(Mostly Digital Versions)
Table of CONTENTS:
- 1) PSYCHEDELIC Artwork
- 2) MISC. Artwork
- 3) SURF Artwork
- 4) CHRISTIAN Artwork
- 5) BIOGRAPHICAL Photos, Artwork, Etc.
- 6) Griffin AND/OR Other Artists
[NOTE: Many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me, yet having some name is necessary for organizational purposes. Thus, although I've used the real titles whenever possible, most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are actually just made-up names.]
- "Chuck Berry":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk04a [lg]"
- 2) Collectable Records- "Posters 3"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Chuck Berry"
- "Actually I'm Really Spaced!":
- 1a) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin- p.108
- 1b) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin- p.108 [sideways]
- 2) Lambiek.Net- "griffin1"
- 3) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk02a [lg]"
- "River of Tears":
- Original Artwork:
- Finished Version:
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800675- "griffin-scarab" ["River of Tears Scarab Postcard"]
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "riveroftearsa [lg]"
- 3a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911737738- "RiverofTears" [or "River of Tears"]
- 3b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910826450- "RiverofTears" [or "River of Tears"]
- "Monster [Steppenwolf]":
- Original Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "otb3a [lg]"
- Steppenwolf's Monster Album Cover:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "steppa [lg]"
- "Silver Dagger":
- BetterButCropped) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "otb5a [lg]"
- WorseButComplete) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Silver Dagger unsigned" [or "Silver Dagger"]
- "Jim Kweskin- Left & Right Halves::
- "Jim Kweskin- Left Half":
- Collectable Records- "Posters 13"
- "Jim Kweskin- Right Half":
- 1) Collectable Records- "Posters 14"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "unk12a [lg]"
- "Chrysler":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "chryslera [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800668- "ChryslerCatalog"
- 3) PosterGeist!- "PIC00002"
- "Zap Comix, No. 3 cover":
- Full-PossiblyBetter) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "zapa [lg]"
- Cropped-PossiblyWorse) Lambiek.Net- "griffin2"
- "Frank Zappa" & "Valhala":
- Frank Zappa Poster (Original Artwork):
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "zappaa [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Frank Zappa"
- Cropped&Edited ["Valhala"] Version:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "valhalaa [lg]"
- "Turkey Trot":
- BetterButCropped) PosterGeist!- "fdturkey"
- WorseButWhole) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "turkeya [lg]"
- "Surfing Eye":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "surfingeyea [lg]"
- 2) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "feye" [or "feye (2)"]
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911801556- "GRIFFIN-surfeye" ["'Surfing-Flying Eyeball' postcard"]
- "Rolling Stone":
- 1) PosterGeist!- "Poster106"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "rollingstonea [lg]"
- "Puff of Kief":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "puffofkiefa [lg]"
- 2) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "kief" [or "kief (2)"]
- "Pacific Vibrations":
- With Subtitle:
PosterGeist!- "Poster023" [better picture-quality than "pacificvibrationsa [lg]"]
- Without Subtitle:
Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "pacificvibrationsa [lg]" [worse picture-quality than "Poster023"]
- "Joint Show":
- 1) PosterGeist!- "PIC00005"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "jointshowa [lg]"
- "Huichol":
- Monocolor Versions:
- Black-On-White Version:
- BestMonocolor) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "huichol2a [lg]"
- Black-On-Brown Version:
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800669- "Sithat"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911746828- "mescalito" ["Mescalito Man Peyote Poster"]
- Color Version:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "huichol1a [lg]"
- "Human Be-In ['Gathering of Tribes'/'Powwow']":
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800671- "powwow" [1967]
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "gatheringoftribesa [lg]"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 721022644- "i-1 [probably cropped]"
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912428286- "POWOW"
- 5) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 721022644- "i-1"
- "FD-D 18 [Doors]" & original artwork:
- Original Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "doorsarta [lg]"
- Full Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "doorsa [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911799422- "grdoors-2" [1967 "Space Man"]
- 2) PosterGeist!- "Fdd18"
- "Pinnacle [Big Brother 2]":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother2a [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800665- "GRIFFIN-PINACLE" [1968]
- 3) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother2a [thumbnail]"
- "Big Brother 3":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother3a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother3a [thumbnail]"
- "Country Joe":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "countryjoea [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "countryjoea [thumbnail]"
- "Sail Kat":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "sailkata [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "sailkata [thumbnail]" [or "sailkata (2)"]
- "Contact":
- 1) Kallialcock [POSSIBLY www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk ?]- Misc- "Contact"
- 2) Collectable Records- "Posters 12"
- "Unnameable":
- 1) VividVision.Com- "RG16 [enlarged]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912448654- "unnamable"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Unnameable"
- 4) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "unk08a [lg]"
- 5) E-Bay- Rick Griffin- 721037465- "i-1 [probably cropped]"
