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The Romulan Star Empire

Millenia ago, the Vulcan race was at war with itself. Surak of Vulcan taught lessons of peace and logic. As some Vulcans followed his teachings, others rebelled against them. The rebels left Vulcan, and settled on twin planets Romulus and Remus. There, they embraced the emotions their cousins had abandoned, but lost abilites Vulcans still possess, like the mind meld and the nerve pinch.

April 5, 2063 - human scientist Zefram Cochrane made first contact with the Vulcan race in Montana, after successfully breaking the warp barrier in the Phoenix.

A hundred years later, hostilities broke out between the human race and the Romulans after an Earth ship had accidently entered Romulan space. Despite a long conflict, no human had ever seen a Romulan, due to the lack of subspace communications during the war. During this time of unrest, a Romulan raiding party attempted to hijack the Heisenberg, which was en route to the Cochrane Institue of Alpha Centauri. This attempt was foiled by Skon of Vulcan and Tobin Dax of Trill, two of the scientists onboard. The Treaty of Algeron established the Romulan Neutral Zone. The zone was an area of space between what would become Federation territory and the Romulan Star Empire. For either side, to cross the Neutral Zone was an act of war.

Stardate 1709.2 - a Romulan Bird of Prey, armed with plasma energy weapons, as well as a cloaking device, attacked and destroyed four Federation outposts along the Neutral Zone. The USS Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk's command, pursued the Romulan vessel to keep it from reporting that their mission had been successful. The Romulan ship was damaged, and destroyed by its own commander.

Stardate 3478.2 - while the USS Enterprise was en route to Starbase Ten, Commodore Stocker was forced to take command of the ship due to an illness that was rapidly aging the senior staff. In an effort to save time, Stocker ordered the Enterprise to cut through the Neutral Zone. The Enterprise came under attack by the Romulans, but was saved when Captain Kirk was able to take back command after being cured of the illness.

2268 - the Romulans entered into a brief alliance with the Klingon Empire. This alliance resulted in the exchange of ship design and advancements in cloaking technology.

Stardate 5027.3 - under Admiral Cartwright's orders, Captain Kirk crossed the Neutral Zone, and took the Enterprise into Romulan space. The ship was surrounded by three Romulan battle cruisers, and Kirk was taken prisoner. Following their orders, Captain Kirk, First Officer Spock and Doctor McCoy were able to obtain a Romulan cloaking device for the Federation, and incorporated it into the Enterprise's systems to escape the Romulan forces, with three Romulan prisoners onboard.

The planet of Nimbus III was the home of a joint experiment between the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. It was supposed to be a joint colony, the Planet of Galactic Peace. Instead, the governments were unable to find willing colonists, so Nimbus III became a penal colony-type settlement. Sybok, a Vulcan scholar who embraced his emotions, took over the capital city, and held the three representatives hostage. The Federation sent Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise-A, and the Klingon Captain Klaa went to Nimbus III to pursue and kill Kirk. The Romulans, however, did not respond to Sybok's takeover of Nimbus III.

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis, the Romulan Ambassador entered into a conspiracy with Starfleet officers and the Klingon Defense Force. It was never truly made clear what role the Romulans played in the conspiracy. When Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise-A and Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Excelsior destroyed Klingon General Chang's Bird of Prey, they beamed down to Khitomer and arrested Admiral Cartwright, the Romuland ambassador and Captain Montgomery Scott was forced to kill Starfleet Colonel West before he could kill the Federation president.

2311 - the Tomed Incident began an extended period of Romulan isolationism.

2344 - the Romulans attacked the Klingon outpost of Narendra III, killing Klingon civilians. Captain Rachel Garrett of the USS Enterprise-C responded to the distress call sent by the colony, only to be destroyed by the Romulans. Due to a temporal anomaly, one of the prisoners taken by the Romulans was an alternate version of Lieutenant Natasha Yar of the USS Enterprise-D.

After the attack on Khitomer, several Klingon prisoners were taken to the Carraya System.

