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Deep Space Nine Prophecy and Change
New Frontier No Limits
The Deep Space Nine Avatar Website Presents -

Ask TerriO -
The Terri Osborne Q & A

Everybody is looking for Deep Space Nine - Prophecy and Change and looking forward to New Frontier - No Limits. Terri Osborne has stories in this fall's two big Star Trek anthologies, 'Three Sides to Every Story' and 'Q'uandary'.

Terri Osborne - Photo By and Courtesy of Sara Arts (, copyright © 2000 the author

Set during the first six episodes of Deep Space Nine’s sixth season, 'Three Sides to Every Story' tells the tale of the brief, but powerful friendship formed by the son of Benjamin Sisko and the daughter of Gul Dukat. Even as battles are fought across the Alpha Quadrant, Jake Sisko and Tora Ziyal form a bond of friendship not easily broken. Ms. Osborne's story has been called "one of the best" in this special anthology celebrating the tenth anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Coming later this month is the first Star Trek: New Frontier anthology, edited by Peter David. This collection will feature stories of the characters before they became members of the USS Excalibur crew. From Ms. Osborne's own website, 'Q'uandary' is "the story of an encounter Selar had with the Q during her tenure on the Enterprise-D that has shaped some of what the Selar we know in New Frontier is today. It's set during The Next Generation's sixth season--sort of. It's also sort of set during the first season of The Next Generation, as well as the third season of Voyager. How? Let's just say when the Q are involved, nothing is ever what it seems, and agreements with the Q never go as planned."

Now there is an opportunity for fans and readers the world over to join the discussion about these incredible stories by submitting their questions about them to Terri Osborne herself!

Ask TerriO!

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