- 6) E-Bay- Rick Griffin- 721037465- "i-1 [probably original]"
- "The Who" & "Promethean Enterprises version":
- Original Poster:
- Red, Purple & Blue With ORANGE:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "whoa [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "The Who"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912151477- "i-1"
- Red, Purple & Blue With YELLOW:
- "Promethean Enterprises" Version:
- "Captain Beefheart":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "beefhearta [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "PIC00012 [B]"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Captain Beefheart"
- 4) PosterGeist!- "beefheart"
- 5) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "beefhearta [thumbnail]" [or "beefhearta (1)"]
- "Hog Farm":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "hogfarma [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Exhibition- "Hog Farm"
- 3) Vivid Vision- "RG3"
- "Roundhouse" & "Sunderland":
- "Roundhouse":
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910811654
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "roundhousea [lg]"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800673- "ROUNDHOUSE" [1976 handbill]
- 4) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Exhibition- "Flyer from Roundhouse"
- "Sunderland":
- Kallialcock [POSSIBLY www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk ?]- Exhibition- "Poster from Sunderland"
- "Dead Cheer":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bluecheera [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912262107- "gratefuldeadgriffinpostcard"
- 3a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911746649- "gdshrine" ["Shrine"] [probably identical to #9108010714]
- 3b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 9108010714- "gdshrine" [probably identical to #911746649]
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin itmes- 911298720- "Shrine"
- 5) RickGriffinStidios.Com- Main- "deadcheer" [has CLIPPED EDGES]
- 6a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911292127- "deadcheerposter" [probably identical to #911296773]
- 6b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911296773- "deadcheerposter" [probably identical to #911292127]
- 7) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bluecheera [thumbnail]"
- "Can-a-blis":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "canablisa [lg]"
- 2) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "canabis"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Exhibition- "Can-a-blis"
- 4) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "canablisa [thumbnail]"
- "Aoxomoxoa":
- Poster (original) version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "deadaoxo1a [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Exhibition- "Aoxomoxoa"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910778537- "axoreprint"
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910811588- "gdoxo"
- 5a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911817719- "aoxomoxoagriffin" [handbill] [identical to #5b]
- 5b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911818112- "aoxomoxoagriffin" [poster] [identical to #5a]
- 6) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912718077- "DEAD"
- 7) E_Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.int2 [cropped-1]"
- 8) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "deadaoxo1a [thumbnail]"
- Album-Cover version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "deadaoxo2a [lg]"
- 2) Geocities- Grateful Dead- "Aoxomoxoa"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911888152- "i-1" [LP]
- 4) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "deadaoxo2a [thumbnail]"
- "Moody Blues":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "moodybluesa [lg]"
- 2a) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "21-24 Nov. 1968"
- 2b) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "21-24 Nov. 1968 [cropped]"
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 23"
- "Winterland 10-12 Oct. 1968" & "Fillmore 17-19 Oct. 1968 [BG 141]":
- "Winterland 10-12 Oct. 1968":
- Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "hendrix2a [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "JimiHendrixFillmorePostcard [cropped]"
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 21"
- Postcard:
- PosterGeist!- "JimiHendrixFillmorePostcard"
- "Fillmore 17-19 Oct. 1968" [BG 141]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "ironbutterflya [lg]"
- 2a) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "17-19 Oct. 1968"
- 2b) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "17-19 Oct. 1968 [cropped]"
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 22"
- 4a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911718611- "i-1 [cropped]"
- 4b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911718611- "i-1" ["BG 141... Masterpiece"]
- "Fillmore 12-14 Sept. 1968 [Big Brother & Santana]":
- Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother1a [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "photo70"
- 3) Kallialcock [POSSIBLY www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk ?]- Misc- "Big Bro & Santana"
- 4) Collectable Records- "Posters 19"
- 5) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "12-14 Sept. 1968"
- 6) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "bigbrother1a [thumbnail]"
- Alternate or Original Artwork:
- "Bloom":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "blooma [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "Poster134"
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 18"
- 4) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "blooma [thumbnail]"
- "Flying Eye" [Jimi Hendrix]:
- "Flying Eye" Jimi Hendrix Poster (Original Artwork):
- Full Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "hendrix1a [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "bg105.2"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Jimi Hendrix"
- 4) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Fillmore posters- 1968- "1&4 February 1968"
- 5) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.int1"
