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Disclaimer: As always, they belong to Paramount

Rating:  NC-17 very definitely

Notes:  This falls into the PWP (Plot, What Plot) category, and should be read with that in mind.


By Mary S.


           The shuttle lay tilted at a twenty degree angle, buried nose first in a glacier.  Icy winds howled around it, at times gusting so hard that the protruding back end actually lifted slightly.  The interior was almost dark, seemingly lifeless, only the flickering from shorted-out consoles providing any light.  Three forms were scattered inside – one draped half in, half out of the pilot’s seat, the other two obviously thrown to the floor like rag dolls.  All lay still, motionless, silent except for the occasional wheeze – the only sign of life.

           Half an hour passed, then another half hour.  One of the forms on the floor stirred slightly, trying to move its head.  Apparently, the effort overtaxed its strength; it collapsed back into unconsciousness.  Its struggles, however, were enough to rouse the form in the chair.  It began to stir and then, it awakened fully.

Part 1:

           Tom Paris gradually became aware of his surroundings.  He was sprawled in his seat, his head lolling to one side.  Very carefully, he straightened, feeling his neck protest as he did so.  He was very stiff – and very cold.  As full consciousness returned, he began to shiver.

           He rubbed his hands together – it didn’t help much, then looked around to see his two companions lying face up on the floor.  He rose as quickly as he could.

           “B’Elanna!  Chakotay!”  He called.  He worked his way back to them, and laid a shaking hand first on B’Elanna’s neck, then Chakotay’s.  Each had a pulse, although B’Elanna’s was weaker.  He dug through the mess of equipment that had been tossed all over the cabin when the shuttle crashed.  Eventually, he found the emergency medkit.

           He opened it as fast as he could, trying to control the trembling in his hands.  He leaned toward the nearest glimmer of light, attempting to work out the correct dosage of stimulant.  He hoped his eyes had not misled him and injected the commander.

           Chakotay groaned, flailed his arms about and knocked the hypospray out of Tom’s hand.  It flew across the shuttle to disappear under a pile of debris where a panel had blown off the wall.

           “Damn!” Swore Tom, and tried to find another.  But apparently, the medkit only had one.

           Chakotay sat up, starting to shiver and rubbing his arms.  “Tom, what happened?  Did we crash?”

           “Yeah, seems we did.”

           “What systems are functioning?  God, it’s cold in here!”

           “Tell me about it.   Obviously, we have life support – we can breathe – but I would say environmental is off line – no heat.  I haven’t figured out anymore yet.”

           “B’Elanna?  She is so cold, Tom!  We have to rouse her.”

           “We can’t.  You just knocked the hypospray out of my hand and I can’t find it.  And that was the only one.”

           Chakotay climbed past Paris and tried to activate the comm. system.  Nothing, not even static.  Power readings were dropping.  They had life support but not much else.  His teeth were chattering as he worked his way back to Tom, who was bent over B’Elanna.

           “The emergency locator beacon should have deployed when we impacted the surface, but I can’t confirm if it did.  Let’s see what supplies we have.  The thermal blankets should be under this panel here,” he indicated a relatively clear area behind him.  “I’ll see if I can get them.”

           “Hurry up.  She’s in shock.  We have to get her warm, and us too.”  Tom was becoming really frightened.  Hypothermia was inevitable if they couldn’t find a source of heat.  He lay down beside B’Elanna, wrapping himself around her as much as he could.  It felt as if he were hugging a block of ice.

           Chakotay crawled back, several blankets in his arms, and spread them over Tom, then B’Elanna, and finally himself.  He huddled on her other side, hoping they could surround her with their combined body heat.

           “Chakotay,” Croaked Tom.  “I don’t think this is working.  Let’s rearrange the blankets under as well as over us, and get as close as we can.  We’ll keep B’Elanna in between.”

           They set to work, and before long, had cocooned themselves into an ungainly ball.  “Keep your feet wrapped around me, I’ll do the same,” instructed Tom.  “If you can’t feel them, tell me.”

           Chakotay grunted.  “Teach your grandmother to suck eggs, Paris.  I learned survival techniques before you were born.”

           “Well, excuse me!” Retorted Tom.  “You didn’t happen to learn a way to communicate without a comm. link, too, did you?  Now that would be useful!”

