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Deep Space Nine

Built by Bajoran slave labor in orbit of their own home planet, the Cardassians used Terok Nor as an ore processing station.

After the Cardassian withdrawel from Bajor, the provisional government invited Starfleet to work with the Bajoran Militia and to use the newly-named Deep Space Nine as an outpost. After the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, Deep Space Nine became a center for trade, commerce and intrigue. When the Dominion War began five years later, Deep Space Nine was on the front lines, and one of the most important outposts of the United Federation of Planets.

Stardate 46379.1 - the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor ended, and Starfleet officers arrived on the newly-named Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 46392.7 - Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax discovered the Bajoran Wormhole. Major Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Militia ordered that the station be moved from it's orbit over Bajor to the mouth of the wormhole.

Stardate 46423.7 - the crew and civilian residents of Deep Space Nine were affected by a virus that caused aphasia. This kept the victims from being able to express themselves, speaking only in gibberish. The virus was caused by a device created by the Bajoran Resistance, and installed during the occupation.

Tosk was the first alien from the Gamma Quadrant to follow a scout ship through the wormhole to Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 46531.2 - Lieutenant Jadzia Dax returned from a survey mission in the Gamma Quadrant with archeologist Vash. One of the artifacts Vash brought to with her caused the station to be pulled toward the wormhole.

The Wadi were the first official visitors to Deep Space Nine from the Gamma Quadrant.

Grand Nagus Zek of the Ferengi Alliance came to Deep Space Nine for the first time two months after the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole.

Stardate 46853.2 - alien visitors took the form of the crews' fantasies, including baseball great Buck Bokai and Rumpelstiltskin, to study them.

Stardate 46925.1 - an alien probe from the Gamma Quadrant downloaded its sentient computer programming into the station's computer system.

Four Federation ambassadors, including Lwaxana Troi of Betazed, were on the station on a fact-finding mission.

Months after arriving in the Bajoran sector, the Federation's influence on Bajoran culture began to be questioned by Winn Adami of the Vedek Assembly. Vedek Winn's protests about the science class taught by Keiko O'Brien led to the fire bombing of her classroom. When Vedek Bareil Antos arrived on the station to help support the Federation, a Bajoran technician attempted to assassinate him.

Three months later, Major Kira and Chief O'Brien went to Cardassia Four and liberated a prison camp to bring Li Nalas, a hero of the Bajoran Resistance, back to Bajor. Li was given the position of the liason officer on Commander Sisko's senior staff and Major Kira was recalled to Bajor.

At the same time, the Circle, a group who wanted Bajor for the Bajorans, was gaining both military and political support. This led to the forced evacuation of Federation citizens and non-Bajorans from Deep Space Nine. Commander Sisko, Doctor Bashir, Constable Odo, Chief O'Brien and Li Nalas remained on the station with several other officers to keep the Bajorans from gaining control of the station while Major Kira and Lieutenat Dax travelled to Bajor with proof of Cardassian involvement with the Circle.

Stardate 47182.1 - Verad, an unjoined Trill, arrived at Deep Space Nine during a severe plasma storm to steal the Dax symbiont and escape to the Gamma Quadrant.

Stardate 47229.1 - Ensign Melora Pazlar the only Elaysian in Starfleet, arrived on Deep Space Nine to chart stars in the Gamma Quadrant.

Stardate 47391.2 - a fleet of Skreean vessels arrived at Deep Space Nine after traveling through 'the eye of the universe.' The station was overrun while Commander Sisko and his staff searched for a proper home for the refugees from the Gamma Quadrant.

The Cardassian freighter Bok'Nor was destroyed by the Maqui while it was departing Deep Space Nine.

Sakonna, a Vulcan member of the Maqui, was on the station, attempting to purchase weapons and weapons' systems from Quark.

The USS Odyssey arrived at Deep Space Nine after Commander Sisko and Quark, with Jake Sisko and Nog, turned up missing in the Gamma Quadrant. Third Talak'talan of the Jem'Hadar had delivered the news of Sisko's capture to Major Kira, as well as a list of ships that had violated Dominion territory. The list was on a Bajoran padd from the New Bajor colony that was wiped out by the Jem'Hadar.

