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Federation Lackies

United Federation Of Planets

Though there is a loose alliance between the Federation and the Empire,the two governments were once at war with hostilities continuing for years after.The two governments put aside their differences with the Khitomer Accords after the destruction of the Klingon moon of Praxis,due to overmining.Some Klingons still do not accept this alliance and often some drunk Klingon will try to use a Federation starship as target practice.Though not an enemy,the Federation is a worthy opponent,hence their inclusion in the Tactical briefing.The Federation is a group of planets whos purpose is to promote peace and exploration of the galaxy.Founded in 2161,the Federation comprises more than 150 member planets over 8,000 light years.The Federation still has unresolved conflicts with the Romulans and the Tholians.Membership into the Federation requires a unified planetary goverment.Starfleet is just one facet of the Federation.Based in San Fransisco on the planet Earth,Starfleet is respected by most of the Empire,even though their policy of politics and diplomacy are signs of weakness.Starfleet is the operating authority for the interstellar scientific,exploration,and defense agency for the Federation.