           The commander chose to ignore this barb, rubbing B’Elanna’s legs and back instead.  “I think she’s a little warmer,” he said hopefully.  “Either that or I’m colder.”

           “I know I’m colder,” answered Tom, his teeth chattering more loudly.  He made a conscious effort to keep his jaws motionless, but couldn’t hold them still for long.  “I think we’re going to have to go to plan B.”

           “What’s plan B?” Asked Chakotay, even as Tom started to loosen B’Elanna’s clothing.  “Ah, no, Paris.  Not that!”

           “You have a better idea?”


           “She isn’t warming up, not enough anyway.  You know Klingons are more susceptible to cold than we are.”

           “Oh, I know.  It was the only complaint I ever heard from her.  Lousy food, lack of water, no sleep, didn’t matter.  She could take all that and come out swinging.  But let her get cold!  She wilted, just collapsed.  Believe me, I know!”

           Tom’s hands were under her shirt now, massaging her breasts.  She groaned slightly, almost imperceptibly, but it was the first sound they had heard from her.

           “”It’s working,” Said Tom hopefully.  “Get to it.”

           Chakotay sighed resignedly, then slid his fingers under the waistband of her loosened trousers and began to rub them over her pubic mound.  At the same time, he manoeuvred his hips tight against her buttocks, letting himself harden.  What the hell, he should get warmer, too.

           B’Elanna groaned again, louder this time.  She twisted against the four hands stimulating her, and began to pant.  Her eyes opened as she became aware of where she was.  Something was strange here.  She shook her head even as her arousal intensified.

           “Tom?” She whispered uncertainly.

           “Right here, sweetheart,” came from in front of her.  Then who was behind….?  She looked over her shoulder.  OH!  “Chakotay?!  Are your hands in my pants?!”

           “Mmmm,” Was the only reply.  She could feel his erection pushing hard against her, and wriggled her buttocks a bit.  Her hands, meanwhile, had found their way by instinct into Tom’s trousers, and he moaned as she massaged him.

           Chakotay’s fingers had worked their way inside her.  She undulated her hips and then clenched her vaginal muscles as the orgasm boiled through her, catching her unawares.  She gasped and cried out as she pushed as hard as she could against his hand.  Her fingers in turn gripped Tom so hard, he yelped.

           “Oh god, B’Ela,” Came from behind her as Tom cried out in front, his hands clutching her breasts.  She continued to jerk for another minute before the climax faded and her muscles relaxed.

           “Uh, that was really nice, but could I ask why?  Not that I’m complaining,” She added hurriedly, as Chakotay’s fingers slipped out and Tom’s grip eased.

           “We were trying to get you warm,” Explained Tom.  “And nothing else was working, so….”  His voice trailed off.

           “Well, you certainly succeeded.  I’m all toasty now, from head to toe.”

           “Glad to hear it,” Came Chakotay’s voice, sounding somewhat frustrated.

           “Are you both warm, too?”  She asked, a little too sweetly.

           “Oh yeah,” responded Tom.  Chakotay said nothing.  She could feel the answer against her bum.

           “In fact, B’Ela,” went on Tom, “perhaps if you could just put your hand here, - yeah, that’s the spot.  And then, if you just tickle a bit – oh, yeah!  Right!  There!”  He moaned loudly.

           “Oh geez,” Muttered Chakotay.  “That’s all I need.”  B’Elanna turned her head a bit.  “Patience, old man.  I’ll get to you.”

           She rubbed Tom’s penis harder, then slid her thumb very lightly across the slit, tickling him the way he liked.  He was panting hard now, thrusting into her hands as she covered him, sliding her fingers up and down the stiffened shaft.  And then he exclaimed and pushed mightily as she felt the hot thick fluid fill her palms.  He continued to thrust for a few seconds more before relaxing into her hands.

           “Oh, B’Ela,” He whispered.  “That felt wonderful!”  She smiled and reached up to where she thought his face was.  Finding his mouth, she kissed him gently before licking his lips.  He sighed and eased back.  Behind her, Chakotay moaned softly.

           “I better, uh, help him too.  It’s only fair.”

           “Okay.  But I want to touch you, too.”  He ran his hands around and under her waistband as she turned over, his fingers coming to rest in her pubic hair.  “Equal time, you know,” he muttered into her hair.