- 6) Collectable Records- "Posters 17"
- 7) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911991830- "i-1 [1]"
- Close-Up Details (top to bottom & left to right):
- a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911991830- "i-3"
- b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911991830- "i-1"
- c) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911991830- "i-2"
- "Vito" Tribute Poster:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911818126- "GRIFFINEYEVITO" ["Flying Eye poster"]
- "FD 101 [Quicksilver 'Bug']":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "quicksilvera [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Exhibition- "Quicksilver"
- 3) PosterGeist!- "fd101"
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911539784- "fd-101" [Bug poster]
- 5) Collectable Records- "Posters 5"
- 6) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Avalon posters- "12-14 January 1968"
- 7) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912109712- "i-1"
- "FD 89":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "familydoga [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911799413- "grquick2-2" [1967 poster FD089]
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 4"
- 4) PosterGeist!- "89"
- "79 ['Big Bro']":
- 1) Collectable Records- "Posters 2"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Big Bro"
- 3) PosterGeist!- "79"
- "Independance":
- border with shells:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "independancea [lg]"
- 2) Collectable Records- "Posters 1"
- 3) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Independance unsigned"
- 4) PosterGeist!- "69"
- "diploma-style" border:
- 1) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- Misc- "Independance signed"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "PIC00002"
- "Man From Utopia":
- original artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk06a [lg]"
- "comic-book" layout:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "manfromutopiaa [lg]"
- 2) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "utopia"
- 3) VividVision.Com- Underground Comix- "Man from Utopia comix"
- 4) Christian Comics Pioneer- "Utopia"
- 5) PosterGeist!- "i-1"
- "Meteor":
- Full Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "meteora [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911086512- "i-1_B"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911086512- "i-1_B_T" [thumbnail version of "i-1_B"]
- Close-Up Details (left to right):
- Close-Up Detail- Left) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911086512- "i-2_B_T"
- Close-Up Deatail- Right) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911086512- "i-3_B_T"
- "AOR 2-023" [Avalon]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk05a [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911102875- "aor2-023"
- "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory":
- 1a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- "721028547 [probably cropped]"
- 1b)E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 721028547- "i-1"
- "The Ninth Wave" [1986 poster]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "9th wavea [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911817645- "griffin 9thwave"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911795792- "9WAVE"
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800660- "9WAVE"
- "Hawaiian Aoxomoxoa" [1982 poster]:
- Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "deadhawaiia [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- "911799427"
- Sweatshirt:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912497652- "deadgray"
- "Do It In The Road":
- Full-Size Original:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "doita [lg]"
- Close-Up Detail:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGrifin.int4"
[Psychedelic Artwork- ONLY ONE COPY:]
- "Abba-Zaba":
- Collectable Records- "Posters 24"
- "2400 Fulton Street" [Jefferson Airplane]:
- Geocities- Jefferson Airplane- "2400 Fulton St."
- "AMA & Hendrix":
- www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "AMA & Hendrix"
- "Jook Savages":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "jooksavagesa [lg]"
- "Murphy 4":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "murphy4a [lg]"
- "Rank Strangers":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "rankstrangersa [lg]"
- "Renaissance Or Die":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "renaisancea [lg]"
- "KSAN":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "Ksana [lg]"
- "otb4":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "otb4a [lg]"
- "Kilroy Wuz Here! [otb6]":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "otb6a [lg]"
- "tftta2" [Murphy]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "tftta2a [lg]"
- "tftta3":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "tftta3a [lg]"
- "Characters":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "charactersa [lg]"
- "Dick Tracy":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "dicktracya [lg]"
- "Diversion":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "diversiona [lg]"
- "Quaker Popeye":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "quakerpopeyea [lg]"
- "2nd Annual Grope For Peace":
- "Prom3":
- "For Baby Blue [Grim Reaper]":
- 1a) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.105
- 1b) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.105 [sideways]
- "Bloom (Nya-Ha-Ha)":
- 1a) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.78
- 1b) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.78 [sideways]
- "Censer":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.189
- "Cold Blood" [1969]:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911630833- "i-1"
- "Mouse House" [1988 postcard]:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911796500- "griffin-mousehouse"
- "Silver Beetles or Mystery Monitor":
MISC. Artwork:
[NOTE: Most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are just made-up names. I have used the real titles whenever possible, but many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me.
