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Title: Beginnings
Author: Angela Drews
Rating: PG
Codes: C/T, all; non-canon
Author's notes: These characters belong to Paramount.

SUMMARY: B'Elanna's down and Chakotay makes her run it off.


"I'll always be your bridge across the water, Across the stormy sea
I'll always be your bridge across the water,
You just don't know and you just can't see

Put your heart into my hands, You know you'll always be a part of me"
-Bridge Across The Water from Beginnings by Nouveaux

 B'Elanna sat there on her bed, staring out at the stars.  There were so many of them out there, all so very alien to her.  She wasn't much for getting homesick, but she was just so tired of staring out her bedroom window every night, knowing that when she lay down she would feel the same, knowing when she awoke she would feel the same.  She was so restless lately.  Nothing seemed to satisfy her.  This was part of why she and Tom stopped seeing each other.  She'd grown restless.  He'd been understanding about it, he'd felt for a time that things were going downhill, but did he really understand as much as he let on?  B'Elanna didn't think so.  All he'd asked was why.  B'Elanna herself wondered that same thing.  She had no answer.  It probably wasn't written in the stars anyway, she thought wryly as she laid down and snuggled into her covers.  She closed her eyes and sighed.  It was like there was a big empty place in her heart that she couldn't find and didn't know how to fill.  And so, like any other night, she slept it off.  Joy comes in the morning, right? she thought just before drifting off.

Morning did come, however it wasn't exactly joyous.  Fifteen minutes passed as the computer continued to alert B'Elanna of the time and she lay there, asleep.  Finally, somewhere in her dreams, she heard the computer and woke up, rubbing her eyes and wishing to God she could go back to sleep.  "The time is now 06:48 hours," the computer chirped.

B'Elanna stretched and groaned, "Just shut up."  Grudgingly, she drug herself from the bed and stumbled to the shower.  Just short of forgetting to remove her nightclothes, she climbed in and by 07:04 she was ready for the day.  Physically, anyway.  With one last look in the mirror, she left, skipping breakfast.

About halfway down the hall her communicator conveyed the concerned voice of Commander Chakotay.  "Chakotay to B'Elanna.  Respond."

B'Elanna yawned and said, "I know.  I'm late.  Sorry.  I overslept.  So shoot me."

She could hear Chakotay chuckle.  "I don't think that's in Starfleet regulations.  How is everything?  Did you not sleep well?"

B'Elanna rolled her eyes.  "Please, spare me the counselor routine today.  I'm already having enough trouble staying awake.  I just slept late.  Shouldn't you be bugging the Captain about her sleeping habits?"  She yawned again.

Chakotay laughed.  "She woke up on time this morning, so I didn't have to give her the routine.  I'm just checking up on you.  Try and get some sleep tonight.  I want you to join me tomorrow morning on the holodeck for some running since we both have the morning off."

B'Elanna winced.  "Running?  You really know how to show a girl a good time, Chakotay.  I gotta hand it to you."

"Yeah, I know.  That's why they call me the lady killer."  She could just about see his big grin.

B'Elanna suppressed a groan.  "We'll talk about this later."

"You don't want the bridge crew to hear us argue about it, huh?"

She shook her head as she entered engineering.  "I don't want the crew to hear me call you names.  Talk to you later.  Torres out."  She could imagine him chuckling on the bridge and for a brief moment she considered going there and smacking him.  But that wouldn't befit a grown up engineer now would it?  Instead she focused her energy on finding somewhere to sit.


Chakotay smiled contentedly as he sat on the bridge.  Something in him just wanted to pick on her today.  He was in quite a good mood and wished she were there so he could drown her in cheerfulness.  He knew she couldn't stand that...which made him want to do it even more.  Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he spotted a sleepy captain yawning.  He turned.  "So, how did you sleep?"

He grinned as she rolled her eyes.  "Spare me the routine," she echoed B'Elanna.  "It's an early day.  You have the bridge.  I'll be in my ready room."

Chakotay grinned.  "Gee, Kathryn, I wish I had a ready room all to myself.  Sometimes I think you go in there to catch up on the sleep you miss."

Janeway grinned.  "Well now, you'll never know that for fact, will you?"  She smiled and yawned again as she left the bridge to him.