           She chuckled at that as she reached for Chakotay’s hands and put them on her breasts.  He jumped slightly as his fingers encountered her nipples.

           “Take it easy, relax.  It’s all right.”

           “B’Elanna,” Started Chakotay.  “You don’t have to….”

           “No,” she interrupted, “I want to.  You helped me, got me warm.”

           “B’Ela,” He began again.

           “Ssh,” She whispered.  “Let me touch you – there.  Now, that’s not so bad, is it.”

           He groaned, unable to speak.  One of her hands was rubbing him through the fabric as the other worked his trousers open.  She slid her thumbs inside and began to stroke the soft skin.

           He closed his eyes, concentrating both on her touch and on her hard nipples under his thumbs.  He rolled them between his fingers as she worked his pants further open, and reached down, cupping him, massaging.  It had been some time since he had felt any hand but his own.  Even as he tried to hold back, to make the feeling last, his hips began to jerk.

           “That’s it,” She breathed.  “Let it come, Chakotay.”

           “It feels so good,” He moaned.  “Ohh, so good.”

           “Come on, let go now.  Just let it go.”

           He gave a cry and began to thrust forcibly into her hands, panting heavily.  She rubbed his penis with hard strokes, his hips jerked again, and she felt hot semen shoot out.  Spurt after spurt covered her hands and spilled over her fingers.  And still his hips kept spasming until finally, he cried out again and let his muscles relax.

           As Chakotay’s penis slipped out of her grasp, Tom drove his fingers deep into her, pumping his palm against her mound.  She reacted at once, hips jerking convulsively, head thrown back and breasts pushed firmly into Chakotay’s hands.  Another orgasm tore through her, leaving her gasping for air.

           “Oh god!” She panted.  “That feels so good!”

           Both men chuckled.

           “Are we all warm now?” Asked Tom.

           “Oh, I think so,” Answered Chakotay.  “For the time being, anyway.”  He pulled his hands out from under B’Elanna’s shirt, and caressed her face.  “Thank you.” 

           She nuzzled his fingers, “glad to help,” then she closed her eyes.  “I’m exhausted,” she sighed.

           “Go to sleep, sweetheart.  We’ll watch over you.”


           The hours passed with no sign of rescue.  Twice more, Tom and Chakotay aroused B’Elanna enough to get her warmed up, but after that, they themselves became too lethargic to move.  The wind continued to howl as the cold crept into them.  By the time Voyager found them, all three had lost consciousness.

Part 2:

           Harry Kim was sure the captain must have worn a hole right through the carpet.  Back and forth, back and forth, hour after hour, she paced the bridge as the crew tried every possible configuration of the sensors in repeated attempts to find their missing away team.

           The shuttle had been scheduled to rendezvous with Voyager twenty-four hours earlier.  It had not.  After waiting three hours, Janeway had ordered the ship to start searching, hunting for a signal, warp trail, plasma residue, anything.  Nothing.

           They moved at impulse toward the planet which the shuttle had been going to investigate, arriving to find no sign of them anywhere.

           They worked their way right through the solar system, scanning carefully.  Still nothing.  They drew blanks at the next two systems they encountered, and were just about to turn around and go back, sure they must have missed something, when Seven announced that there was a large asteroid field directly ahead.

           Janeway debated wasting yet more time but decided a quick check couldn’t hurt.  Within ten minutes, Harry found the shuttle’s emergency locator beacon impacted on an asteroid – but no shuttle.  Anticipation rose but they had to move slowly to avoid collisions.  They were close, they could feel it.

           “There!” called Harry.  “Captain, that big one off the port bow!  I thought I got a reading of tritanium.  There it is again!  That’s it, Captain!  That’s the shuttle!”

           The captain stood directly behind the helmsman, leaning forward slightly as if she would be able to see better.

           “Easy, Ensign.  Don’t rush it.  Work between those two there.  Which one is it, Harry?”

           “That big one, Captain.”  It was almost as large as a small moon.

           “Lifesigns?” asked Janeway.

           “Not sure yet,” replied Harry.  “We need to get closer.”

           They crept forward, coaxing the ship through the field, which was considerably denser in this area.

           Tuvok spoke suddenly, making them all jump.

           “Captain, I think I have three very faint lifesigns.  It is hard to tell – they are fading in and out.”

