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ST: TNG #61 - Diplomatic Implausibility

Review/Summary Written by Thomas Sharp

First of all, I have to say I really enjoyed reading this book. Klingon Warrior Worf, raised by humans, captured the hearts and minds of Star Trek fans for seven years on The Next Generation, for four years on Deep Space Nine, and in three of the feature films, is now a diplomat for the Federation. Diplomatic Implausibility is the story of his first assignment.

During the course of the story, quite a few familiar characters are revisited. Jeremy Aster, from TNG ‘The Bond’, is a college student on Earth who maintains a close relationship with Worf’s human parents, the Roshenkos, introduced in TNG ‘Family’, and his mother was seen in TNG ‘New Ground’. The senior officers of the Enterprise-E get to socialize with Worf while they take him to rendezvous with the IKS Gorkon. Peter David’s characters from his New Frontier series Mark McHenry, Soleta & Zak Kebron all send Worf congratulatory messages. Commander Shelby, from TNG ‘Best of Both Worlds’, is mentioned. And just about every Klingon to utter or growl three lines in a TNG or DS9 episode and still be alive at the end of the episode are also in this story.

So, what is the mission, Worf’s first big assignment? The inhabitants of taD, a frozen planet, twice conquered by the Klingon Empire, want Federation recognition. The Klingons don’t want to loose the planet, for fear of seeming weak to the other conquered races in the empire, but the Federation can’t ignore the rebels on the planet who are trying to overthrow the Klingon government. Worf, and his aid Giancario Wu, are taken by the Enterprise-E to meet up with the IKS Gorkon, which is under the command of Klag, from TNG ‘A Matter of Honor’. The Gorkon senior staff should be very familiar to anyone who knows Star Trek.

Because of Worf having been exiled twice from the Empire, in TNG ‘Sins of the Father’ and DS9 ‘Way of the Warrior’, and his relationship to Chancellor Martok, DS9 ‘Soldiers of the Empire’, he isn’t trusted or respected by much of the crew.

Upon arrival at taD, Worf meets just about everybody; the angry egotistical Klingon governor, the al’Hmatti Prime Minister who is secretly supporting the rebels trying to overthrow the Klingons, the rebel leaders, as well as the old, dying Emperor. Quite a few insults are thrown around; Worf & Wu do Klingon holo-excercises, there are a couple of space battles, and even a Klingon romance aboard the ship.

In the end, Gorkon’s motley crew come together in battle against six enemy ships, a few officers are reassigned, and Worf comes up with an idea that all three sides, the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the al’Hmatti, agree on. And Worf & Wu beam down to the embassy on Quo’nos, to prepare for Worf’s next assignment.

Familiair Klingons in TNG Diplomatic Implausibility

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