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 Welcome to Cooper Cox's Travel Journal      


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                                      Photo Album        Mom's Comments

Happy Chinese New Year!  It's the year of the Rooster!
No we didn't plan this!!
Like to know more about the year of the rooster? Check out this site 


For you who don't know what's going on,  we're having a little joke on a friend.  We want this friend to think that her ceramic chicken, Cooper Cox, is traveling the world.  He got a taste for traveling when he hid in her van!  Cooper started in Halfway, Or. on January 3rd and then headed to Baker City.   

We are asking everyone to mail a postcard to "Mom" with a short note about my visit to your town.  Don't wait for me to show up on your doorstep, just mail a card when you want.  If you would like to, please copy my picture and paste on a photo of yours, then print and mail it to mom.    Also, email it to us and we will include it in our photo album.  Click here for mail and email info.  Please print any notes to mom so it will look like chicken writing!!  Have fun with this.  You could put an outfit on cooper, have him swimming, get stickers for his suitcase (address to send them coming soon), invite him to your wedding!

Check here for new information on where Cooper is now, what he's been up to and who has visited.  I will also keep you updated on Mom's comments!!!

Recently, Mom received several postcards in one day.  She has now started to think of different things to do to get even.  Unfortunately she has no idea who all is involved. So she has been coming to a few of us to get help.  We of course keep a very straight face and help  her all we can! Check out the new page we've just added.  Counter Attack


We are working on several different ideas on what Cooper will be doing and who he will meet along the way.  And we will ask for specific pictures/postcards from you so be sure to check our list and maybe you'll have one that we need.

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