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Ask TerriO - The Terri Osborne Q & A, Page Three

Ask TerriO - Page Three

Other Questions:

Now that you are a published author, what other genres or tie-in properties would you want to write stories for?

My original fiction leans more toward the "dark fantasy" area than anything else. I'm working on a novel right now that's part contemporary murder mystery, part supernatural thriller. It keeps getting interrupted by Trek work, though. Not that I'm complaining. It's now being interrupted for the third time in a year for Trek. More on that later. After that, I've got an historical dark fantasy series that I've been ruminating on for a couple of years that I think I might finally be ready to run with.

As for other tie-in properties, I've actually got two Stargate SG-1 novel proposals awaiting a publisher to procure the license once again. I'm also finding the new HBO series Carnivale to be absolutely fascinating and full of potential stories, and should anyone choose to do books for it I would be very interested. And as anyone who has known me in the last few years is aware, I'd also love to do a Babylon 5 story at some point.

With 'Three Sides to Every Story', you wrote one of the three best stories of that anthology. And with 'Q'uandary', you showed that you can handle multple aspects of the Star Trek franchise, but is there a particular television series that you would label your favorite?

Thank you. To answer your question, without hesitation, Deep Space Nine. While every series has its own particular area of appeal for me, DS9 took the tapestry of the Star Trek universe and gave it another layer of depth. While the other series have shown us different places in the Trek universe, it wasn't until I saw DS9 that I really got the feeling that these (you'll pardon the expression) strange new worlds did relate to each other, that there really was a universe out there, and that we were active participants in it, not just occasional visitors to planets along the way. The universe came to us with DS9, and while that doesn't seem like a vital difference on the surface, it was. We saw how others played on our turf, instead of how we play on theirs, and that can tell you more about a person or a race than anything.

You mentioned your next proposal possibly having a "DS9 relaunch guest appearance." I'll hold this whole thing back just for this....what can you say about the your next project?

Well, here's the announcement I promised. I received approval from Paramount at the end of October for what is scheduled to be S.C.E. #50--entitled Malefictorum. It's a locked-room murder mystery (don't worry, S.C.E. fans, this won't have anywhere near Wildfire's body count). Corsi's investigation will take the crew of the da Vinci all the way to the Gamma Quadrant, with help from and a stopover at DS9 along the way. I can already pretty much guarantee at least one appearance by Kira, Ro and Quark. Yes, it will take place post-Unity. Yes, Keith told me that he has already discussed the story and its events with Marco Palmieri. No, I don't think anyone knows yet if what happens will be worked into the Relaunch, but there are threads in the story that could be picked up if someone chose to down the line.

I'd like to thank Terri Osborne for being so great about the Q & A. Miss Osborne has been a great source of humor and information, as well as having a positive attitude about this entire project.

I like to give a special thanks to Sara of Sara Arts for the photo of Terri Osborne used on the main page of Ask TerriO.

And last, but not least, a big round of "thank you"s to everyone who sent in their questions, without which,
this Q & A wouldn't have been possible.

- Tom Sharp

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