HU Unlooping 


Yes, it's now a reality. Below you will find the currently available HU Unlooping packages. As more become available, they will be posted here! This is the package by unatester that started it all! Works on a variety of loaders. Read the documentation. This package contains the modified scripts to work with the HUFF Atmel. It was originally released at the Den. It tighten's up some of the code. This is the second unlooping package released by no1b4me. This works on many loaders that HUFF had problems with. This is the modified scripts for the above program that often speed up the program on some cards. This is the mikobu release package for the unlooping code and script.

    I would like to personally thank unatester and no1b4me for the above releases. I realize the great amount of work and time involved in producing this wonderful code for the community at large.

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