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Title: The Deltabury Shipping Lanes, episode 2
Author: Amiroq. the KiTfox
Rating: PG 
Codes: H; C/T
Size: 8K

Teaser: It's time for a different view of the Voyager... Inspired by daytime soaps I watched all holidays, especially in the week when the rest of my siblings - the ones I talk to at least - were off at school and I wasn't. Bittersweet blessings...

Shot of stars going past. VO begins.

"Somewhere, far far away, in a different time and place; a lone ship warps through the endless stars.... Its mission: to get home. Somehow. Someday.

"But in the meantime, the USS Voyager will encounter many strange, bizarre, and just outright weird things. Just one of the millions to come is dead ahead... and it won't go away."

Voyager moves on screen, and we zoom in to see:

Harris is still looking at the PADD in his hands, which are trembling slightly. The camera zooms to his face: a mixture of fear, terror, fright, horror and anxiety is stationed there. Finally he runs into the bathroom and finds his commbadge, and is about to tap it when he reconsiders: "Someone could have bugged it," he whispers. He dresses instead, and leaves his quarters, PADD still in hand, not forgetting to lock up.

In the shadows, a figure watches.



Captain Janeway as Katie
Commander Chakotay as Chaz
Lieutenant Tuvok as Russell
Lieutenant Torres as Biancabella
Ensign Paris as Eugene
Ensign Kim as Harris
The Doctor as Doctor Ya Who
Kes as Kassandra
Neelix as Neil
Seven of Nine as Annika

Neil, a pudgy, cheerful little guy with a yellow mohawk and spots, is slicing sandwiches and humming the theme tune to 'Star Trek: Voyager' when a shadow falls across the counter. He looks up, and grins gleefully. "Annika! How wonderful to see you here. I've just finished making some bacon pie. Would you like to try some?"

"No." Annika is wearing her long golden hair out, and it cascades over her shoulders like a glass of white wine in mid-spill. "I... need some advice."

"Well, you've come to the right place. What would you like to know?"

"I feel guilty." She pauses, then adds, "Eugene propositioned me.... *Before* he and Biancabella terminated their sexual relationship."

Neil hesitates: this isn't the sort of thing he wants to get involved in. "Oh."

"I am having a moral dilemma. Should I inform Biancabella of what has occured? Or would it serve no purpose other than to anger her further?"

"Well... I, uh, can't say I've ever been in that sort of situation before.... Maybe Chaz or Harris could help you with that..?" He starts putting sandwiches on a tray and slides it into the display case between jelly doughnuts and leola mousse.

"The situation is complicated further by the fact that I have recently become interested in an intimate relationship with Eugene. Should I pursue this option?"

"I think that's for you decide," he says. "Right now I have customers to serve. Perhaps you could come back later?"

She eyes him suspiciously - there is no one around. But she nods anyway; "Understood;" and walks away.

Constable Katie sets the PADD down with an air of grim finality. "There's no denying it," she says. "Somebody wants you dead."

Harris nods, standing on the other side of her desk next to Russell, looking down at her. "I have no idea who, though. I always try to keep everyone happy."

"We need to go through a list of suspects," Russell adds. "We should start interviewing people, see who knows what. Keep things discreet, look for any clues we can. This person could be a professional; they knew not to send a message in case we could trace it."

"What if we checked for fingerprints? Whoever it was had to have left residual DNA traces on the casing."

Katie shakes her head. "Maybe. I'll ask Doctor Who to check that. Russell, start a suspects list. Harris... if anything happens, keep us informed."

"Yes, sir."

"Bianca?" There is a shape moving around at the door of Biancabella's quarters; darkened but recognisable.

"What do you want, Chaz?" she asks from a particuarly dark corner.

"I heard you finally left that pig Eugene. I wanted to see how you were doing." Chaz moves toward the corner, which is now lit by the camera lights.

"I'm fine. I didn't want Neil to start trying to interview me about my side of the story."

He laughs softly, sitting down next to her. "You still like the dark, do you?"

"I've always found it very... secretive," she says, her voice low and husky. "I like the idea that no one can see what we're doing."

"What are you saying, Bianca?"

"What do you think I'm saying?" Her voice is sweetly seductive now, and we see her hands moving up his chest slowly. "Stay with me, Chaz. At least for tonight."