After escaping from the Jem'Hadar, Commander Sisko returned to Utopia Planitia for three months, leaving Major Kira in command of Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 48213.1 - Commander Sisko returned to Deep Space Nine aboard the Defiant, an escort vessel that Starfleet had agreed to assign to the station.

Lieutenant Commander Micheal Eddington arrived onboard the Defiant, and was assigned as the head of Starfleet security for the station.

A few weeks later, Chief O'Brien and Jake Sisko accidently tripped a computer program leftover from the Cardassian Occupation. The station's computer system believed that a Bajoran slave labor revolt was in progress, and the station was placed in a lockdown security status. Disaster was averted at the last minute, and the program was completely deleted.

Stardate 48467.3 - William Thomas Riker of the Maqui, a transporter duplicate of Commander Riker of the USS Enterprise-D, arrived on Deep Space Nine disguised as an officer. He successfully stole the Defiant from the station. Commander Sisko had to work with Gul Dukat of the Cardassian Central Command to retrieve the ship from the terrorists.

Stardate 48498.4 - Kai Winn and Vedek Bareil were the victims of a terrorist attack while on their way to Deep Space Nine to conduct peace talks with the Cardassian Union. Vedek Bareil later died from the injuries sustained during the explosion.

Several weeks later, a Romulan delegation arrived on Deep Space Nine to debrief the Starfleet officers about their missions in the Gamma Quadrant.

The station's weapons' systems underwent an upgrade, inlcuding new phaser emitters and torpedo launchers, due to the threat posed by the Dominion.

Stardate 49011.4 - a Klingon fleet under the command of General Martok arrived at Deep Space Nine. The fleet was the first wave of an invasion into Cardassian space. They believed that Founders had infiltrated the Cardassian government.

Captain Benjamin Sisko had requested Lieutenant Commander Worf, formerly of the USS Enterprise-D, serve as a mission specialist in dealing with the Klingons. When the Federation refused to support the Klingon invasion, the Klingons declared war on their former allies. Worf remained on the station, as the strategic operations' officer.

Stardate 49195.5 - Doctor Lenara Kahn of Trill arrived on Deep Space Nine, with her brother Bejal and Doctor Pren. They were there in an attempt to construct an artificial wormhole.

Several weeks later, First Minister Shakaar Edon made his first public appearance on Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 49556.2 - Kurn, Worf's younger brother, arrived on Deep Space Nine, so Worf could kill him and give him a place in Sto-Vo-Kor.

Major Kira and Chief O'Brien used the Defiant to investigate a cloaked minefield that the Klingons had placed around the Bajoran sector.

Worf and Kurn snuck aboard a damaged Klingon battle cruiser and obtained the codes to detonate the mines.

Stardate 49904.2 - a group of rogue Jem'Hadar attacked Deep Space Nine in a freighter. The soldiers stole equipment from the station, and returned to the Gamma Quadrant. They were pursued by Captain Sisko and the crew of the Defiant.

Stardate 50564.2 - a Dominion fleet entered the Alpha Quadrant, and were led to Cardassian space by Gul Dukat.

The Dominion fleet pushed the Klingons out of Cardassian territory, causing them to retreat to Deep Space Nine. Captain Sisko convinced Chancellor Gowron to sign a new treaty, and a Klingon garrison was placed under General Martok's command on the station.

Doctor Lewis Zimmerman of Jupitor Station came to Deep Space Nine to model the new, long-term medical hologram after Doctor Julian Bashir.

Vorta diplomat Weyoun arrived on Deep Space Nine to conduct a peace talks with Kai Winn and the Bajoran government.

Shortly after, Bajor signed a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion. Captain Sisko and General Martok led their crews off the station after laying a cloaked, self-replicating minefield across the threshold of the wormhole. Gul Dukat, Weyound and Glinn Damar led the Dominion forces onto Deep Space Nine and renamed it Terok Nor.

Three months later, Major Kira and Constable Odo began a new resistance against the Dominion.

