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Drift (ST Voyager-C/T/J, PG-13)
by Elizabeth Klisiewicz
Author's Note: In Defining Parameters, I started exploring the crew's
reaction to J/C. Since this is something we don't get to see much of, I
thought I would take this a little further and look inside B'Elanna
Torres. Her alleged feelings for Chakotay were revealed in Persistence of
Vision. So, what does she think about the Captain and Chakotay getting
together? I thought it might be interesting to find out. 
There are also several lengthy J/C scenes in this story, so I hope the J/C
platform will enjoy this. This story is also a little more graphic than
some others I have written, so it is rated PG-13 for mild language and
sexual situations.
These characters belong to Paramount, but this story idea is mine. You can
distribute this to others as long as you ask permission first. Direct any
questions or comments to or
Tell me a story, let me drift
Make me think I'm not really in this place
Let your words run like summer rain down my face
Let your voice caress my mind like a loving touch
Frantic Drift by the Chills
Constant worry knotted her insides while they were gone. Her Klingon half
tried and often failed to quell these human feelings. True Klingons did
not allow themselves to fall prey to weak sentimentality. But then, she
wasn't fully Klingon. In truth, she often despised the violent thoughts
she had. It was an uphill battle to be civil, especially now. B'Elanna had
always prided herself on being fair to her staff, but lately, the smallest
things caused her to lash out at whoever was unfortunate enough to be
close at hand. Lt. Carey, her former nemesis, was smart enough to keep his
distance. She respected the Starfleet officer, but she would never be his
friend. Her best friend was down on that planet with Janeway. 
Truth be told, she wasn't only worried about him dying from the virus or
never seeing him again. Captain Janeway was a beautiful woman. That fact
wasn't lost on B'Elanna, even if she was rampantly heterosexual. Janeway
had won over the unsuspecting Maquis woman with her charm and fine
analytical mind. How would Chakotay be able to resist her? In the past
year, both Chakotay and Torres had grown close to Janeway. B'Elanna
couldn't help but form a triangle in her mind and connect the points
between the three of them. She just hoped the Commander wouldn't ever have
to choose between her and Janeway.
After months of futile research, Denara Pel transported a serum to Voyager
during the heat of battle. They returned to the planet where they had left
the two senior officers. Torres felt hope leap in her heart when they made
contact with the Captain and Commander. Morale on the ship had been
dreadful before their contact with the Vidiians. Afterwards, it was
bearable primarily because Harry and Tom worked hard to cheer her up. But
it was nothing compared to the joy she felt when she saw the two forms
materialize in Transporter Room 2. The tiny room was filled to capacity
with anxious members of the crew.
"Welcome back, Captain and Commander Chakotay." Neelix took the initiative
and walked forward to grasp their hands.
"Thank you, Mr. Neelix." Janeway smiled and Torres could almost swear she
had been crying about something if she didn't know better. She had never
known the Captain to crack emotionally, especially not in front of others.
Chakotay held himself stiffly. His eyes darted around the room until they
lighted on B'Elanna. She gave him a small nod and he smiled slightly with
that sardonic smirk of his. Janeway was immediately surrounded by a group
of intensely happy crew members led by none other than Harry Kim. Chakotay
spoke politely with several of his former Maquis crew before ducking out
of the room.
Chakotay felt like a fish out of water, slapping its tail hard against the
deck of a ship. He thought about banging his head against the wall just to
clear it, but knew that was a foolish notion. No matter how he sliced it,
he was still back on Voyager. The planet had become his home, and
Kathryn's. *Kathryn*. He tasted the name on his tongue, wondering when
he'd get to use it again. The bitter words from their last discussion rang
in his mind.
"I think we need to talk about us." His quiet words stopped her busy hands
as they gathered up every last sign that someone had ever made this a
Janeway dusted herself off. "We've had this discussion before, Chakotay.
We both want the same thing, but we seem to have different ideas on how to
get there. I thought it was a good idea to define some parameters, but you
squashed that idea..."
"You call this a discussion, Kathryn? You talk at me instead of this." His voice cut through her dialogue like fine steel
as he laid his hand on his heart. He continued, his voice quieter this
time, "For once, will you forget what your head tells you and follow your
Janeway gave him a sad look before turning back to her work. She was about
to begin gathering up supplies again when his hand stopped her. He turned
her to face him. "Burying yourself in work is not going to make this go
away. You can't erase four months together out of existence."
She laid her hand on top of his. "I know. But seeing one another......I'm
not sure how to handle that on top of a command relationship."
"Seeing one another, is that what you call it?" His voice grew very quiet.
"I'm not sure what to call it, Chakotay. Please, I need some time to
become acclimated....."
Chakotay dropped his hand and pressed his palms together in frustration.
"How much more time, the rest of the journey?"
Janeway heard the hurt in his voice and gripped his arms. "What we started
down here is very special to me. But I asked you to be patient with me,
and you promised you'd try."
He let out his breath slowly and dropped his hands to his sides. She
noticed the finger of one hand clenching in and out. He was having
difficulty calming himself down and this was one sign of extreme agitation
she had picked up on during their isolation. Chakotay was normally a
private person, but he gave off loud signals with his body language.
Janeway had become particularly adept at reading him.
"Yes, I did." The words hissed out through clenched teeth. 
"Remember what we talked about? I want to be absolutely clear here."
Janeway was trying hard to keep her own cool.
"You talked, I listened." He was still angry. "I told you what I thought
of your proposal. Ignoring one another and pretending this hasn't happened
isn't going to work, Kathryn. It's a bad idea and it will backfire. We
were already beyond the formal command relationship before all this
happened. The crew isn't stupid. They're going to figure out that
something is going on. Sooner or later we're going to get caught."
"It's the only thing I can think of for now, Chakotay."
Chakotay snorted at her statement. "Really? Then I guess you're not
thinking very hard, are you?"
"Do you have a better idea? If so, I'd like to hear it." Janeway touched
his arm. He shook her hand off and folded his arms.
"Yes, how about being honest about your feelings for a change? Let's start
with that." His black eyes glittered at her. She had seen those hooded
eyes at close range, dazed with passion as he made love to her, his
luscious mouth devouring hers. Janeway shook off her distracting thoughts.
"You know how I feel about you. Surely you can see that, Chakotay." She
tried the logical approach, but he wasn't buying it.