(Having some name was necessary for organizational purposes, even if the piece is untitled or if the title is unknown.)]
- "Steal Your Face" [The Grateful Dead]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "deadsteala [lg]"
- 2) Geocities.Com- [SunsetStrip]- Grateful Dead- "Steal Your Face"
- "On The Border" [The Eagles]:
- 1) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "griffin2 [jpg]"
- 2) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "The Eagles - On The Border"
- "Late For The Sky" [Jackson Browne]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "brownea [lg]"
- 2a) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "Jackson Browne- Late For The Sky"
- 2b) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "griffin5"
- "Wake of the Flood" [The Grateful Dead]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "deadwakea [lg]"
- 2a) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "Grateful Dead - Wake of the Flood"
- 2b) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "griffin1"
- "India Ink":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "indiainka [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "Poster127"
- "Rare Cult"/"Soldier Blue" [The Cult]:
- "Rare Cult" Version [Finished Version?]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "cultrarea [lg]"
- "Soldier Blue" Version [Rough Draft?]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "soldierbluea [lg]"
- "Sail On Sailor" [Mustard Seed Faith]:
- Original Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "sailonsailora [lg]"
- Finished Album Cover:
- 1) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Sail On [unsigned]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912462022- "mustardseed"
- "Honk" & "Orange Jam":
- "Honk":
- BetterButSlightlyCropped) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "honka [lg]"
- WorseButUncropped) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "Honk [unsigned]"
- "Orange [County?] Jam":
- 1?) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912448824- "4-123hb"
- 2?) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912672599- "griffinjam"
- "Wild Flower" [The Cult]:
- Original Artwork- Rough Draft:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "wildflowera [lg]"
- LP-Cover Version:
- Geocities- The Cult- "Wildflower album cover"
- Picture-Disk Version:
- Geocities- The Cult- "BB picture disk"
- "Griffin Shield" [coat of arms]:
- 1) PosterGeist!- "PIC00010 [bmp1]"
- 2) Vivid Vision- "RG1"
- "Slow Motion" [Man]:
- Uncensored Version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "man5a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "man5a" [thumbnail]
- Censored Version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "man3a [lg]"
- 2) Geocities- Man- "Slow Motion [censored ver.]"
- "Sutters Mill":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 6- "suttersmilla [lg]"
- 2) Collectable Records- "Posters 7"
- 3) Vivid Vision- "RG2"
- "Sparrow Canned Heat" [The Charlatans]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "charlatans2a [lg]"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- Misc- "Charlatans"
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 10"
- "Tales of the Great Rum Runners" [Robert Hunter]:
- Both Sides:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912784256- "rumrunners"
- Front Only:
- 1) PosterGeist!- "Poster132"
- 2) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- Misc- "Robert Hunter"
- 3) Geocities- Robert Hunter- "Tales of the Great Rum Runners"
- "BG 137 [Bulls Eye]":
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911841898- "bg137p"
- 2) Collectable Records- "Posters 20"
- 3) PosterGeist!- "bg-137"
- "Cha-Rlat-Ans":
- Full Version [All 3]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "charlatansa [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910805389- "charlatanscards"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910805389- "charlatanscards [cropped?]"