Stardate 41636.9 - Starfleet reported a build-up of Romulan forces near their side of the Neutral Zone, and ordered the USS Enterprise-D from their mission on Angel One to the Federation side of the zone to ward of any hostile action from the Romulans.

Stardate 41986.0 - the destruction of Federation and Romulan outposts along the Neutral Zone put an end to the Romulan isolationist agenda. Commander Tebok of the Romulan Star Empire took his cloaked Warbird across the Neutral Zone to intercept the Enterprise-D, thinking that they were responsible for the loss of the Romulan outposts.

Stardate 42609.1 - Captain Donald Varley of the USS Yamato took his Galaxy-class vessel into the Neutral Zone to protect ancient Iconian technology from the Romulans. His ship fell victim to an Iconian defense program, and the same program affected the Enterprise-D and Sub-Commander Taris' Warbird.

Stardate 43349.2 - the USS Enterprise-D found evidence of Romulan incursion on the Federation planet of Galorndan Core - a crashed scout ship and two Romulan officers. One of the officers was taken to the Enterprise-D, but died while onboard due to medical difficulties. The other officer was returned to Commander Tomalak, after being rescued from the planet's surface.

Stardate 43462.5 - Romulan Admiral Jarok defected to the Federation in a stolen scout ship, escaping from a Warbird with the help of the Enterprise-D. The Romulan government believed that Jarok had been disloyal, and was giving him false reports of military build-ups near the Romulan - Federation border. When Commander Tomalak told them of the deception and demanded the return of Jarok, Picard refused. Two other Warbirds surrounded the Enterprise-D, but several Klingon Birds of Prey decloaked around the entire group, and the Enterprise-D was able to leave with Jarok onboard. The admiral later committed suicide, leaving behind a letter to his wife and daughter.

Stardate 43685.2 - Lieutenat Worf of the USS Enterprise-D and Klingn Defense Force Commander Kurn's late father, Mogh, was accused of aiding the enemy. Duras of the Klingon High Council claimed to have proof that Mogh gave the Romulans the help they needed to destroy the Khitomer outpost, and was killed in the attack.

Stardate 43779.3 - two Romulan warbirds were dispatched to make contact with 'Tin Man', a never-before-known alien life, before the Enterprise-D could.

Stardate 44390.1 - the crew of the Enterprise-D, believing that they were transporting a Vulcan ambassador to conduct peaceful negotiations with the Romulans, returned a highly placed Romulan spy to the Star Empire.

Stardate 44885.5 - Romulan Commander Sela, the alternate Natasha Yar's half-human daughter, supervised the brainwashing of Lieutenant Commander Geordi la Forge after he was taken prisoner while en route to Risa for an engineering conference. The Romulans objective was to have Commander la Forge assassinate Klingon Governor Vagh in front of multiple witnesses.

Stardate 44995.3 - the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, started a Klingon civil war, with the help of Commander Sela and the Romulans. When the Federation refused to assist Chancellor Gowron, Captain Picard led a Starfleet armada to the Klingon - Romulan border, and used a tachyon net to detect the Romulans' involvement. Their exposure quickly ended the war.

Stardate 45092.4 - the Romulans experiments into a multi-phasic cloak resulted in the apparent deaths of Lieutenant Commander Geordi la Forge and Ensign Ro Laren of the Enterprise-D when they came to rescue the Romulan scout ship that had been damaged by their experimental cloak.

Stardate 45236.4 - Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data traveled to Romulus undercover, with the help of the Klingons. Their mission was to discover why Ambassador Spock of the Federation had defected to the Romulan Star Empire. Once there, they discovered that he was leading a reunification movement, to bring the Romulans and the Vulcans back together as a race. However, he was unaware that the Romulans were using him in hopes of launching a successful attack against Vulcan. A warning sent by Spock from Commander Sela's office allowed for Commander William Riker to intercept three Vulcan ships with Romulan troops onboard. However, a Warbird decloaked and destroyed the ships before vanishing back into Romulan territory.