"Do I? You've never told me any such thing, Captain. We can continue this
discussion when you're tired of pretending. I suggest we get back to
work." His voice was cold and his mask was back in place.
Thirty minutes later, they were beamed aboard Voyager, and nothing had
been resolved.
Torres elbowed her way through the throng and followed closely on
Chakotay's heels. "Where do you think you're going?"
He whirled around impatiently. "If you don't mind, B'Elanna, I'd like to
be alone for awhile."
"Alone?" The word rang in the silence between them, colored by B'Elanna's
annoyance at his terseness. "You've been stranded for months. Haven't you
had enough of isolation?" 
"I wasn't alone, B'Elanna. Or have you forgotten that the Captain was with
me?" Torres started at the innuendo in his voice. 
Torres crossed her arms in front of her body and blocked his passage.
"What the hell is going on with you anyway? You come back to us after four
months and are barely interested in speaking to anyone."
Chakotay tried changing tactics. "Sorry, look, why don't we meet for
dinner later on? Say, 0700 in the mess hall?"
"I had something else in mind. Dinner in my quarters at 0700." Her eyes
transmitted a challenge to him. 
He looked reluctant, but could find no polite way to get out of this. "All
right, see you then."
"B'Elanna wants to have dinner with me at 0700." Chakotay stated flatly as
they discussed the ship's logs and all that had happened during their
"Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on." Janeway raised her
eyes from the sensor logs on her display and smiled warmly. He didn't
return her smile.
"You don't understand, Captain. I got the distinct impression that she was
interested in more than just *catching up*. She invited me to her
Janeway raised an eyebrow. "I see. Did you accept her invitation?"
"Yes, of course. What else could I do?"
"Perhaps you're misinterpreting a friendly overture, Chakotay."
"No. Torres has always been.....obvious when she wants something. There's
no mistake." He waited to see her response. 
The Captain sighed  and pushed her work aside. "What do you expect me to
say, Chakotay? You and B'Elanna are old friends. I'm not the jealous type,
and I'm not about to start just because you and have become intimate."
The sign he was waiting for wasn't there. She really didn't care if he saw
Torres. "I see. Well, if there's nothing else....permission to leave."
"Dismissed," Janeway said tiredly. This was only her first day back on the
ship, but she felt like she'd been here for a century. The words on the
PADD blurred and she laid her head in her hands. She'd think about this
later when it didn't hurt so much.
Chakotay was having second thoughts about accepting the invitation. What
exactly did Torres want to tell him? He had never thought of her
romantically, and the thought that she might regard him as something other
than a friend surprised him. He paced as he thought over the situation.
Torres was damned attractive, of that there was no doubt. But she was more
like a kid sister to him than anything else. And he had to admit, he had
thrown that in Kathryn's face just to get a reaction. But she was her
usual gracious self, refusing to take the bait. What had he expected?
Maybe some indication that he hadn't imagined those four months on the
planet? Anyway, there was always the possibility that he *had*
misinterpreted B'Elanna's invitation, although he liked to think he knew
her well.
And then there was Kathryn. *Gods, I love this woman. Why can't she just
accept our situation?* Chakotay ran his fingers through his closely
cropped hair and sighed. He was not exactly happy to be back on Voyager.
There was nothing left for him in the Alpha Quadrant. He had once told the
Captain one of his father's sayings about home is wherever you are. In his
head, he recalled the real expression about home is where the heart is. He
hadn't dared utter it to her back then, but he wouldn't have hesitated
now. There were many times when he had trouble discussing his feelings, so
he drew from his heritage to express himself. He grinned for a moment as
he remembered the angry warrior legend he had used to tell Kathryn he
loved her as well as the beautiful smile she had given him as a gift in
return. She was far more adept at reading him than anyone he had ever
known. Even in the beginning of their command relationship, they had
communicated countless times with facial expressions. He rarely had to
resort to his tried and true tactic of *my people have a saying* anymore
with Janeway.
The woman who had faced him a short time ago was a far cry from the
sensual, carefree woman he had grown to love down on the planet. Images of
long, auburn hair cascading over bare shoulders as she twisted under him
in ecstasy didn't help. They had been lovers for a month before Voyager
contacted them. He could never recall being so happy and at peace during
any time in his life. All it took was a look and a quiet touch, and they
dropped everything to fulfill their mutual passions. Now, it was like a
permanent cold shower. 
The discussion about Starfleet protocol and how it affected their
relationship had come full circle. He remembered the tense discussion
they'd had before beaming up to Voyager. Her damned *defined parameters*
were interfering again, and he didn't like backpedaling one bit. He had
been so angry with her that he had deleted all his personal logs and
blueprints from the computer. He wanted no reminders of their time
together if this was how it had to be once again. Yet, he regretted his
actions and wanted to rectify the situation. But how could he do that? He
was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear his comm badge chirp
the first time. 
"Torres to Chakotay."
"Yes, B'Elanna."
"I have to cancel our plans. Tuvok put me in charge of overseeing the
return of all materiel from the planet."
"Why don't we meet for breakfast in the mess tomorrow at 0600?" Chakotay
"Sure. I'll see you around. Torres out."
Torres had never been totally in touch with her feelings. Her father had
abandoned her as a child, and her mother was ashamed of her. How could
such a weak child come from her loins? B'Elanna remembered her mother's
endless diatribes about honor and the long line of warriors in their
house, and how she was reduced to this shame, her punishment for loving a
human. The other children in their settlement tormented her constantly,
and Torres had no one to turn to for comfort. So her best friends became
her sharp tongue and her fists. As she grew older and stronger, they left
her alone, and she finally had some peace. She escaped for a time to
Starfleet Academy, but her best friends turned against her, and she was
once again an outcast. Torres was a free spirit and the rigid way of life
didn't suit her. She left after two years and drifted from one place to
another until she heard about the Maquis. It wasn't difficult to find a
home among criminals, miscreants and other malcontents. Finally, she found
a family in Chakotay's cell. He was everything to her: brother, father,
and best friend. Oh, he was sexy as hell, but Seska had her hooks in him.
Torres didn't consciously give *that* a second thought until they had
encountered the Bothans. Her hallucination had seemed so real, and to her
great embarrassment, she had given in like one of those swooning females
in a dime romance novel. Later, as she replayed the experience over in her
head and tried analyzing it frame by frame, she felt no closer to the
truth than before. 
