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Star Trek: The Next Generation Gateways - Doors Into Chaos

Review/Summary by Thomas Sharp

Star Trek: The Next Generation Gateways Book Three – Doors Into Chaos was written by Robert Greenberger. Mister Greenberger’s past contributions to the Star Trek universe include collaborations with Peter David and Michael Jan Friedman for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #20 Wrath of the Prophets, and three men joined Carmen Carter to write Star Trek: The Next Generation #12 Doomsday World. While Doors Into Chaos is not his first solo writing credit, it is the first that I have read, and I have to say, I was impressed.

Two hundred thousand years ago, the Iconians had a vast empire. They maintained control of it through a series of Gateways, portals that instantly transport people and ships across light years. The Iconian race disappeared, and traces of their technology led to legends building around them. The Galaxy-class ships USS Enterprise-D and Yamato investigated the Iconian homeworld, in the Romulan Neutral Zone in 2364. Almost a decade later, the crew of Deep Space Nine found an Iconian Gateway in the Gamma Quadrant.

Now, the Iconians have returned. And they want to sell their Gateway technology to the highest bidder. And their bargaining tactic is to activate all of the Gateways.

What follows is a series of interstellar incidents, ranging from theft of ancient artifacts to political assassinations. Races long separated now have access to each other, and old hatred and mistrusts are once again in play.

Admiral Bill Ross has summoned Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Counselor Deanna Troi to Earth. Since the Iconians approached the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Ross wants to show a unified front. The holo-briefing is held, and quite a few familiar faces pop up during it, including Colonel Kira & Commander Vaughn of DS9, Captain Mac Calhoun of the Excalibur-A, and Captain Solok of the T’Kumbra. Each of the commanders is given their orders. Captain Picard is placed in temporary command of the USS Marco Polo, a small but fast ship with a crew compliment of forty, and a bridge full of compulsive gamblers. Counselor Troi is assigned to the USS Mercury, as an advisor. The Marco Polo is to go to the Klingon Empire, while the Mercury is to go to Gorn space, and Ferenginar. And with Will Riker in command of the Enterprise-E, a war must be averted between Federation-member Deltans and the Carreon.

While these missions are being carried out, there are flashes of how the Gateways are affecting others. An alien who can’t be understood is labeled a demon cast out of Heaven, and tortured by clerics for three days. A group of athletes are killed by giant insects. School children go too far on a field trip. Plagues break out on planets that don’t have any immunity to the germs they are being exposed to.

And, of course, Picard, Troi and Riker come together, and form a united fleet to track down the Iconians. But what they learn, and the price of the knowledge, could spell disaster for the galaxy.

Well, this was certainly a quick read for me. The story is well told, and full of cameos any Star Trek fan (especially of Deep Space Nine) will enjoy. Picard’s love of archeology, and interest in the Iconians themselves is well told. The character of Deanna Troi certainly gets a lot to do in this book, which is certainly refreshing. And none of the TNG characters is neglected, they each seem to have something to do, including Ambassador Worf. This is the third book of the seven book series, but it is just one aspect of a massive event that will be told over the next three novels, and concluded in the finale, What Lay Beyond. Compared to the first two, this book is the best. But, I haven’t read Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Gateways – Demons of Air and Darkness (yet).

Star Trek: Gateways

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