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Bill Hillman's

Volume 484

Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Completed by ERB in January 1913
Working titles: Monsieur Tarzan and The Ape-Man
N. C. Wyeth: Return of Tarzan - 26 interior b/w headpieces by St. John (debut)New Story - July 1913 - The Return of Tarzan 2/7New Story - August 1913 - The Return of Tarzan 3/7


New Story Magazine: 1913 June through December
    N. C. Wyeth: June and August covers ~ Unknown artist: one title headpiece in each issue
A. C. McClurg "printer's dummy" or "unique salesman's copy": Prior to March 1915
A. C. McClurg paperbound "pre-publication copy" prior to March 10, 1915 ~ 365 pages
A. C. McClurg: March 10, 1915 ~ 365 pages
    N. C. Wyeth: DJ (same as New Story August) ~ J. Allen St. John: 26 interior b/w headpieces
A. C. McClurg: after March 10, 1915 ~ six additional printings
A. L. Burt Co.: 1916
A. L. Burt Co.: 1916-1919 ~ annual reprint editions
Grosset & Dunlap: 1927
Grosset & Dunlap: 1935
Big Little Book: Whitman Publishing 1936 ~ abridged from 1929 daily strip ~ 432 pages
    Rex Maxon: cover and 209 interiors
Armed Services Edition #0-22 pocket-sized paperback by Armed Services, Inc. ~ 287 pages
    Cover: picture of the Methuen DJ and no interiors
Grosset & Dunlap "Madison Square" wartime edition: 1943 ~ 314 pages
    N. C. Wyeth: DJ ~ J. Allen St. John title page decoration but no interiors
Grosset & Dunlap: April 1948
    C. Edmund Monroe, Jr.: DJ ~ Rafael Palacios: end paper map and board and title page drawings
Ballantine Books paperback: July 1963 ~ 221 pages
    Richard Powers cover
Grosset & Dunlap: 1967 ~ 314 pages
    C. Edmund Monroe, Jr.: illustrated cloth cover
Whitman Publishing: 1967 ~ 214 pages
    Al Anderson: illustrated board covers and 12 interiors (with Sparky Moore)
Ballantine Books paperback: February 1967 ~ 221 pages
    Ron Ely photo cover NBC-TV series tie-in
Ballantine Books paperback: April 1969
    Robert Abbett cover
Ballantine Books paperback: April 1975
    Neal Adams cover

For detailed information see: Bob Zeuschner's  ERB: The Exhaustive Scholar’s and Collector’s Descriptive Bibliography

N. C. Wyeth: Return of Tarzan - 26 interior b/w headpieces by St. John (debut)
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Interior Art by J. Allen St. John

Summary (from blurb in Ballantine edition)

Tarzan had renounced his right to the woman he loved, and civilization held no pleasure for him. After a brief and harrowing period among men, he turned back to the African jungle where he had grown to manhood. It was there he first heard of Opar, the city of gold, left over from fabled Atlantis. It was a city of hideous men—and of beautiful, savage women, over whom reigned La, high priestess of the Flaming God. Its altars were stained with the blood of many sacrifices. Unheeding of the dangers, Tarzan led a band of savage warriors  toward the ancient crypts and the more ancient evil of Opar.

Munroe DJ: Return of Tarzan: Later G and D editionArmed Forces edition Return of TarzanRex Maxon cover: Big Little Book edition
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
The Return of Tarzan


I. The Affair On The Liner
II. Forging Bonds of Hate and ------?
III. What Happened in the Rue Maule
IV. The Countess Explains
V. The Plot That Failed
VI. A Duel
VII. The Dancing Girl of Sidi Aissa
VIII.The Fight in the Desert
IX. Numa "El Adrea"
X. Through the Valley of the Shadow
XI. John Caldwell, London
XII. Ships That Pass
XIII. The Wreck of the "Lady Alice"
XIV. Back to the Primitive
XV. From Ape to Savage
XVI. The Ivory Traders
XVII. The White Chief of the Waziri
XVIII. The Lottery of Death
XIX. The City of Gold
XX. La
XXI. The Castaways
XXII. The Treasure Vaults of Opar
XXIII. Fifty Frightful Men
XXIV. How Tarzan Came Again to Opar
XXV. Through the Forest Primeval
XXVI. The Passing of the Ape-Man