She also remembered her discussion with the Captain after they left Bothan
space. Janeway had said they should face their feelings and bring them out
in the open. It had taken this unexpected separation to make her realize
how strong her feelings were. But just what exactly were those feelings?
Was this about sex? If so, she could pick and choose from just about any
guy on Voyager. And it sure as hell would be less complicated to get
involved with someone at her own level than a senior officer. Four months
of long, hard thinking still hadn't bought her much except confusion and
misery. It was like losing her family all over again. So, when he came
back and tried to escape to his quarters, she didn't understand. He used
to tell her a lot of things, and even when he didn't, she could read
between the lines. Now, there was something intangibly different about
him, and she *had* to know what it was.
Torres stared at herself in the mirror in irritation. Leave it to Tuvok
and his lousy timing. He had only chosen her for this detail because
everyone else was busy doing other things. Engineering systems were all in
top shape, so she and Hogan had been drafted to sort through the supplies
and ensure that the shuttle was fully operational. Oh, well she had better
get to it.
Hogan was already at work in the cargo bay when Torres arrived. He handed
her a PADD. "Lt. Tuvok gave me this. Everything seems to be in order so
far. The only thing left to go through is the shuttle and the computer
system they used down there."
"Go ahead and run a series of diagnostics on the shuttle. I'll check out
the computer and download any files I find. Report back to me when you're
finished." Torres examined the PADD and verified that all supplies had
been returned from the surface.
Hogan nodded and walked off towards the shuttle. B'Elanna took the
computer under one arm and connected it to a nearby console. She found
Janeway's logs and smiled at a few of the entries about the monkey. The
rest went into detail about her entomological experiments and Torres felt
herself stifle a yawn. She saved the files to the Captain's directory on
the main computer. The remaining files belonged to Chakotay. She tried
checking the files for possible problems, and all she saw were a series of
fragments. Somehow, the files had become corrupted.
"Damn!" The words tore themselves out of her. She'd have to call for help
on this exercise after all. Harry was supposed to meet her for a game of
pool at 2100. Maybe she could get him to cut himself loose from his
clarinet practice a little earlier than anticipated.
"Something wrong, B'Elanna?" The quiet but intense voice startled her and
she turned to find Chakotay standing nearby. She dropped the PADD in her
"Shit, you scared me." B'Elanna admonished as she scooped the data pad
from the floor.
Chakotay's onyx eyes looked suspicious, and he offered no apology. "Tuvok
asked me to check in on things and see how the inventory is going."
"Hogan is running some Level 1 diagnostics on the shuttle and I've
finished scanning the computer files for viruses. But there is a problem
with some of the files...."
"Fix the problem, B'Elanna. I expect a full report on my desk by 2200
hours. And don't forget our meeting tomorrow morning at 0600 hours." 
Before he could leave, she stopped him with her hand. "2200 hours? That's
impossible. These files are hopelessly corrupted."
"Stop griping about it and get whatever help you need. 2200 hours. That's
all." He looked over his shoulder at Hogan who approached them cautiously.
He nodded at both of them before leaving as quietly as he had entered.
Hogan came up to stand next to a bemused B'Elanna. He shook his head.
"What's eating him?"
Torres shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. He's been a real bear
since he returned to the ship. Totally unlike him."
"You think he'd be happy to be back. Well, I better get back to work if
we're going to finish before 2200."
B'Elanna nodded and sighed. "Let me know when you're finished and I'll get
him his damned report. I'll be in my quarters trying to fix these computer
"Torres to Kim."
"Go ahead." Harry's voice begged her to rescue him from his clarinet
"I have to postpone our pool game, Harry. We were almost finished when I
discovered problems with these data files. Many of the system files and
personal logs from the planet are corrupted. I don't even know where to
"Maybe I can help. Give me ten minutes and I'll come by." 
"Harry, you're a lifesaver."
"Save your thanks until I solve the problem. Kim out."
He arrived in under five minutes in civvies. B'Elanna decided that he
looked decidedly better in casual clothes than in Fleet issue. She gave
him an approving look.
"What?" A flush crossed Harry's face at her perusal.
"I must say, Starfleet, that your uniform doesn't do you justice. Red is
your color." She winked at him before handing him a PADD. Harry was
flustered and quickly focused his attention on the data before him.
A short time later, he looked up at her and frowned. "I don't understand
how this happened. The Captain's files are fine. They resided in the same
subdirectory as the others. Theoretically, the entire system should have
been corrupted. This smacks of deliberate tampering."
"That makes no sense. No one has had access to these files except the
Captain and Chakotay. Unless...." Her brown eyes looked thoughtful.
"You think one of them did this?" He gave her an incredulous look before
sitting down on the settee.
"I don't have another explanation, Harry. And let's face it, both of them
have been rather tense since they returned this morning."
"That's certainly true, but I can't believe either one of them is capable
of this." He ran his hands through his thick, sable hair.
"I can. You don't know Chakotay the way I do. If he's mad about something,
he gets sneaky. Anyway, none of this speculation is solving the problem.
Do you think you can rejoin the files?"
"Well, yes, but it will take time. Fragmented files can take hours to
"I don't have hours. I have until 2200."
Kim uttered a short, unbelieving laugh. "You're kidding! Who set that
"Chakotay. Would you like to tell him you can't do it?" Torres raised her
eyebrows and waited for his reply.
Harry looked upset. "I'll try, but I'm not promising anything. As for
telling him, that's up to you."
"Thanks, Harry. I owe you." Her relief was immense.
"You sure do," Harry muttered before he disappeared out the door and back
to his own quarters.
Torres uttered a curse and continued working on her portion of the files.
But her mind was not on her work. 
*A breakfast meeting? What happened to a relaxed sit-down between two
friends? Damn him, just what is going on under that thick skull of his?*
She sighed and reluctantly dragged her concentration back to the display
in front of her. It was going to be a long night.
"Paris, wait up." Chakotay caught Tom by surprise as the two men left the
mess hall.
"What can I do for you, Chakotay?" Tom's blue eyes were filled with
curiosity. Chakotay rarely sought him out for any reason.
"I understand you're a pretty good holoprogrammer," Chakotay said in a
deceptively mild tone.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that. What is it you need?" Paris folded his
arms and eyed the first officer with a slight smile.
