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Saturday, 12 June 2004
Thank you Mr. President.
In January 1981, when I was a young and foolish man of 19 and Ronald Reagan became our 40th President, I hated him. I was frightened into thinking he would cause a nuclear war. The fears of a young leftist. By the time of the 84 Election, I was an eager voter and proudly cast my ballot for the Gipper. Now, I am sad, proud, delighted to be an American. I love the man and his Presidency. Watching his memorial services has forced me to reflect on the kind of man I was, who I am today, and what I will become. I only hope that I could tap into 1% of the good will, strength, and vision that Mr. Reagan had. Thank you Mr. President.

Posted by trek/barryjohnson at 4:07 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 July 2004 - 5:48 PM EDT

Name: Damian (Harris) Knofsky

Maybe in Jauary of 1981 you were young and foolish, but in 1981, I thought you were a wonderful, caring, sincere, silly, clever, witty, intelligent, searching, energetic, supportive, empathetic, friendly, and loving man anyone would be proud to know.

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