Dexter's Winexplorer information page
If you've been in the hobby for any length of time, you have seen the logo, above. We would like to thank Dexter for all of the wonderful versions of this program that he has released over the years. As always, Dexter's programs are Freeware and may not be sold in any way.
This program is the ultimate smartcard explorer software. It is designed to work on virtually any smartcard by virtue of the way the interface is designed. All baud rates, delays, etc. can be configured in the program and a setup saved for that particular type of card. While the early versions on Winexplorer were designed to operate with a Standard ISO Programmer, the later versions and expecially 4.6 will operate with and Unlooper or HU Loader. While you cannot use the toolbar functions with the loader or unlooper, it will talk to them via a script designed to do so. It will also work on P2 cards (H) and an unlooper if the Atmel chip is flashed with one of the WTplus codes that turns the unlooper into a Phoenix Mode ISO programmer. This mode will not work with P3 cards, however, as there is no provision to set the baud rate correctly. It can also work on BS cards in this mode if the Atmel chip is flashed with one of the WTbsboot codes which will supply the proper glitches to get around the damaged bootsector of the card.
The latest release of the program is Winexplorer 4.6. It has many added features over earlier versions and will be the version we use for the program study. To assist you in learning the program, Dexter has now included a new HTML help file along with it. It is included in the program zip file. My guide that is pictorial in nature, will allow you to follow along and visually understand the workings of this great program. The program not only runs scripts, but can be used to write your own or modify existing ones.
Winexplorer 5.0 This is the program that we will use for the study. It is the latest in a long line of wonderful freeware programs. Has encryption features built in.
Winexplorer 4.6 This is the program that we will use for the study. The standard of the industry and freeware, thanks to Dexter!
Winex46guide This is the guide that I wrote to study this program. It is pictorial just like all of the other guides. It will make understanding the program much easier.
Sct10en.exe This is the Microsoft script control required to run this program.
SCRIPT STUDY.......... I have included several useful scripts for use in the study of how Winexplorer 4.6 works. Study them. You can learn much from them.
HUtieract101..... This is a new activation script written by Robatmidcity. It incoporates HU glitching and activation in a script, rather than hex form used by Extreme.... a good study in tier work.
HUEclipse1.3..... While not currently working the clean function is excellent and the script is very stable. A good study in glitching.
HUEclipse1.7..... While not currently working the clean function is excellent and the script is very stable. A good study in glitching. It had the best cleaning function of all of the Eclipse scripts. This was the last released public version.
NewEra 1.2..... Currently working (10/25/01) is excellent and the script is very stable. This script was written by Mex and is included here as a study tool.
NewEra 1.3C..... Currently working (10/25/01) is excellent and the script is very stable. This script was written by Mex and is included here as a study tool.
NewEra 2.3..... While not currently working the clean function is excellent and the script is very stable. This script was written by Mex and is included here as a study tool.
VMUtoolkit201..... This is a nice H script for study of Winex. It has many functions and interfaces with Winexplorer and a standard ISO Programmer.
Turbounloop 1.0 This is the Winexplorer script written by AOL6945. It is an unlooping script that uses the features of Winexplorer to talk to an unlooper through the use of scripting.
Turbounloop 1.1 This is the Winexplorer script written by AOL6945. It is an unlooping script that uses the features of Winexplorer to talk to an unlooper through the use of scripting. This is the latest version of this popular script. I included it here for study.
TurboAux3.0 .....This is the Winexplorer script written by AOL6945. It uses a bootstrap loader and was designed to be used with an ISO Programmer. A very involved script, worthy of study.
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