           “Sickbay, this is Janeway.  Be prepared to receive three injured crewmembers.”

           “Sickbay here.  Injured in what way?”

           “We don’t know yet, Doctor.  We’ve found the shuttle.  Sensors have picked up three very faint lifesigns.”

           “Captain,” interjected Tuvok.  “The shuttle’s readings indicate minimal life support.  They may very well be suffering from advanced hypothermia.”

           “Did you get that, Doctor?”

           “Yes, Captain.  I need the use of a holodeck so that I may run a special program designed to warm bodies that have suffered extreme cold.”

           “Very well, Doctor.  Computer, is any holodeck empty?”

           “Holodeck two is currently unoccupied.”

           “Reserve it immediately for medical use.  Janeway to sickbay.”

           “Yes Captain?”

           “Holodeck two has been set aside for you.”

           “Thank you.  Computer, run program Paris alpha two alpha in holodeck two.”

           “Acknowledged.  Program is running.”

           “Captain,” Tuvok called her.  “I have three lifesigns.  Initiating transport.  Transport to sickbay complete.”

           Janeway breathed a big sigh of relief, one that was echoed by every member of the crew.

           “Thank you, Tuvok.  Harry, see if  the shuttle can be salvaged.”

           “Aye Captain.”

           “Tuvok, you have the bridge.  I’ll be in sickbay.”  She walked in a dignified fashion to the turbolift, trying not to appear to be in a rush.  However, when the lift reached deck five, she dashed down the empty corridor to sickbay, where she once again assumed a captainly pose as she strode through the door. 

           She started to demand the status of the away team but her mouth fell open and she couldn’t get out any words.  The doctor was scanning a large heap of blankets on the floor.  He looked up as she moved closer and found her voice.

           “Doctor?!  Where are they?”

           “Right here, Captain.  I’m about to initiate a site to site transport to the holodeck.  Care to come along?”

           She nodded, her eyes fixed on the blankets, one of which was moving.  The doctor grasped her arm, pulled her close and called for transport.   As they rematerialized on the holodeck, he began to explain, but she was only partly listening.

           “Doctor, what is this?!” She interrupted.

           “Captain, you are not paying attention!  The away team are wrapped up in these blankets.  They are in an advanced stage of hypothermia.  Therefore, their bodies must be warmed slowly.  And the best way to do that is….”

           “ – in a bathtub!” she finished.

           “Very good.  Hot tub, actually, but who am I to argue semantics.  Now, I’ll need help.  And you might want to change into something more…. appropriate.”

           She looked at him, then the hot tub, then her uniform.  “Oh, of course.”  She replicated a swimsuit, then began to strip off her uniform.  The doctor politely turned his back.

           In no time, she was by his side, helping unwrap the half-frozen trio from their cocoon.  The two men were starting to come around, although they were still very groggy, but B’Elanna lay quite still, her skin ashen.

           “Help me strip her, Captain.  That’s it.  Yes, everything off.  No time for modesty.  Now, between us, we need to get her into the tub.  Good.”  The doctor climbed in and supported Torres’ head.

           “Mr. Paris seems to be coming around.  Get his clothes off and let’s get him in here.”

           Janeway hesitated, then went to Tom.  She pulled off his jacket, then his shirt before realizing his trousers were already open.  Hmm, that was odd.  Oh well, and she bent to pull them down.

           Her actions brought Tom around enough that he realized where he was and what she was doing.  He put a hand on her arm to stop her, then leaned on her while he kicked off his boots.  Then he nodded at Chakotay, indicating she should help him, before removing the remainder of his clothing and climbing, shivering, into the tub.  Once there, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

           Meanwhile, the Captain had gone to assist the Commander who was just starting to stir.  Again, as she pulled off his garb, she found his pants unfastened.  A suspicion was gnawing at the back of her mind, and she looked more carefully at the fabric.  They were stained here and there along both sides of the opening – I wonder, she thought.

           He also began to come around as she worked, and was able to stand with help once she had him stripped.  She assisted him to the other side of the tub and helped him get in, before getting in herself.

           “Chakotay, can you hear me?”

           “….cold, so cold,” He murmured, shivering.  She rubbed his arms and shoulders.  “Chakotay, do you understand me?”  Without realizing, she moved between his legs as she tried to stimulate his circulation.