Stardate 46519.1 - Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi, ship's counselor for the USS Enterprise-D, was kidnapped by the Romulans and forced to pose as a Tal Shiar agent aboard a Romulan Warbird to assist in the defection of a high-ranking Romulan senator and his aides to the Federation.

Stardate 46579.2 - Lieutenant Worf traveled to the Carraya System, in an effort to find his father. A Yridiaan on Deep Space Nine had told of him about a Romulan prison camp, with Khitomer survivors. When he got there, he discovered Klingons and Romulans living in peace, and even having children together.

Stardate 46731.5 - the Romulans monitored the search for DNA on alien worlds that was being conducted by the Klingon Empire, the Cardassian Union and the Federation.

Stardate 47457.1 - the Romulans began a search for the USS Pegasus. Commander Riker of the Enterprise-D served on the Pegasus as an ensign, and his former commander, Admiral Pressman, came aboard the Enterprise to aid in the search. The Pegasus had been believed to be destroyed by a warp core breach, but instead it's experimental multi-phasic cloaking device allowed it to pass into a large asteroid. After the Enterprise-D entered the asteroid to retrieve the wreckage, the Romulans closed the cavern opening. Captain Picard was forced to use the multi-phasic cloak to escape, but then revealed the technology to the Romulans.

Stardate 47988.1 - Commander Tomalok and Captain Picard were both dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone, due to a temporal anomaly forming between Romulan and Federation space.

Stardate 48212.4 - after contact between Starfleet and the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant, the Romulan Star Empire agreed to give one of their cloaking devices to the experimental Defiant. The agreement prohibited use of the cloak in the Alpha Quadrant, and Starfleet would have to turn over any information they found on the Dominion. Sub-Commander T'Rul was assigned to the Defiant, under Commander Sisko, to oversee the initial installation and use of the cloaking device.

The first information exchange between the Deep Space Nine crew and the Romulans was held aboard the station several months later. The Romulan officers believed that the Dominion represented the single greatest threat to the Alpha Quadrant in the last hundred years. An accidental radioactive discharge allowed for Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien to travel six hours into the future at random intervals. This shifts into the future were being caused by a cloaked Warbird that was there to destroy the station and the wormhole.

Stardate 50368.0 - after interference from both Section 31 and the Tal Shiar, the people of Chairos IV in the Geminus Gulf agreed to become a part of the Romulan Star Empire. The Chairos System had a subspace anomaly that the Romulans had concealed from the Federation. But, after the anomaly was destroyed by Captain Picard, and his officers Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Hawk, they lost interest in the Chairos System.

While investigating the deaths of several former Cardassian Obsidian Order operatives, Constable Odo of Deep Space Nine and Cardassian exile Elim Garak discovered a joint Obsidian Order - Tal Shiar fleet en route to the Bajoran wormhole. Their plan was to destroy the Founder's homeworld, which Odo had found & Starfleet had told the Romulan government about. The attack was unsuccessful, and the Dominion was able to destroy the fleet, due to the Founder Lovok, who was posing as a Romulan colonel. Lovok also assisted in Odo and Garak's escape during the attack.

2373 - during the second Borg incursion into the Sol system, the USS Enterprise-E was dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone, to make sure that the Romulans didn't take the oppurtunity to attack the Federation. Captain Picard, however, defied orders and took the Enterprise-E to Earth to defend against the Borg.

While looking for survivors of Dominion attacks, Lieutenant Commander Worf and Cardassian civilian Garak, both of Deep Space Nine, were taken prisoner after finding a Dominion fleet near the wormhole. After being taken to the internment facility, they found several Romulan and Cardassian survivors from the disasterous attack against the Founders. General Martok of the Klingon Defense Forces and Doctor Julian Bashir were also being held prisoner there. The Dominion fleet that Worf and Garak had found entered the Alpha Quadrant, and was led by the pirate Dukat to Cardassia Prime. Dukat had negotiated for Cardassia to enter the Dominion, and have himself placed as the leader of the Cardassian people.

After Gul Dukat threatened to retake all Cardassian property that had been lost, including Deep Space Nine, the Romulan Star Empire sent a fleet of ships to join Starfleet and the Klingons to defend the station.