Chakotay handed Paris a recording chip. "Take a look at it. I've started
some preliminary parts of the program, but it needs to be a lot more
sophisticated. There are visuals of some places I have in mind that I'd
like to incorporate into the program."
Paris sized Chakotay up for a moment. "This will cost you."
"How much?" Chakotay asked shortly.
"Oh, let's see....two weeks of replicator rations, half up front." Paris
waited for an explosion, but none was forthcoming.
"Very well. I'll arrange for the transfer to your account. Is that
"Sure, whatever you want. Say, what's this for anyway?"
Chakotay ignored his question. "I want the first part of the program
completed in 48 hours. Is that a problem?"
"Depends on what you want me to do. Now if you don't mind, I have to meet
Chakotay couldn't resist a small jab at the lieutenant. "That wouldn't be
Jenny Delaney, would it?"
Paris grimaced. "Ah, no. We had a parting of the ways recently. Jenny has
moved on to greener pastures."
Chakotay regretted his comment. "Let me know when you have something for
"Will do." Paris gave Chakotay a knowing smile and scooted out of the way
Chakotay was about to retreat to the holodeck for his favorite meditation
program when his comm badge chirped.
"Torres to Chakotay."
"What is it, B'Elanna?"
"Harry and I are working hard to fix all the computer files, but we won't
be finished by 2200."
Chakotay was silent for a moment. "Never mind about the files. Finish what
you have done and get the report to me as I asked."
"But....." Torres tried to interject.
"That's an order, Torres. Chakotay out."
God, he didn't want those files retrieved. He swore to himself and quickly
sealed the door to the holodeck. He needed this time to himself to calm
down from his most recent argument with the Captain. Even when he was
angry at her, he tried to do things to please her. He hoped she
appreciated his latest effort when she saw it, but that would have to wait
until Paris finished tweaking the holoprogram he had given him. Lately, he
felt like something was slipping away from him. He usually had tight
control over his emotions, but this situation with the Captain was causing
him to lose his balance. Perhaps his animal guide could help him get back
on track. 
"I don't understand it, Harry. Chakotay is so careful about everything he
does. This *had* to be deliberate." She took a sip of her synthale.
"It's not for us to question Chakotay's motives, B'Elanna. I did manage to
get most of the files. You can probably piece the rest of it together
yourself." He paused for a beat and added, "Why are you so interested in
these particular files?"
"No reason. I just like to finish a job properly instead of leaving loose
ends." Her eyes avoided his and he touched her arm gently.
"B'Elanna, I know you and Chakotay are close, and I know how much you
worried about him while he was gone."
"Was I that obvious?" She continued to stare at her hands wrapped around
her beer stein.
"Only to me." This time he touched her face. 
B'Elanna looked stunned at this sudden attention and Harry withdrew his
hand hastily. She cleared her throat and said, "When did you get so smart,
He avoided her teasing question. "You're just trying to help figure out
what's going on with Chakotay. He *has* been acting kind of odd,
especially around the Captain. They barely talk to each other."
Torres said, "I don't know what's going through his head, and I have no
idea what makes the Captain tick other than caffeine."
Harry smiled at her small attempt at humor. He stood and put down his mug.
"The files are copied to your directory if you want to look at them."
He started to depart when she called after him. "Did you look at the
files, Harry?"
He turned and looked uncomfortable. "Some of them, yes."
"Is there anything there worth trashing?"
He looked at her for a long moment. "I'll let you be the judge of that.
Good night, B'Elanna."
"Good night, Harry. Thanks again." Her expression was thoughtful as she
finished her ale and left Sandrine's to work at the files.
Torres had transferred her report to her PADD and rushed to Chakotay's
quarters at 2200 hours on the dot. She tried the door chime several times
but there was no answer.
"Computer, locate Commander Chakotay."
"Commander Chakotay is on Holodeck 2."
*Damn him, I'll give him a piece of my mind when I see him tomorrow.
Especially since he was such a jerk about this report being on his desk on
She returned to her quarters and switched on the display where she had
worked most of the night. Chakotay's files were open at her terminal, but
she didn't know what to think. There was a whole series of engineering
drawings arrayed in little windows across the screen. A bathtub, a boat, a
headboard, and a bird feeder. Why on earth would Chakotay destroy these
files? An even more intriguing question was why would he build them in the
first place? In all the years she had known him, he had *never* taken a
bath. Therefore, she had to conclude that the tub was for Captain Janeway.
So, if he did this for her, why weren't they talking to one another? Well,
at least that would explain his bad mood, even if it didn't excuse his
brusqueness to one of his closest friends. 
She tried taking this one step further, and found she didn't like the jump
in logic. The drawings arrayed in front of her were like pieces of a
puzzle that suddenly fit together in a disturbing pattern. Were Chakotay
and the Captain involved? Torres put her PADD down and pushed back a lock
of hair that had fallen into her eyes. She just couldn't believe what she
was thinking. Who could she share this with? Harry? Tom? The one person
she definitely couldn't talk to about it was Chakotay. He was an intensely
private person at the best of times, but, this subject was off
limits. Maybe Kes would be a good person to talk to. She stayed impartial,
and she seemed to know everything that went on anyway. B'Elanna wasn't
particularly close to her, but so what? It was worth a shot.
B'Elanna got up and ordered a cup of pajuta from the replicator. She
started pacing and sipping at the same time. *Why does the thought of the
two of them together bother me? It's not like I have any claims on him.
But I'd be lying if I said the thought of jumping him hasn't crossed my
mind. If I was alone with him for four months, I sure wouldn't waste a lot
of time talking about bugs.* 
Torres placed her mug down so hard that the liquid sloshed over the side.
She unconsciously wiped up the mess and admitted that Chakotay had gotten
under her skin. There it was...what had they called this in her
Introductory Psych course? Electra complex? The thought of having sex with
a parent made her skin crawl, but it was the closest analogy she could
find. *OK, so there's more to this than filial feelings. I wouldn't kick
him out of bed. But why didn't I didn't feel this way when he was with
A relationship with Chakotay wouldn't work out. She knew it in her heart
even if he did make her heart beat a little faster. Their life experiences
were too much alike. They had lost everything back in the Alpha Quadrant,
and this ship had given them both a fresh start on life. This was the
happiest that Torres had ever been in her 28 years, and she didn't want to
return to her life in the Maquis. She had made the best of this situation,
and so had Chakotay. He was loyal, and had the respect of everyone on
board Voyager, including Tuvok. Chakotay was a man worth loving, but the
love she felt for him was not romantic in nature. Logically, B'Elanna knew
all of this, but something still gnawed at her. Well, she would see how
things turned out at breakfast tomorrow, then she would talk to Kes. 