Stardate 51149.5 - Glinn Damar was promised a promotion after devising a plan to collapse the minefield and allow more Dominion ships to enter the war against the Federation - Klingon Alliance.

Captain Benjamin Sisko of the Defiant led the Federation fleet to retake the station from the Dominion.

Stardate 51247.5 - Worf and Jadzia Dax were married in Quark's on the Promenade.

Legate Damar and Weyoun arrived on Deep Space Nine to conduct peace talks with the Federation, in an attempt to get a star system that had the proper ingrediants to manufacture ketracel-white for the Jem'Hadar.

Luther Sloan of Section 31 kidnapped Doctor Julian Bashir from Deep Space Nine when he was supposed to be at a medical conference. Sloan ran Bashir through a simulation of Deep Space Nine in an attempt to determine if he was a traitor to the Federation.

Stardate 51721.3 - Romulan Senator Vreenak arrived on Deep Space Nine after a meeting with Weyoun. While there, he was given a recording of a meeting showing the Dominion's plans to invade the Romulan Star Empire.

The Reckoning between the Prophets and the Pah Wraiths occurred on Deep Space Nine's Promenade, using Kira Nerys and Jake Sisko as the hosts for the spiritual entities.

Dukat, while being a host for a Pah Wraith, secretly arrived on Deep Space Nine. When he found Jadzia Dax in the Bajoran shrine, she was engulfed in flame before the Pah Wraith was transferred into the Orb of Contemplation.

After Jadzia Dax's death, Captain Sisko left Deep Space Nine to return to Earth. Major Kira Nerys was left in command of the station.

During Sisko's absence, Kira was promoted to the rank of colonel.

Three months after taking command of the station, Colonel Kira learned that Romulan Senator Cretak was going to be setting up an office on Deep Space Nine.

Stardate 52152.6 - Captain Sisko returned to Deep Space Nine, along with his son Jake and Ensign Ezri Dax, the new host for the Dax symbiont.

A couple of weeks later, the USS T'Kumbra under the command of Captain Solok docked at Deep Space Nine for repairs and shore leave.

The final signing of the peace treaty ending the Dominion War took place in the wardroom on Deep Space Nine. A celebration for the senior officers was held in one of Quark's holosuites.

Afer Captain Sisko's accension into the Celestial Temple, Colonel Kira Nerys was placed in command of Deep Space Nine.

Several changes in the command staff of Deep Space Nine were made in the months following the Dominion War.

While the station and the Defiant underwent repairs and upgrades under the supervision of Lieutenant Nog, a group of rogue Jem'Hadar attacked from the Gamma Quadrant. Five of the attacking soldiers were able to beam aboard the station, and one of them claimed to be an envoy of peace.

The USS Enterprise-E arrived at Deep Space Nine from the Badlands to undergo repairs.

Third Kitana'klan attempted to sabatoge the station by wiring the main core to self-destruct. He was stopped by Colonel Kira, Commander Elias Vaughn and Honored Elder Taran'atar of the Jem'Hadar, the true peace envoy to Deep Space Nine. Colonel Kira was able to eject the core before it could blow up.

A joint fleet under the command of Admiral Bill Ross arrived at Deep Space Nine on a peacekeeping mission to the Gamma Quadrant.

The station was on minimal power while Lieutenant Nog and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers went to the Trivas system and towed Empok Nor, another Cardassian-built station, to the Bajoran system. The lower core from Empok Nor was transferred to replace Deep Space Nine's core.

During the evacuation of Eurpani refugees at the time of the Gateways crisis, Lieutenant Ezri Dax was placed in command of the station, while Kira and Vaughn led the evacuation efforts.

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Avatar S.C.E. - Cold Fusion Section 31 - Abyss Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness
Gateways - What Lay Beyond Divided We Fall
The Crew of Deep Space Nine
The Defiant USS Enterprise-E IKS Gorkon The Pathfinder Project
Klingon Empire Romulan Star Empire The Dominion Cardassian Union Ferengi Alliance
Section 31
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition Prophecies of Bajor
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