- 4) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "charlatansa [thumbnail]"
- "Cha [FD 63]":
- 1) Collectable Records- "Posters 15"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910807591- "fd63p" [probably identical to #912458532]
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912458532- "fd63p" [probably identical to #910807591]
- "Rlat":
- Collectable Records- "Posters 16"
- "FD 54" [Soldiers]:
- Uncropped or Finished Version:
- 1) Collectable Records- "Posters 11"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912290289- "fd-054pc"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911361174- "i-1"
- Bottom-Cropped or Original Version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "dead1a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "dead1a [thumbnail]"
- "FD 58 ['Goldrush'/'The Pot']":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 4- "goldrusha [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911745033- "fd58"
- 3a) VisualGallery.Com- Family Dog Handbills- "fd58-1_large" [the same as #4]
- 3b) VisualGallery.Com- 4- "fd58-1_large" [the same as #3]
- 4) www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk [Kallialcock]- Misc- "original Goldrush"
- 5) Collectable Records- "Posters 9"
- 6) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Avalon posters- "21-22 April 1967"
- 7) San Diego Museum of Art- "high-pot"
- "FD 60 ['Motherload']":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "motherloada [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912498047- "fd060c"
- 3) VisualGallery.Com- 7- "motherload" [cropped on bottom]
- 4) Collectable Records- "Posters 8"
- 5) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911752067- "fd60"
- "FD 65 ['Magic Show' - Avalon Ballrooom 8-11 June 1967]":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "magicshowa [lg]"
- 2a) Family Dog Handbills- The Visual Gallery- "fd65-1_large" [probably identical to #2b]
- 2b) VisualGallery.Com- 6- "fd65-1_large" [probably identical to #2a]
- 3) Collectable Records- "Posters 6"
- 4) Rockmine- Archive- Gallery- Avalon posters- "8-11 June 1967"
- 5) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912306673- "i-1"
- "Man: Maximum Darkness":
- Front&Back) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911294586- "uag29872"
- FrontOnly) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "man2a [lg]"
- "Artist At Large":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "artistatlarge [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800662- "GRIFFIN-AAL"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912596047- "GriffinInkWell%201"
- "Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt":
- Full Version:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911799431- "jacksonbrowne"
- Cropped Version:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "jacksonbrownea [lg]"
- "HALO":
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911186300- "i-1 [BMP]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911186300- "i-1_T"
- "Top Hat":
- Full (Poster?) Version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "dead2a [lg]"
- 2a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911777482- "deadTOPHAT2"
- Close-Up Detail re. lithography:
- 2b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911777482- "litho"
- "Reckoning" [The Grateful Dead]:
- Album-Cover Version:
- myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "deadreckoninga [lg]"
- Poster Version:
- PosterGeist!- "PIC00012" [A]
- Cropped Version:
- Geocities- "Grateful Dead- Reckoning"
- "Dead Egypt" [The Grateful Dead]:
- 1) PosterGeist!- "PIC00011"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "deadegypta [lg]"
- "Europe 1990" & "Without A Net" [The Grateful Dead]:
- "Europe 1990" [The Grateful Dead]:
- Original Artwork? (WITHOUT "Europe 1990" text):
- On a Sweatshirt:
- 1a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912738893- "deadblack" [identical to #912286403]
- 1b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912286403- "deadblack" [identical to #912738893]
- Original or Cropped Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "deadeurope [lg]"
- Poster- All? Concert Dates (Oct. 13-31):
- Gig Dates- Complete:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin- 910702565- "i-1"
- Gig Dates- Enlarged Section:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin- 910702565- "i-2_T"
- Poster- Berlin (Oct. 19&20):
- Poster- Frankfurt (Oct. 22):
- 1a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912738893- "deadposter" [probably identical to #912286403]
- 1b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912286403- "deadposter" [probably identical to #912738893]
- "Without A Net" [The Grateful Dead]:
- 1-ButMoreCropped) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "dead3a [lg]"
- 2-ButLessCropped) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910810758
- 3) Geocities- Grateful Dead- "Without A Net"
[Misc. Artwork- ONLY ONE COPY:]
- "What A Long Strange Trip It's Been" [The Grateful Dead]:
- Geocities- "Grateful Dead- "What A Long Strange"
- "Happy New Year [dead4]" [The Grateful Dead]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "dead4a [lg]"
- "Twenty Years So Far" [The Grateful Dead]:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911800181- "GRIFFIN-GD"
- "The Portfolio of Underground Art":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "undergrounda [lg]"
- "unk09":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "unk09a [lg]"
- "unk11":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "unk11a [lg]"
- "unk13":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- unk13a [lg]"
- "Man: Endangered Species":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 13- "man1a [lg]"
- "Gordon":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "gordon1a [lg]"
- "PVHS 1962 Yearbook cover":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "PVHSinfoSept62a [lg]"
- "PVHS 1962 Yearbook misc. 1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "PVHSyearbook62_1a [lg]"
- "PVHS 1962 Yearbook misc. 2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "PVHSyearbook62_2a [lg]"
- "Changes":
- "Maranatha Easter Celebration":
- PosterGeist!- "PIC00010 [bmp2]"
- "Lucifer Rising":
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911801548- "GRIFFIN-lucifer"
- "Love Is The Key":
- Full:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912659696- "i-1_B"
- Close-Up Detail:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912659696- "i-1_B_T"
- "Medicine Show":
- www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- Misc- "Medicine Show"
- "Dylan & the Dead":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "dyldeada [lg]"
- "Peace on Earth" [The Grateful Dead]:
- Full:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911839603- "i-1"
- Uncut Proof Sheet:
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911839603- "i-2 [BMP]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911839603- "i-2_T"
- "The Oracle" [cover?]:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911801552- "GRIFFIN-oracle"
- "Artist Rights Today (ART)":
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912611761- "art2-silk"
- "Lady Luck":
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "Rick Griffin.int3 [cropped-1]"
SURF Artwork:
[NOTE: Many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me, yet having some name is necessary for organizational purposes. Thus, although I've used the real titles whenever possible, most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are actually just made-up names.]