In the meantime, there were all these files. A determined expression
crossed B'Elanna's face as she copied them. She didn't dare look at
Chakotay's personal logs. *That* was a real invasion of privacy. Besides,
she doubted she'd learn anything new.
End of Part One
Drift (ST Voyager-C/T/J, PG-13) 2/4
by Elizabeth Klisiewicz
B'Elanna showed up in the mess hall at exactly 0600 hours. There were a
few people filtering in, but Chakotay wasn't one of them. *Well, I can
certainly start without him.*
She walked over to the serving area and sniffed the air tentatively.
Neelix saw her and came over with a pot of what looked suspiciously like
"Good morning, Lieutenant. And how are you this fine morning?" He beamed
at her in his typical Talaxian way: annoying but endearing at the same
time. Torres was tempted to say, *What's so good about it?*, but her ire
would be lost on this alien Beau Brummel, who this very morning was
bedecked in a mind-bending combination of purple, orange and yellow.
B'Elanna felt nauseated, and it wasn't just from the foul odor emanating
from his steaming pot. Neelix's sartorial splendor and his culinary
concoctions were a stomach churning combination. She wondered how Ensign
Wildman had endured it for so many months. 
She shrugged her shoulders. "I've been better, Neelix. Do you have
anything besides that oatmeal?"
"Something troubling you? As morale officer, it's my duty to look after
the mental well-being of each and every person on board this ship." Neelix
set down the pot and wiped his hands on his apron.
"I appreciate the offer, Neelix, but it's nothing that a few cups of
coffee won't cure. I just didn't sleep very well is all." She looked
longingly in the direction of the replicator. The swill Neelix pushed on
them as a coffee substitute just wouldn't cut it this morning. *It's all
the Captain's fault. She got me and Chakotay hooked on this stuff. If we
ever have a shortage, we're going to have to duke it out.*
"Ah, well, Kes and I have come up with an impressive new coffee substitute
that the Captain swears is a ringer for her favorite Colombian brew. Would
you care to try it?" He grabbed a silver carafe and pushed it towards her.
His expression was so hopeful that she couldn't bear to hurt his feelings.
"All right, let me try some." She held out her cup and he poured her a
small sample. *Hmm, it smells normal. What could be wrong with it?*
B'Elanna brought the cup slowly to her lips and took a tiny taste. The
dark amber liquid slid down her throat and she sighed with pleasure.
"This is *wonderful*, Neelix. Where did you find this?" She looked at him
doubtfully, finding it hard to believe that such great java could come out
of his kitchen.
Neelix looked over at Kes and beamed with pride. "I can't really take
credit for this, Lieutenant. Kes has been working hard to replicate a
coffee bean that matches the best of the Terran ones. She searched the
ship's database and it looks like someone named Juan Valdez was
responsible for inventing Colombian coffee."
B'Elanna couldn't prevent a snort from escaping. It soon turned into
hearty laughter and Kes came over to find out what the joke was. Neelix
looked totally nonplused, not that this particular expression was foreign
to him.
"Sorry. I just...." She lost control of her train of thought again and
kept guffawing. *God, I have to stop pulling these late nights.*
"It's good to hear some laughter around here, but I wish I understood the
reason for it," Neelix said as a frown creased his expressive brow.
Torres finally managed to regain her composure. "Neelix, Juan Valdez is
not a real person."
"He's not? But I saw him. He was wearing one of those funny hats and
riding what they call a burro on Earth."
B'Elanna almost lost it again but she choked back another laugh. "He was a
symbol used by Colombian coffee growers as a sign of quality, Neelix. It's
my understanding that he was used in advertisements in the late 20th
Kes piped up, "I tried to explain that to Neelix, but he insisted that
Juan must be real."
"Well, he's not. Sorry to disappoint you. If you don't mind, I'd like a
pot of that coffee. Chakotay is supposed to join me for breakfast.
Speaking of which, where is he?" Torres glanced at the chronometer and
noticed it was quarter past the hour. He wasn't always the most prompt
individual, but he usually let her know if he was running late. She didn't
want to locate him using the ship's computer, because that would just
alert others that she was put out with him. People gossiped enough on this
ship, she didn't need to add fuel to the fire.
"I haven't seen him or the Captain yet," Neelix said, "But I expect
they'll both turn up before long. So, can I interest you in some oatmeal?
I put some leola root in it, and I must say, it's a sparkling combination
"No thanks, Neelix. Just the coffee. I'll replicate some toast. I'm really
not feeling all that great this morning," Torres said hurriedly.
Kes looked at her with sympathy and followed B'Elanna over to the
"Lieutenant, if you want to talk about what's troubling you, you can
usually find me in the hydroponics bay towards the end of Alpha shift."
Kes's blue eyes touched her with their gentle light and it was B'Elanna's
turn to feel dumbfounded. Sure, she'd had a passing thought the other day
to talk to Kes, but she had pushed it away as a silly idea.
"How'd you know...never mind, that's a silly question, isn't it?" Torres
took a sip from her mug.
"Not at all. My mental abilities are growing, but I'm not at the level of
reading minds yet. I'm in the habit of watching others closely, and I can
sense emotions to a certain extent," Kes said quietly with her usual calm.
Unlike Chakotay, this woman really was centered. Sometimes B'Elanna
thought Chakotay tried too hard to be in balance. He wanted to be many
things to many people, but he couldn't please them all. And unfortunately,
he had the heart of a warrior beating in his breast. This didn't help him
in his quest to be a counselor, seeker of wisdom, and all-around Mr.
"Thanks for the offer, Kes. By the way, call me B'Elanna. I'm not much for
using titles, in case you haven't noticed." Torres shot Kes a half smile
before returning her attention to her coffee.
"All right, B'Elanna it is." Kes glanced towards the galley and saw a
cloud of smoke emanating from its vicinity. "I better go, it looks like
Neelix could use my help."
