Squeem's BasicH information page
BasicH, written by Squeem, has been around for some time. It is a great piece of software and truely deserves one of my Visual Guides.
The earliest versions of this program were called Viyada and started with version 1.3. The most studied early version of this program is Viyada 1.6. It was very stable and useful on tough cards.
The latest and last version of this software is BasicH 3.3. It has all the latest features incorporated into it including image patching (can use a standard WT image file to patch a bin.)
Since I have had several requests to document this program into a visual guide, I am presently working on the project. As soon as it is completed, it will be linked to from this page. Our thanks go out to Squeem for his dedication to the hobby. No special files are required to run this software. It is Windows based and will run on any version for Win '95 and up. No DOS is required so it runs under ME and 2000 as well.
BasicH 3.3 Visual Guide ...... It is here, now!
BasicH 3.3 ..... Currently available for download so that you can get started with the learning process. Now covers up to USW67! TNX Squeem!
Viyada 1.6 ..... Currently available for download so that you can get started with the learning process.
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