- "Five Summer Stories" & "Five Summer Stories Plus Four":
- "Five Summer Stories":
- Original Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "fivesummerstoriesa [lg]"
- Honk's Soundtrack Album Cover:
- 1a) Geocities- "Honk- Five Summer Stories" [probably identical to #1b]
- 1b) Geocities- Rick Griffin record covers- "griffin2 [gif]" [probably identical to #1a]
- "Five Summer Stories Plus Four":
- Full Poster:
- 1) PosterGeist!- "Poster109 [better]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "Poster015 [worse]"
- Cropped Poster:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "5plus4a [lg]"
- "Surf Hopi":
- Complete Triptych:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "tftt1a [lg]"
- Rightmost Triptych (#1 of 3):
- RickGriffinStudios.Com- main- "surfhopi"
- "Cowabunga! & Yowza!" & "Cowabunga!":
- "Cowabunga & Yowza!":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "murphy3a [lg]"
- "Cowabunga!":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "murphy5a [lg]"
- "Noll Price":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "GriffinNollPricea [lg]"
- 2) SurfClassics.Com- "Noll Price"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 1867286353- "i-1"
- "Noll Big Guns":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "GriffinNollBigGunsa [lg]"
- 2) SurfClassics.Com- "Noll Big Guns"
- "Noll":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "GriffinNolla [lg]"
- 2) SurfClassics.Com- "Noll"
- "Cat On A Hot Foam Board":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "GriffinCatOnAHotFoamBoarda [lg]"
- 2) SurfClassics.Com- "Cat On A Hot Foam Board"
- "unk03" & "Dread Tube" & "Tales From The Tube" & "Tales From The Tube [Comic-Book Version]:
- "unk03" [very similar to "Dread Tube]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk03a [lg]"
- "Dread Tube" [original artwork]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 3- "dreadtubea [lg]"
- "Tales From The Tube":
- "Tales From The Tube" Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "talesa [lg]"
- 2) PosterGeist!- "Poster 014"
- "Tales From The Tube" Soundtrack Album Cover:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912648743- "ebay12022"
- "Tales From The Tube [Comic-Book Version]":
- Uncropped version:
- 1) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "tales"
- Cropped version:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "talesfromthetubea [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911820544- "griffintalesed3502028"
- "More of Murphy [The Surfer Vol.3 No.3 (Aug-Sept) magazine cover]":
- Original Artwork:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 1867108167- "i-1"
- The Surfer Magazine Cover:
- 1) RickGriffinStudios.Com- main- "murf."