"See ya," B'Elanna said absently as she sipped her coffee. A swift glance
at the clock showed the hands had now moved to half past the hour. Torres
started to watch the parade of crew members as they arrived to grab some
breakfast before Alpha shift. *Captain Janeway should arrive at any
minute. Ah, here she is looking none the worse for the wear and tear. How
does she do it anyway? I doubt she's sleeping any better than I am.* Paris
was nowhere to be seen, and that was strange. He usually joined her and
Harry for breakfast. For that matter, where was Harry? He had been up for
most of the night too, but he was always prompt. Suddenly a bleary eyed
Ensign Kim walked slowly through the door and shambled over to stand in
front of Torres.
"Morning, Harry, you look like hell."
"Thanks a lot, B'Elanna. Give me some of whatever you're drinking." Harry
sat down heavily and rubbed his eyes. Torres pulled a cup from a nearby
table and poured him a steaming cup of brew.
Harry didn't even hesitate as he downed half the cup. "I haven't felt this
crummy since my finals during senior year at the Academy. Don't ask me to
do any more late night favors, OK?"
"Deal. Have you seen Chakotay? He was supposed to meet me and he's late,"
Torres said shortly.
Harry wasn't too tired to notice her agitation. B'Elanna's foot was
tapping a mile a minute and her hand was following suit. Her brown eyes
snapped with pent up emotion "How many cups of coffee have you had anyway?
Slow down a minute."
"Answer the question, will you?"
"I think Tom said something about meeting Chakotay on the holodeck when I
passed him in the hall this morning."
"What? You expect me to believe the two of them are working on something
together?" Torres' lifted brows clearly showed her disbelief.
"I'm just telling you what Tom said. If you're so concerned, why don't you
look for them yourself?" Harry said.
"Maybe I'll do that," Torres snapped. She grabbed the coffeepot and strode
briskly past Kes muttering epithets about p'toks twisting in the wind.
The program was already in progress when Chakotay arrived. He breathed in
the fresh, simulated scent of pine and was caught in the act by Paris.
"I take it you approve." Tom smiled hesitantly.
Chakotay looked around at the verdant forest and nodded slightly. "Yes,
this is exactly what I had in mind. How much did you finish?"
"Most of it. Follow me."
The two men followed a path bordered by a babbling brook. As they walked,
the watercourse widened into a dammed area. Silvery water danced over
multiple colored stones and swooped down to a lower pool where it fell in
a gentle cascade.
Chakotay gave Paris a small smile of approval. "Excellent work, Paris.
This is exactly how I remember the woods around Brevard, North Carolina."
"I've never been there, but I had a friend at the Academy who came from
Asheville. She used to talk about the Blue Ridge Mountains all the time."
Paris's words were somber.
"Lieutenant?" Chakotay questioned upon hearing the sadness emanating from
"Sorry. I didn't mean to burden you with my past." Paris looked away for a
moment as he struggled to regain control of his emotions.
"What happened to her?" Chakotay asked perceptively.
"She was killed in a hiking accident during Christmas break. It rained a
lot in those mountains that year, and the path wasn't safe. She ignored
all the warnings and went anyway. They couldn't get to her in time, and
she died on the way to the hospital."
"My apologies. It wasn't my intention to bring up old memories."
"It's OK. In fact, I think your program inspired me to do some of my best
work. Come on, there's more." Paris regained his ebullience as he
continued down the path. Chakotay was reminded of an artist showing off
his canvases at a gallery.
The stream continued downhill from the second pool and became a lovely
canal bedecked by shrub roses and other fauna. It ended at a small pond.
"I've never been to New England, but I used your images and the ship's
logs to conjure this landscape. What do you think?"
"It's perfect. I stayed on Martha's Vineyard one summer and this is
exactly like the camp we stayed in. Do you think you might have this
finished by tonight?" Chakotay asked with thinly veiled eagerness. Paris
didn't need to know that the last bit of information was a white lie.
"Absolutely. If you can find some reason to let me off duty early, I can
have this program fully functional by....1900 hours. Plenty of time for
you to convince your date to join you." Paris darted a glance at Chakotay,
but the first officer's face remained still.
"Consider it done. I'll arrange for you to take the afternoon off. Will
that be enough time?" 
"Yeah, no problem. Well, it's 0645. Time to report to the bridge." Paris
shut down the program and was about to exit when he noticed Chakotay's
"Something wrong?"
"If there isn't, there will be. I was supposed to meet Torres for
breakfast at 0600 and I totally forgot about it." Chakotay winced at the
tongue lashing he expected from his Chief Engineer.
"Oops. Why don't you ask her to join you here instead of the Captain? That
might make it up to her." Tom grinned at Chakotay and ducked out before
the other man could cause any serious damage to his hide.
Chakotay raced to the mess hall and looked for B'Elanna.
"She isn't here." A calm voice sounded behind him, and he turned to face
Kes. Her elfin face regarded him curiously.
"How long ago did she leave?" He looked pointedly at his chronometer.
Kes smiled slightly. "She waited about thirty minutes before she grabbed a
pot of coffee and blew out of here."
Chakotay's expression was rueful. "I take it she wasn't in a pleasant
"No, I think not. She mentioned something about a p'tok twisting in the
wind when she got her hands on him. Might that be you?" Her blue eyes
twinkled at him, and he wasn't sure he liked being the object of her
"Did she say where she was going?"
"Well, let's see, Lt. Carey came up here a few minutes ago. He was
complaining to anyone who would listen that an ill wind is blowing through
Engineering today. You might start there." 
"Thanks, Kes." Chakotay nodded slightly before walking swiftly out of the
mess. He didn't even see Captain Janeway in his haste. He passed right by
her table as if she was invisible.
Janeway looked back at the departing figure before her blue eyes met Kes's
gaze. The captain shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the array of
food. She usually had a few cups of coffee before she ate anything.
Neelix's cuisine had improved noticeably in the last two years, and it
beat Ration Pack #5 every morning. She'd rather worry about command
relations on a full stomach.
Chakotay entered Engineering and looked around for B'Elanna. Hogan
approached him cautiously.
"This may not be a good time to talk to Lt. Torres," Hogan said. "She's
riding at full sail right now, and you wouldn't stand a chance."
"Is she here?" Chakotay asked.