Paris turned around with a smart grin.  "What is it with these women?  You think if we tried to get away with that they would just let us?"

Chakotay grinned.  "I don't think so.  Turn around, Paris."

Paris rolled his eyes and turned back to his console with a smirk.


B'Elanna sat down across from Chakotay with her tray and eyed him.  "So, what time did you want to drag me to the holodeck tomorrow?"

Chakotay took a bite.  "About, oh say 06:00."  He didn't look up from her plate, and winced slightly waiting for her to speak.

B'Elanna almost laughed.  "That early?!  Can you give me a logical reason why I should take one of my rare mornings off and go running?"

Chakotay chewed his bite.  "Be with me."  He shrugged and feigned hurt.

B'Elanna groaned.  "Don't even act like that, Chakotay.  I know your games."

He smiled and took a drink.  "Ok, I just want you to get more active.  You've been working and eating and going to bed.  You weren't there for Lieutenant Danson's birthday party, I hardly see you in Sandrine's, so I want to get you out of that bed and moving."

B'Elanna rolled her eyes.  "What, are you watching me?" she asked, taking a bite.

Chakotay smiled.  "Almost always."  He quickly looked back to his plate.

B'Elanna froze for a second and eyed him.  She couldn't quite tell if that had been what she thought it was or just a tease.  He had a direct way of flirting, but he also had a strange sense of humor sometimes.  Shaking her head, she shrugged it off and continued to eat in silence.  She was determined that he would be the first to speak for some unknown reason.  So she continued to wait.  The problem was she didn't have the patience for such and thing, and he did...and she knew it.  So finally she gave up and looked at him only to have him return her with a slightly playful gaze.  Her eyes widened slightly and she found her stomach fluttery.  Then he looked away.  So did she.  The fluttery feeling didn't go away as quickly as his gaze had left.  Was he really flirting or was he just trying to mess with her?  What if he was flirting?  What did she think of that?  So many questions were whirling around in her mind as she stared off, not really looking at anything except the contents of her mind.  She didn't even hear Tom the when he said, "Hellooo.  B'Elanna?"  She stared on as he looked at Captain Janeway, whom he was sitting with.  "Boy, Captain, where ever she's going she must be going there at warp 10."  It didn't even register until Janeway chuckled.

B'Elanna shook her head.  "Shut up, Tom."  She turned to see Chakotay grinning at her.  "You too."  She closed her eyes and took a breath before taking another bite.

Chakotay smiled sweetly.  "So, are you running with me or what?"

B'Elanna suddenly felt tired.  "That's so early."

Chakotay stood with his empty tray.  ""Well, B'Elanna, it's not that bad.  I don't get to see you that often and I thought we could spend the morning catching up."

B'Elanna rolled her eyes.  "Oh, yay.  You want me to catch you up on my boring life."

Chakotay grinned.  "it's up to you."

She didn't say anything as he returned his tray to Neelix and left.  Running at 6?  Was the man crazy?


B'Elanna groaned as she felt her leg being pulled on.  "Wake up, B'Elanna.  Time to get up and go running."

B'Elanna rolled over and groaned, "No.  Go away."  Then she sat up.  "How the hell did you get in here?"

Chakotay spread his arms helplessly.  "Security override?"

B'Elanna slit her eyes and laid back.  "Isn't that supposed to be wrong?"  She closed her eyes and pouted tiredly.

Chakotay only laughed and pulled on her ankle as he sat down.  "Come run with me."

B'Elanna groaned and said, "I don't wanna."

Chakotay tugged again.  "Come run with me."  B'Elanna rolled over and didn't say a word.  Chakotay grinned and pulled her harder.  "Come run with me."  Still nothing.  Finally she could feel him climbing up the bed on her and the warmth of his face as he leaned into hers and said, "You better come run with me."

She opened her eyes to his and said, "What are you doing?"

He smiled and nuzzled her neck.  "Trying to get you to get up and run with me.  If pulling on you won't do, I'll have to just do this."  He nuzzled again and even had the audacity to kiss her neck.