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "murphy1a [lg]"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.int3 [cropped-2]"
- "Blazing Boards" [Handbill?]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "blazingboardsa [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911801543- "GRIFFIN-blazingsurf"
- 3) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "blazingboardsa [thumbnail]"
- "The Challenger's Band Cartoon Book":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "challengers01a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 1- "challengers01a [thumbnail]"
- "The Challenger's Band" Decal:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "chal_decala [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "chal_decala [thumbnail]"
- "Woody's Goodies":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "woodysa [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 2- "woodysa [thumbnail]"
[Surf Artwork- ONLY ONE COPY:]
- "Murphy 2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 5- "murphy2a [lg]"
- "Murphy 6":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "murphy6a [lg]"
- "Scubie The Pro Body Surfer":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 10- "murphy7a [lg]"
- "Murphy Hits The Skids" (Pages 1 & 2):
- "Murphy Hits The Skids- Page 1" [Murphy 8]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "murphy08a [lg]"
- "Murphy Hits The Skids- Page 2" [Murphy 9]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "murphy09a [lg]"
- "Surfing Snowman" [Murphy 10]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "murphy10a [lg]"
- "Murphy Sez" [Murphy 11]:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "murphy11a [lg]"
- "Murphy 12":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "murphy12a [lg]"
- "Hey Looky [Challengers 13]":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "challengers13a [lg]"
- "Rick 01":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "rick01a [lg]"
- "Rick 02":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 11- "rick02a [lg]"
- "Hapless Hank":
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "GriffCar"
- "What's Happening In Orange County" Issue 24 (June 1982):
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "happenina [lg]"
- "Surfside Records 1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "surfside1a [lg]"
- "Surfside Records 2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 15- "surfside2a [lg]"
- "The Packards with Rocket 88's" Poster:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 16- "packardsa [lg]"
- "Greg Noll Jon":
- SurfClassics.Com- "Greg Noll Jon"
- "Gremlin Element [Attention Surfers]":
- SurfClassics.Com- "Gremlin Element Jon"
- "Spinning Boards":
- SurfClassics.Com- "Spinning Boards Jon"
- "Sunset Surf Craze":
- SurfClassics.Com- "Sunset Surf Craze Jon"
- "Surf Happy":
- SurfClassics.Com- "Surf Party Jon"
[NOTE: Many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me, yet having some name is necessary for organizational purposes. Thus, although I've used the real titles whenever possible, most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are actually just made-up names.]
- "tftta5" ["ArtSm"]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "tftta5a [lg]"
- 2) Christian Comics Pioneer- "GrifArtSm"
- "The Gospel of John":
- Full Poster:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "gospel1a [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 722262106
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910814064- "john1"
- 4) Christian Comics Pioneer- "RGospelJ"
- Detail Analyses:
- 1st vs. 2nd Printings Comparison #1:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910814064- "gosp02"
- 1st vs. 2nd Printings Comparison #2:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 910814064- "gosp03"
- "Revelation" [Darrell Mansfield]:
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "Mansfield"
- Geocities- "Darrell Mansfield- Revelation"
- "The Crucifixtion":
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 9- "crucifixa [lg]"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911799061- "!griffin-crucifix"
- "Hosana":
- 1a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.int2 [cropped-2a]"
- 1b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.int2 [cropped-2b]"
[Christian Artwork- ONLY ONE COPY:]
- "GrifSm2" [Murphy]:
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "GrifSm2"
- "Jesus Loves You":
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "JLYGriff"
- "Gospel 2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 12- "gospel2a [lg]"
- "Gospel 3 ['But the water...']":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "gospel3a [lg]"
- "Gospel 4":
- Myraltis. Co.Uk- gallery 14- "gospel4a [lg]"
- "Gospel 6":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- galley 14- "gospel6a [lg]"
- "Grant Me Lord... [tftta4]":
- Original Artwork:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 14- "tftta4a [lg]"
- Calendar Version:
- full calendar:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 1569110998- "i-1_B"
- close-up detail:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 1569110998- "i-1_B_T"
- "Last Times Concert":
- full poster:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 72232698- "i-1_B"
- close-up details (top-bottom):
- "Last Times Concert" detail:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 72232698- "i-2_B_T"
- planet[?] detail:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 72232698- "i-3_B_T"
BIOGRAHICAL Photos, Artwork, Etc.:
[NOTE: Many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me, yet having some name is necessary for organizational purposes. Thus, although I've used the real titles whenever possible, most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are actually just made-up names.]
