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Pictures of Dave Catzel family

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Edie Catzel, wife of Wolfie Bernard Catzel

Edie Catzel, wife of Wolfie Bernard Catzel

Dave and Ray Catzel with their sons, Pinkie and Irwin

Dave and Ray Catzel with their sons, Pinkie and Irwin

Dave Catzel and wife, Ray (nee Shneiderman)


Dave Catzel and wife, Ray (nee Shneiderman)


Dave and Ray Catzel with Dave's cousin Millie's husband, Max Wald and Max's brother, Herman Wald (see Yankel Katzel line - Isadore Katzel)

Dave and Raye Catzel with Dave's cousins, the Wald brothers

Pinkie Catzel and first wife, Bernice (nee Cohen)

Pinkie Catzel with first wife, Bernice Cohen-Catzel

My EMAIL: joancatzel_AT_yahoo_DOT_com