Olga de Coude neé Rokoff: Countess, wife of Raoul, sister of Rokoff
Raoul de Coude: Count, official of the Ministry of War 
Tarzan of the Apes: aka Monsieur Jean C. Tarzan, John Caldwell, 
                                      John Clayton, Lord Greystoke
Nikolas Rokoff: aka M.Thuran
Alexis Paulvitch: assistant to Rokoff, Countess de Coude's evil brother 
Paul d'Arnot: Tarzan's friend, French Navy Lieutenant
Jacques: servant to Countess de Coude 
M. Flaubert: duel second to Count de Coude 
General Rochere: Paris bureau chief, French Foreign Legion 
Lieutenant Gernois: Foreign Legion officer suspected of selling secrets
Captain Gerard: Tarzan's Foreign Legion friend in Oran
Abdul: Tarzan's interpreter at Sidi Aissa 
Kadour ben Saden: Shiek of a desert tribe south of Djefa 
Ouled-Nail: dancing girl in Sidi Aissa, Kadour's daughter 
Ali-ben-Ahmed: Shiek whose tribe captures Tarzan 
Ahmet-din-Taieb: Ouled-Nail's cousin, tribesman of Ali-ben-Ahmed 
Hazel Strong: Baltimore heiress, Jane Porter's bestfriend
Archimedes Q. Porter: Professor from Baltimore MD
Jane Porter: Prof. Porter's daughter, fianceé of William Clayton
Samuel T. Philander: Prof Porter's secretary and assistant
William Cecil Clayton: Tarzan's cousin, suitor of Jane Porter
Esmeralda: maid to the Porters
Lord Tennington: Londoner, owner of yacht Lady Alice
Captain Jerrold: captain of the Lady Alice
Busili: the first Waziri Tarzan meets 
Thompkins, Spider,Wilson: sailors who survive the wreck of the Lady Alice 
Tha: insane Priest of Opar 
La: High Priestess of the Flaming God of Opar 
Karnath, Magor:  Members of Tarzan's ape tribe 
Dufranne: Captain of a French cruiser 
Cast List Ref: Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia and Ed Stephan's Tarzan of the Internet


From 1913, where it appeared as a seven part serial beginning with the June issue of NEW STORY MAGAZINE, this is great stuff.  So much happens in this book, yet it never feels dense and the pages practically turn themselves. After starting off with a few of the stale, tired entries from the second half of the series, reading one of the first dozen Tarzan books is a refreshing reminder of why Edgar Rice Burroughs was such a major writer of adventure fiction.

THE RETURN OF TARZAN contains some of the most important moments of the canon. Tarzan marries Jane after much agita and suffering (their love seems genuine and poignant here, strange considering how they seem to drift apart later). He meets the noble Waziri, becomes one of them and eventually their chief. He discovers Opar, first of the many lost cities he will find scattered around Africa, and here he tangles with that other woman in his life, La (I had forgotten that La and Jane had met and that in fact La was about to carve Jane`s giblets when Tarzan interfered; another good reason not to let your girlfriends cross paths). Where TARZAN OF THE APES ended on a wonderfully melodramatic note of romance and self sacrifice, THE RETURN OF TARZAN sets up the framework for the rest of the series. 

What I enjoyed most about this book was how complex and introspective Tarzan himself is. After TARZAN AT THE EARTH`S CORE, all those amnesia inducing concussions seemed to have left the Apeman rather dim, a sullen brute moping around with not much on his mind. Here, though, he`s a creature unique in the world. Even though he seems to be able to get along perfectly well wherever he finds himself, Tarzan is also never entirely at home anywhere, always an outsider and a strange one. (His physical abilities help him dominate civilized society through action and charisma, while his intelligence and inventiveness helps him
take over when back in the jungles; it`s a neat twist.) 

The book gives the Apeman some lengthy episodes in Paris and Algeria; I really would have liked to have seen Burroughs do more of this, rather than dragging out the warring pair of hiden cities one more time. Tarzan in Paris, smoking cigarettes and sipping absinthe* as he enjoys the nightclubs  and museums, is a great reminder our hero has spent considerable time cultivating that thin veneer of sophistication he likes to shed when provoked. He`s not simply enduring civilization grudgingly, either. ("In the daytime he haunted the libraries and picture galleries. He had become an oniverous reader...." determined to learn as much history and culture as he could.) This is after all a man who as a boy taught himself to read just out of sheer curiousity and determination. We find out in a later book he has learned Latin so he can enjoy the classics.