- "Rick 1" Photograph:
- RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "rick1"
- "Rick 2" Photograph:
- RickGriffinStudios.Com- main- "rick2"
- "rg2" Photograph:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg2a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg2a [thumbnail]"
- "rg3" Photograph [Avalon Ballroom group photo]:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg3a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg3a [thumbnail]"
- "rg4" Photograph:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg4a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg4a [thumbnail]"
- "Rick, Ida & Flavin" Photograph:
- full photo:
- Rebirth- "Rick, Ida & Flavin"
- cropped detail (Rick's face):
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "RickG5"
- "Pieta" Photograph:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912776084- "pieta"
- "POS-MUS-9372" Photograph:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912030774- "POS-MUS-9372"
- "rg5" Photograph:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg5a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg5a [thumbnail]"
- "rg1" Photograph:
- 1) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg1a [lg]"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "rg1a [thumbnail]"
- 3a) Christian Comics Pioneer- "RickTop [cropped]"
- 3b) Christian Comics Pioneer- "RickTop"
- "'rg1' Photograph + Book-Cover Illustration":
- Christian Comics Pioneer- "RickTop"
- "Signature + Dates" & "Signatures" & "Rick Griffin Studios":
- "Signature + Dates":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- Main- "signature1"
- "Signature":
- VividVision.com- "untitled 1"
- "Rick Griffin Studios":
- 1) RickGriffinStudios.Com- main- "rslogo200"
- 2) RickGriffinStudios.Com- 2- "rslogo120.jog"
- "Book-Cover Illustration" & "unk01":
- "Book-Cover Illustration":
- Book-Cover Illustration with additional text:
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "bookinfo"
- Book-Cover Illustration:
- 1-BestButWithSomeText) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912608267- "GriffinBook"
- 2) Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 8- "unk07a [lg]"
- 3) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911931324- "RickGriffin.cvr"
- 4) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 723087602
- 5) VividVision.com- "RG9"
- "unk01":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- gallery 7- "unk 01a [lg]"
- "European Limited Edition [1976]":
- www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- Exhibition- "European Lim. Ed."
Griffin AND/OR Other Artists:
[NOTE: Many of these pieces of artwork are either untitled or the titles are unknown to me, yet having some name is necessary for organizational purposes. Thus, although I've used the real titles whenever possible, most of the "titles" of these pieces of artwork are actually just made-up names.]
- By Rick Griffin AND OTHER ARTISTS:
- "BZIT" with R. Crumb, Victor Moscoso, & S. Clay Wilson:
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.59
- "1989 Zap Handbill" with R. Crumb & Victor Moscoso:
- 1a) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911818205- "griffinmoscosozap" [probably identical to #911795737]
- 1b) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 911795737- "zaps" [probably identical to #911818205]
- POSSIBLY Not By Griffin:
- "rickback":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "rickback"
- "untitled 1" [probably from either "Hawaiian Aoxomoxoa" or "Aoxomoxoa"]:
- www.sunnycot.demon.co.uk- "untitled 1"
- BUTTONS from Myraltis.Co.Uk:
- "Bio1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "bio1"
- "Bio2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- Bio- "bio2"
- "Galleries1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "galleries1"
- "Guest1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "guest1"
- "Links1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "links1"
- "Main1":
- "Main2":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "main2"
- "Memories1":
- Myraltis.Co.Uk- main- "memories1"
- "Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.62":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.62 [possibly not Griffin]
- "Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.79":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.79 [possibly not Griffin]
- "Camel [Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.183]":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.183 [possibly not Griffin]
- Prison ["Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.187"]:
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.187 [possibly not Griffin]
- "OH NO [Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.195]":
- 1a) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.195 [possibly not Griffin]
- 1b) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.195 (sideways) [maybe not Griffin]
- "Smoother... More Satisfying!! [Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.198]":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.198 [possibly not Griffin]
- PROBABLY Not By Griffin:
- "untitled [like Flying Eye]":
- Rockument- Hippies- "untitled" [probably not Griffin]
- "untitled [like Flying Eye on Haight-Ashbury In The Sixties]":
- Rockument- Haight-Ashbury- "untitled" [probably not Griffin]
- "untitled 1 [Shoney's Big Boy]":
- Rebirth- "untitled 1" [probably not Griffin]
- "Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.20":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.20 [probably not Griffin]
- "Luna Toon":
- 1a) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.101 [probably not Griffin]
- 1b) Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.101 (sideways) [probably not Griffin]
- "Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.199":
- Trips by Cheryl Pellerin p.199 [probably not Griffin]
- "ordering [woman with flower]":
- Vivid Vision- "ordering" [probably not Griffin]
- BASED On Griffin:
- Aoxomoxoa kite:
- Kurock- "Kite 1"
- Kurock- "Kite 2"
- Kurock- "Kite 3"
- Kurock- "Kite 4"
- Kurock- "Kite 5"
- Kurock- "Kite 6"
- Kurock- "Kite 7"
- Kurock- "Kite 8"
- Kurock- "Kite 9"
- Aoxomoxoa-based tattoo:
- full tattoo:
- 1) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912027521- "i-1_B"
- 2) E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912027521- "i-3_B_T"
- close-up details:
- E-Bay- Rick Griffin items- 912027521- "i-2_B_T"