Stardate 50975.2 - Starfleet learned that the Romulan Star Empire had signed a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion, as did the Tholians, the Miradorn and the Breen. Romulan Senator Vreenak negotiated the non-aggression treaty on behalf of the Star Empire.

During the first months of the Dominion War, the Romulan Star Empire allowed Dominion ships to cross into and through their space, to attack the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Stardate 51721.3 - after conducting a meeting with Dominion Ambassador Weyoun, Romulan Senator Vreenak's shuttle was destroyed while it was returning to Romulan space. On the shuttle, the Romulans found a Cardassian datarod that contained a recording of a meeting between Weyoun and Cardassian Legate Damar discussing the plans to invade Romulan space, and then continue the war with the Federation and the Klingons. The Romulan Star Empire declared war on against the Dominion shortly afterward.

Three months after Dukat and the Pah Wraiths forced the Bajoran wormhole to close, Senator Cretak of the Romulan Star Empire came to Deep Space Nine with a contigent of Romulan aides and soldiers. Senator Cretak quickly ingratiated herself with Colonel Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Militia and commander of Deep Space Nine. The Bajoran government agreed to let the Romulans establish a hospital colony on Bajor's fourth moon, Derna. However, after wounded Vulcans are turned away from Derna, Kira learned that the Romulans had secretly armed the hospital with seven thousand plasma torpedoes.

Colonel Kira Nerys was forced to lead a blockade of Derna with Bajoran Militia ships. Admiral Bill Ross of Starfleet was unable to help with the blockade, but he was able to convince Senator Cretak to back down, or Starfleet would be forced to remove the weapons.

While attending a conference on Romulus, Doctor Julian Bashir of Deep Space Nine, Senator Cretak, Admiral Ross and Tal Shiar Chairman Koval get tangled into a web of intrigue by Sloan of Section 31. With Bashir's help, Cretak was able to access Koval's records. This was exposed to the Romulan Continuing Committee, and Bashir was arrested and Cretak was accused of being a traitor. Koval also brought Sloan before the committee, and told the members that Section 31 was a cover used by Sloan, who was truly a rogue agent of Starfleet Intelligence acting against the Romulans in a need for revenge. As Sloan attempted to escape, he seemed to be killed by a single disruptor shot. After the conference, Chairman Koval was able to move up to membership in the Continuing Committee

During the final weeks of the Dominion War, the Romulan Star Empire aided in the battle at Chin'toka. They also committed the bulk of their fleet to the final push into Cardassian territory in final battle of the Dominion War.

After the war, the outer territories of the Cardassian Union were made into protectorates until the Cardassians could defend their own borders. One of the Romulan protectorates was the Orias System.

Romulan scientists and the crew of the Enterprise-E had to work together to discover the cause of the Dead Zones that were affecting various areas of the galaxy. The Dead Zones affected subspace communications, as well as computer systems.

Three months after the Dominion War ended, the Federation assembled a joint Starfleet - Klingon - Romulan fleet as a peacekeeping force. The joint fleet was assembled after rogue Jem'Hadar attacked Deep Space Nine, and destroyed the USS Aldebaran. Commander Sartai was in charge of the Romulan part of the fleet, and was present at the debriefing of Dominion Observer Taran'atar, as well as Commander Elias Vaughn, Colonel Kira Nerys, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E, Admiral Bill Ross, and Klingon Captain Klag of the IKS Gorkon.

Doctor Ethan Locken, a genetically-enhanced human, bred Jem'Hadar on Sindorin in the Badlands. He was going to use his Jem'Hadar to create a New Federation, and his first target was the Romulan protectorate in the Orias system.

After the successful lower core transfer of Deep Space Nine from Empok Nor, the Romulan Star Empire dispatched a warbird to help defend Deep Space Nine.

During the Gateways crisis of 2376, the Romulan Warbird Glory joined the fleet led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E to confront the Iconians. Admiral Bill Ross met with the Praetor and learned of the Glory's involvement.

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