Tarzan gets caught up in a mildly sordid domestic scandal, thrashes ten tough Apaches in a terrific scene, fights a pistol duel he doesn`t expect to survive, and in general has a lively time. Then, of all things, he becomes an investigator for the French Foreign Legion (posing as an American big game hunter!) and finds himself running around Algeria after possible traitors. Here, our hero befriends a sheik and fits in so happily with a crew of tough desert Arabs that he is tempted to stay with them permanently. It`s one of the most interesting  and yet least remembered episoes in the Apeman`s exploits. (It would have been great if Burroughs had later written Tarzan joining up with a bunch of real Apaches, wandering the Yukon or heading up the Amazon to tangle with the Jivaros. Throwing different challenges at the Apeman, even for only half a book, might have kept the series fresh.)

Two thirds of the way through the book, the Apeman is given the heave ho over the rails of a ship off the African coast and just happens to swim ashore within spitting distance of the cabin where he was born. Imagine that. Burroughs uses up a writer`s career allotment of coincidence right here, as virtually everyone important to the saga somehow ends up on that spot: Jane and her unfortunate fiancee William Clayton, her addled father, her friend Hazel Strong, even Paul D`Arnot (Even Tarzan is confounded by all this. "Paul! In the name of sanity what are you doing here?"). 

A little hard to believe, but if you`re going to read more Edgar Rice Burroughs (or pulp fiction in general), get used to having one-in-a-million chances lying thick on the ground. Probably, with more planning time and care, Burroughs could have come up plausible ways to drag all these characters together at just the right time. But what the heck, that wasn`t the kind of story he was telling. It`s meant to be a rollercoaster of thrills and chills, where you just hang on and enjoy the ride.

It`s interesting, too, that as much as he loves being back in the jungle, the animals don`t particularly care that Tarzan has returned. When he finds his tribe of great apes, they don`t really remember him at first; although the apes accept him back and get to admire the way he finds food, they`re not wild about Tarzan and certainly didn`t miss him. ("But who or what of all the myriad jungle would there be to welcome his return? Not one. Only Tantor, the elephant, could he call friend. The others would hunt him or flee from him as had been their way in the past.")

The weakest part of the book in my view is the Russian spy, Nikolas Rokoff. Like Dan Backslide, he`s a coward, bully, cad and thief. Rokoff is so completely vile and unpleasant that he stops seeming to be a human being and ends up being almost amusing as he doesn`t miss a single chance to harass and annoy everyone. And Tarzan keeps letting him go with stern warnings! (Well, in the next book, though, Rokoff pays off his bad karma.) The ill fated William Clayton, who mean well and does his best but who just isn`t up the trials he must face, comes across as believable and very human in contrast. He, Tarzan and Jane all make their decisions (in the tangled mess of who is going to get married and who inherit the Greystoke title) with such thoughtfulness and concern with right and wrong that they all deserve to be rewarded. 


Visit the ERB Online Bibliography to see larger image covers

Chapter Head Pieces by J. Allen St. John

I. The Affair On The LinerII. Forging Bonds of Hate and ------?
III. What Happened in the Rue MauleIV. The Countess Explains
V. The Plot That FailedVI. A DuelVII. The Dancing Girl of Sidi AissaVIII.The Fight in the DesertIX. Numa El AdreaX. Through the Valley of the ShadowXI. John Caldwell, LondonXII. Ships That PassXIII. The Wreck of the Lady AliceXIV. Back to the PrimitiveXV. From Ape to SavageXVI. The Ivory TradersXVII. The White Chief of the WaziriXVIII. The Lottery of DeathXIX. The City of GoldXX. LaXXI. The CastawaysXXII. The Treasure Vaults of OparXXIII. Fifty Frightful MenXXIV. How Tarzan CAme Again to OparXXV. Through the Forest PrimevalXXVI. The Passing of the Ape-Man

John Clayton, Lord Greystoke
Richard Powers cover: Ballantine 63Ron Ely TV tie-in cover: Ballantine 1967Richard Abbett cover: Ballantine 1969Richard Abbett cover: Ballantine 1972Neal Adams cover: Ballantine 1981Charles Ren cover: Ballantine 1984Barclay Shaw cover: Ballantine 1993
Goulden edition 1951 UKEdward Mortelmans art Four Square edition 1959 UKEdward Mortelmans art: Four Square edition 1964 UKFlamingo edition 1972NEL edition 1975 UK
Methuen UK Edition
Methuen art courtesy J. G. Huckenpöhler: Huck's ERB Collector's Pocket Checklist

Bill Hillman's Illustrated ERB Bibliography
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Online Encyclopedia
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
ERBList Summary Project by ERB Fans
J. Allen St. John Bio, Gallery & Links
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
Bruce Wood's ERB Jacket Store
Ed Stephan's Tarzan of the Internet
Nick Knowles' ERB Paperback Collector
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzin-e Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography


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