"She was, but I convinced her to take out her aggressions in the holodeck.
I think she's running one of those Klingon survival programs at Level 7." 
"Thanks, Hogan. By the way, you both did good work on the planetary
supplies." Chakotay nodded to emphasize his words before he turned on his
heel and headed for the holodeck.
Torres had killed every ghoul in sight, and her foul mood still ran
through her unabated. Even at Level 7, she was barely breathing hard.
"Computer, eliminate all safeties. Authorization Torres 115."
"Denied. Survival programs do not allow removal of safeties except by the
Captain and First Officer."
"Great. Whose lousy idea was this?" She muttered to herself.
Torres swung around to see Chakotay leaning against the doorway. "What are
you doing here? You're the last person I want to see right now."
"So I hear. You've been cutting a swath through Voyager this morning. I
understand I'm the cause." He gave her a pointed glance while holding his
position. It was better to be cautious if Torres was ready to serve his
head on a platter.
"Don't flatter yourself, Chakotay. I had difficulty sleeping last night
after trying to muck through your files." Torres realized what she had
said a second after it left her mouth.
She heard him draw in his breath through clenched teeth. "I see."
"Work was already in progress before I spoke with you last night. Harry
had most of it finished, but you cut me off before I could tell you."
B'Elanna's control on her temper was like a slowly melting candle suddenly
exposed to extreme temperatures.
"Great, why don't you let the whole ship see the files while you're at
it?" He shot back sarcastically.
"If you recall, you told me to get whatever help I required to finish the
job by 2200 hours. And I might add, you weren't there to receive my
report," Torres said hotly.
"Use your head, Torres. You could have given the report to Tuvok."
"What's wrong with you anyway? You've been a real ass since you've come
back on Voyager. Is this what four months of living with the Captain has
done to you? I see she's got you building bathtubs. What's next,
commodes?" Her dark eyes snapped fire at him.
Chakotay's look should have warned her to drop the subject, but she plowed
on blindly.
"Tuvok asked me and Hogan to go through the inventory. I found corrupted
files and I did what any normal person would do. I pieced them together.
End of story. If you're paranoid about something that's in those files,
that's your problem. Just what are you trying to hide, anyway?"
"This is none of your business," he hissed at her.
"You're right, it's not. But *you* are." At his surprised look, she went
on boldly, "You're my friend, and I can see you're hurting. Hell, everyone
can see it. This hasn't exactly been a banner year for you, has it?. Seska
betrays you and the rest of us, has you beaten, and steals your DNA. Then,
two more Maquis turn out to be a murderer and a traitor. Your track record
so far hasn't been exactly stellar."
"Thanks for reminding me, Torres. What's your point?" he snapped.
"My point is, you need your friends in light of recent events. We Maquis
have to stick together."
"Really? Well, in case you haven't noticed, *we Maquis* have joined this
Starfleet crew," Chakotay said..
"Well, I have a piece of advice for you, Chakotay. If you shit on your
friends continuously, they may not be around when you need them most."
Chakotay held his silence for a moment. "You have such an eloquent way of
stating things, B'Elanna. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
"Is there some special reason you came down here, or do you just have some
perverse desire to abuse yourself?" B'Elanna asked.
"I came to find out what was bothering you. Obviously, that was a
mistake." He started to leave when her voice stopped him.
"Wait." She measured him for a moment with her eyes. "We've been through a
lot of scrapes together, haven't we?"
"You might say that. We did what we had to do to survive," Chakotay said
uneasily, wondering what B'Elanna was getting at.
Torres renewed her pacing, knowing she had to bring up the Captain again.
"I did a lot of thinking while you were gone. The Maquis are the only real
family I've ever known."
"I used to feel that way too." He waited for her to continue.
Torres continued her circle, as if she could grind her emotions out like a
campfire. "I don't take family lightly, Chakotay."
"What are you implying, B'Elanna?" The edge crept back into his own voice
as B'Elanna pressed home her point.
"Just that family may not mean the same to everyone. Friendship may ride
lightly on the shoulders of some." She was being deliberately cryptic, and
he took the bait.
"Speak plainly." Irritation sharpened his normally placid tone.
She stopped directly in front of him and crossed her arms. Anger
brightened her eyes to a feverish tint. "All right. I hope that your
relationship with the Captain won't come between us. Is that plain enough
for you?"
Chakotay's mouth opened slightly in surprise. "Why would you think that,
B'Elanna walked forward and grasped his forearms with her own. "You are my
closest friend, Chakotay. You've saved my life numerous times, and I've
done the same for you without once thinking about it. Now, I feel like
we're drifting apart as friends. Even before you were stranded, I felt it.
You used to always come to me when you needed someone to talk to, now you
always go to her. I feel like you've replaced me with her as your best
Chakotay considered his words carefully before proceeding. "B'Elanna, my
relationship with you is unique and can't be compared to my friendship
with Captain Janeway. I feel...responsible for you and the rest of the
Maquis on this ship. You are right, we are family, and you're like the
sister I never had. We are so far away from everything familiar, and we
need each other now more than ever."
Torres sputtered in contempt. *Sister? Is that how he sees me? How
flattering.* She bit back a sharp retort and said, "It still doesn't
explain your attitude the other day or the way you've been acting since
you returned to Voyager."
Chakotay sighed and prompted, "Go on."
"I didn't appreciate your comment about not being alone down there on the
planet. 'I was with the Captain, remember?' I didn't like the innuendo in
your voice. Just what were you trying to prove by throwing that in my face
when all I was doing was showing simple concern for you? How the hell do
you expect people to act when you've been gone four months? "
Chakotay's jaw tightened and he lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry if I gave you
the wrong idea, B'Elanna."
Torres snorted again and grabbed up her towel and weapon. She threw him a
disgusted look and said, "Let me know when you get your act together,
Chakotay. Maybe we can talk then."
Chakotay sighed and followed her out a short time later. The simple
pleasure he had experienced at seeing the holoprogram had completely
eroded, and he knew it was going to be a trying day.