           He looked up at her voice in his ear, then smiled vaguely and leaned his face against her breast.  She was startled and began to retreat, but his arm came up and held her in place.  She glanced behind her.  Tom’s eyes were closed and the doctor was still working over B’Elanna.

           As her head came back around, he sighed happily and licked the top of her breast all over, as much as he could reach.  Then with his free hand, he pulled down her suit and tongued her nipple roughly.  She gasped as desire shot through her, but made no effort to push him away.  He pulled her closer, licked her other breast, then pulled that nipple into his mouth and sucked on it.

           She braced her hands on his shoulders for support as her knees started to give way.  Her head fell back as she thrust her breast more fully into his mouth.  He continued to suckle each breast in turn as his hand slid down her stomach to her pubis.  He tugged on the crotch of her suit to ease it down a bit, so he could work his fingers underneath and massage her vulva.

           Both had completely forgotten that anyone else was there.  The doctor had finally paused in his ministrations to B’Elanna and turned to speak to the captain.  Fortunately, he was so astonished to see her half stripped, straddling her completely naked, and, if he was not mistaken, very aroused first officer, that he couldn’t make a sound.  And by the time he pulled himself together, Tom, his eyes gleaming, had cautioned him to silence.

           Chakotay tugged Janeway’s suit further down, until she could kick it off.  Without further ado, he pulled her tight against him, rubbed the tip of his penis against her clitoris, and eased into her as she slid down over him.

           She was aware of nothing but the feel of him inside her.  Instinct, the deep-seated urge to mate, had over-run everything else, driven out all thought and reason.  As he thrust rhythmically into her, she surged against him in perfect harmony, allowing him to penetrate fully. 

           He thrust harder, gripping her hips tight now as he panted hard.  She felt the orgasm building, more, more, and then it was on her, roiling through as her hips jerked and muscles clenched around him.  She leaned back, crying out, hands digging into his shoulders as he drove once more and released his semen into her.  His hips continued to slam against her as he spurted again and again, grunting as he did so.  The motion created a wave in the tub that rebounded off the sides and slapped against them.

           As they both relaxed, she with her head on his shoulder, they became aware of their surroundings.  Janeway peeked around to find they were alone.  When the others had left, she had no idea.  She could only be grateful for their tact.  She turned back to Chakotay, who was watching her.  She shook her head and smiled ruefully.  He grinned back before pulling down her head and kissing her thoroughly.  She sighed and rested against him.

           He chuckled softly.  “What?” She asked. 

           “You sure do know how to warm a fellow up, Kathryn.”

           “I don’t make of a habit of it, believe me.”

           “Glad to hear it.”  He paused.  “What now?”  She studied him, saw the anxiety, put it to rest.  “I don’t know for sure, Chakotay, but I am not going back.  This feels so good, you feel so good, I can’t give it up.  Not now.”

           She felt the tension leave him as he hugged her.  “Thank you, Kathryn,” He whispered against her neck.

           “But right now, my dear, I have to move.  I’m getting a cramp.”  He helped her off and sat her down beside him, putting his arm around her.

           “We’ll make it work, love, you’ll see,” he told her.  “We’ll take it at whatever pace you want, just so we make it work.”

           “Can’t ask for more than that,” and she leaned close to kiss him, before settling down happily at his side.  “By the way, I wanted to ask you about something strange that I noticed.”  At his nod, she continued.  “When I went to remove both your clothes and Tom’s, you each already had your pants unfastened, actually hanging open.  Care to explain?”

           “Uh….not really, no.”

           Her eyebrow went up.  “I could make it an order.”

           “You could.”

           “So, I’m ordering you to tell me.  Why were your pants open?”

           He sighed.  “We were keeping warm, Kathryn, any way we could.  And that is all I’m prepared to say on the subject.”

           She knew she would get no more out of him, so contented herself with muttering, “I hope B’Elanna enjoyed herself.”

           “Yes, I believe she did.”  He pulled her close to kiss her. 

           “And Tom?”

           “Yes, Tom as well.”

           “That’s good.  I’m glad you looked after each other.”

           Chakotay grinned.  “Oh, we did that all right.  Now, on to more important things.”  And he proceeded to kiss her so soundly that she forgot all about anything else except to kiss him back.

The End