Captain Janeway plotted a course between a binary pulsar.

Stardate 51367.2 - first contact is made with a telepathic race called the Mari. The crew was able to trade for spare parts and food supplies before discovering a black market for violent thoughts.

Stardate 51425.4 - first contact was made with the Krenim.

Stardate 51471.3 - the Voyager crew was attacked in their own dreams by an unidentified sleeping race. By controlling the dreams of others, the aliens were able to destroy their enemies through starvation. Commander Chakotay recognized the threat they posed, and saved the crew.

Stardate 51462 - Seven of Nine discovered a massive alien sensor array, and found a Starfleet signature from the prototype USS Prometheus, in the Alpha Quadrant. This array was used to send the Doctor's holographic matrix across the galaxy to the Prometheus. First contact with the Hirogen occurred after the array was used, since it belonged to them.

Stardate 51501.4 - Admiral Hayes of Starfleet Command used the same Hirogen array to send Voyager's crew letters from family and friends, as well as tactical data.

The Voyager crew also learned that the Hirogen are a nomadic, hunter race, moving one or two per ship across the Delta Quadrant in search of new prey.

Stardate 51652.3 - after finding a Hirogen ship adrift, Voyager became the hunting ground of the surviving Alpha Hirogen, and his prey - a wounded member of Species 8472. In order to escape from the other Hirogen who came to join the hunt, Seven of Nine beamed both the hunter and his prey off the ship against Captain Janeway's orders.

Stardate 51715.2 - the Voyager crew was forced to participate in multiple holographic scenarios, and fight holograms and Hirogen hunters. The simulations including the Crusades, a Klingon hunting party, and a resistance movement in France of World War II. After both the Alpha and Beta Hirogen were killed, Captain Janeway forced the other hunters to surrender. In exchange for a ceasefire, Captain Janeway turned over some of Voyager's holographic technology, so that the Hirogen could hunt prey without wandering through space.

Stardate 51929.3 - the Voyager crew was forced into stasis for a month in order to travel through a deadly nebula.

Stardate 51978.2 - Arturis, an alien with a knack for languages, decoded the message from Admiral Hayes, which directed Voyager to the USS Dauntless, an unmanned ship with quantum slipstream drive. The orders for the crew are to abandon Voyager, and use the Dauntless to get back to Earth. An investigation of the Dauntless proves it was alien in origin, built by Arturis for revenge against the crew after they joined the Borg to end the threat posed by Species 8472. Arturis captured Captain Janeway and Seven, and set a course for Borg space, so that they would be assimilated. Voyager caught up with the Dauntless and rescued both women, leaving Arturis to face the Borg alone.

Stardate 52081.2 - the Starship Voyager entered a region of space called the Void, since it didn't contain any star systems, and stretched out for two years worth of the ship's journey. First contact was made with the Malon and 'Night' aliens. The Voyager crew was able to use a subspace vortex to escape the Void, and end the Malon threat to the 'Night' aliens.

The Voyager crew built a new type of shuttle, the Delta Flyer, in order to retrieve a multi-spatial probe from a gas giant before the Malon could.

Stardate 52179.4 - an ocean planet was discovered, and first contact was made with the Moneans.

While passing through Devore space, the telepaths onboard Voyager were forced into hiding. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Vorik and Brenari refugees had to be hidden in transporter suspension during Devore inspections. Kashyk of the Devore tried to expose the Brenari before they could escape, but he was unsuccessful.

Thanks to Ensign Tom Paris' Captain Proton holodeck program, the Voyager crew made contact with photonic lifeforms.

Stardate 52619.2 - the Voyager crew made first contact with a Borg Queen after stealing a transwarp coil from a damaged Borg sphere. The coil allowed Voyager to travel fifteen thousand light years closer to Earth.

The Voyager crew assisted in the repair of the Varro generational ship's warp drive.

Stardate 52990 - the Voyager crew answered a distress call sent by Captain John 'Rudy' Ransom of the USS Equinox, a short-range science vessel that was pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker before Voyager. Janeway learned that Ransom had traveled so far by using nucleogenic lifeforms from another realm to power his warp core. The Equinox crew escaped from Voyager with the help of their modified Emergency Medical Hologram, but were pursued by Janeway and the hostile aliens. A few of the Equinox crew were beamed to Voyager before their ship was destroyed. Janeway integrated the Starfleet officers into her crew, without their officer ranks.

First contact is made with the Heiarchy through the Doctor's daydreams and fantasies.

Stardate 53167.9 - the Starship Voyager accidently entered into a subspace corridor that took them two hundred light years closer to Earth. First contact was made with the Turei, who claimed ownership of the corridors. While escaping from the Turei, Voyager landed on a desolate planet, the home of the Vaardwaur, a race that had been in stasis for over five hundred years. The Vaardwaur were reawakened by the Voyager crew, and resumed their fight against the Turei.

Stardate 53292.7 - the Starship Voyager discovered a graviton ellipse, a similiar phenomenon that was reported in 2032. The Delta Flyer, with Commander Chakotay, Ensign Tom Paris and Seven of Nine, was launched into the mass of subspace energy, and find the Aries IV command module, with the recordings made by NASA Lieutenant John Kelly before he died.

The Starship Voyager used a subspace catapult to get three thousand light years closer to Earth.

Stardate 53400 - after several months, Lieutenant Reginald Barcley of the Pathfinder Project on Earth made contact with the USS Voyager.

Officers of Project Pathfinder

The Crew of the USS Voyager

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