Groaning, she pushed him and said, "Get the hell off me."  He laid back and playfully grinned as she stomped off to her closet to pull out a pair of shorts and a shirt.  Yanking her pajama bottoms down and angrily pulling the shorts on, she grumbled, "I can't believe I'm getting up at 6 to go run."

He wiggled his eyebrows and watched as she gripped her pajama shirt.  "Woo."

B'Elanna remembered herself and darted into her bathroom to change.  When she emerged he was still laying on her bed, playful as a puppy.  This made her even more irritated.  "Get up," she said matter-of-factly as she stood, hands on hips.  "Come on.  Get up off my bed and let's go run the morning away."

Chakotay laughed and rolled off her bed and stood beside her.  "I'm glad to see your in such a good this morning, Lieutenant."

B'Elanna pushed him away and said, "Just wonderful.  Let's get this over with."

Chakotay only smiled at her attitude and they left her room to run.  He had a nice program created for this purpose.  A nice, smooth road they could run that would take them through a wooded area and past a river and mountain range.  It would be a beautiful day for running on the holodeck.  And it would get B'Elanna out.


B'Elanna sat down on a large rock to catch her breath.  She still squinted at the bright sun.  Chakotay stopped and stood before her.  "Tired still?  It's been only ten minutes."

B'Elanna rolled her eyes.  "Well excuse me for being sleepy.  I only don't ever do this."

Chakotay crouched.  "Did you get sleep last night?"

She looked away.  "I don't want to talk about it."

"B'Elanna, what's going on with you?  You've bee so withdrawn and Tom said..." he said.

Her eyes flashed.  "What did Tom say?"

Chakotay sighed.  "Nothing hurtful.  B'Elanna don't turn this around and use it as an excuse to storm out of here and evade my questions.  I'm serious.  I had asked him why you two broke up and he said it was a mutual decision and that you both sort of lost interest.  I can accept that, but ever since then you've been very withdrawn."

"It's not like he's dating or anything."  B'Elanna rolled her eyes.

Chakotay put his hand on hers.  "No, but he's not hiding in his quarters and waking up late either."

B'Elanna frowned.  "Why do you have to make everyone's sleeping habits your business?"

"You're evading."  He looked up to her with penetrating eyes.  She frowned at him.  He smiled.  "Don't make me get up there and hold you."

B'Elanna wanted tried to muster up the meanest look she could, but somehow the command changed on the way from her brain to her lips and instead she started laughing.  "God, I must be crazy.  He drags me off in the morning to run, makes me mad and I laugh."  She quickly wiped her face as a few tears slid down her cheeks.

Chakotay was off his feet in and instant, encircling her in his arms.  "B'Elanna, want to tell me what's wrong?"

She shook her head and squeaked, "No.  Please don't push this."

Chakotay held her tighter.  "Damn it, B'Elanna quit pushing me away.  You never let anyone in.  That's why you and Tom broke up.  That's why you feel so empty.  Please," he looked into her eyes gently.  "Don't push me out too.  I couldn't stand that."

She shivered against him as she stared into his eyes.  He was so understanding and kind to her and he knew her so well.  She could feel comfortable with letting him in, couldn't she?  Impulsively she hugged into him and finished her crying.  "Chakotay, you're right.  You jerk, how do you know me so damn well?"  She smacked at his back.

He laughed.  "I don't know.  Maybe it's because we're friends.  Maybe it's because I love you."

She took a deep breath at that and hugged him harder.  "I won't push you out," she promised.  And she meant it.  She needed him.

He smiled as she pulled away.  "That makes me happy."  He then grinned and grabbed her, biting at her ear.

She growled and pushed him away.  "We're going to have to break you of that habit.  What is it with you?  Do you bite everyone?"

He laughed.  "No.  Just you."

She frowned at him and crossed her arms, but something about the ways his eyes sparkled in that moment told her that this wouldn't be the end of his playful and affectionate gestures.  He had a funny way of being playful towards his female friends he knew really well, but maybe he did love her more than just old friends did.  She didn't know, but she felt better about everything and even felt pretty good about finding out just what his silly problem was.  Grinning, as he made a move to try and grab her again, she playfully pushed him off the rock and said, "Knock it off."  She smiled down at him as he sat there, shocked that she'd done that.  She didn't know why he was so surprised.  After all, it was her that he was dealing with.