End of Part Two
Drift: ST Voyager-C/T/J, PG-13 3/4
by Elizabeth Klisiewicz
Janeway took a sip of coffee while she finished reviewing the manifest
from the planet. *Not everything made it up here, and thank God for that.*
How would she have explained the bathtub to Tuvok? Oh, he wouldn't say
anything directly, but she expected he would send her some quizzical looks
in that Vulcan way he had about him. As it was, things were strained
enough between her and Chakotay, and she didn't need more speculation than
she already had. *Ah, Chakotay, what do I do about you?* She didn't get a
chance to complete her thought process, because the chime on her door
"Come in."
Chakotay entered almost hesitantly and came to stand before her desk.
"Captain, Lt. Paris has requested the afternoon off to take care of some
personal business."
She looked at him carefully. This was a routine request that didn't
require her attention, so there must be some other reason for his visit.
"Things are slow right now....I have no problem with that. Chakotay, since
you're here, I'd like to talk with you about something. Please sit down."
She gestured to the seat in front of her desk and he silently conceded to
her request.
"Would you like some coffee? I'm about to refresh my cup." Janeway placed
her PADD down on the desk in front of her and stood up. He nodded and she
walked over to the replicator. While she ordered the rich brew they both
favored, he happened to catch a glimpse of her PADD. For a moment, he
couldn't believe his eyes. Janeway was ordinarily the most organized
person he knew, but this was ridiculous. He scanned her agenda again and
there was no mistake. At the very bottom of her list, it said *Talk to
Chakotay about us.* He shot a glance in her direction and sat back in his
chair before she caught him snooping. Raw emotions started thrumming in
his head and he tried desperately to find his center before he said
something he'd later regret.
Janeway came back around behind the desk. She handed him his mug and
settled back down with the warm comfort of her mug caressing her hands.
"Chakotay, I heard that you're having some difficulty adjusting to your
normal duties. Is that true?"
"Let me guess, has Tuvok been advising you on how to handle things again?"
Chakotay challenged.
Janeway bit back a sharp retort and her jaw twitched. The involuntary
movement wasn't lost on Chakotay, and he was glad she was feeling
*something* under that cool exterior. "Commander, I'm concerned about you.
If you need some time off...."
"Concerned about me, or concerned about making sure my job gets done? And
don't you think I've had enough time off, Captain?" His eyes were like
black currants, ripe on the vine, but right now they were darkened by
frustration and anger.
Janeway waited, hoping Chakotay would compose himself. Any discussions on
protocol were bound to be met with resistance, considering the
circumstances. But the silence held, and the room grew heavy with their
mutual tensions. 
"I'm only trying to help, Chakotay, surely you can see that..." Janeway's
voice trailed off. She wasn't sure how to proceed.
"All right, why don't *you* tell me how I'm having trouble adjusting,
*Captain*?" His derisive tone disturbed her more than his deliberate
emphasis of her title.
"Well, there is the matter of the ship's manifest. There was certainly no
urgency in leaving this system, yet you demanded Tuvok tie up resources
for a good part of the night to finish an inventory. I understand this
report isn't even complete. Furthermore, various crew members have
complained that you're treating them unfairly. I'd like to understand why
this transition is so difficult for you, Chakotay," Janeway said softly.
"Don't you get it, *Kathryn*?" He paused for a beat as the deliberate use
of her name drove his point home. "I've lived with you for four months,
we've become lovers, and now we're back on Voyager. I suppose this is easy
for you. You seem to be able to turn your emotions on and off like a
"No," she said flatly, "It's one of the most difficult things I've ever
had to do."
"I'm sorry that you feel our relationship is such a burden. By the way,
was this one of your agenda items?" His dark eyes stabbed her with his
anger, and she knew he had seen the PADD on her desk.
Janeway said quietly, "This is the very thing I was afraid of, Chakotay.
Relationships often fail because each party has different expectations of
the other."
"You want expectations? All right, here's one for you. Since you ask me to
respect your title, why don't you respect mine? You call me Chakotay, and
I'll call you Kathryn. Otherwise, I expect to be called Commander,
*Captain*." His tone was so flippant that she almost missed the slight
impersonation of her own banter that he had thrown in.
"Point taken," she said dryly. "But I was being serious, Commander. What
expectations do you have of me?"
"This relationship....what we have between us, is not a scientific
experiment you can analyze and categorize neatly. And it's not an item for
your daily agenda. If this is something that is meant to happen, we have
to give it room to grow. There are things I need....When is it OK for me
to call you Kathryn? Will we ever resume what we had on the planet? I
can't just turn my back on this and pretend it never happened."
Her dark blue eyes widened and were filled with unresolved feelings. "I'm
not asking you to do that, Chakotay. However, I'm still trying to figure
out all of this in my own mind."
"I thought we already did that on the planet. I don't understand what it
is you need to figure out." Frustration colored his words and he knotted
his hands together. "I told you a long time ago how I felt about you. I
thought you felt the same."
Janeway remained silent for a moment. "I do. But it's not the same for me,
Chakotay. I didn't have the command relationship to deal with."
"Oh, really, and you think you're the only person who's ever had to deal
with command protocols, Captain? I hate to bring up a sore subject, but I
was always walking a fine line when it came to Seska."
Janeway felt herself grow more frustrated as the conversation unfolded.
She retorted, "Yes, and we see where that got you, didn't we?"
Hurt flashed across his face for an instant and she wished she could take
back the words, but it was too late. "I'm sorry, Commander. That comment
was out of line."
"Apology accepted." His professional mask was firmly in place, but his
body language was screaming at her. She needed to pursue this
conversation, or she might lose him for good.
"I want you to know how I feel.....Chakotay." His handsome face brightened
slightly at the use of his name. She continued carefully, "Every part of
our relationship is changed now that we've become intimate. There are
always problems inherent in a relationship where one officer is
subordinate to another. If I want to go on an away mission, are you going
to stop me? Are you going to challenge and question all my decisions? And
then there is the problem of favoritism. Will the crew think I am less of
a Captain because I am involved with you? If I commend you for something,
will people think I'm doing it because you deserve it or because we're
"I don't care what people think, Kathryn," he said passionately.
"But I do. And I have to live with myself, and this is why I need time to
work through this." 
"Why is it that you have to analyze each and every move you make? Why
can't you just accept the present and take one step at a time?" Chakotay
"I wish it was that easy. But you are asking me to go against the very
fabric of my being, Chakotay. Maybe you learned such acceptance as a
member of the Maquis, when every breath might well be your last, but I
don't operate this way. I'm sorry." She sighed and set down her mug.
"So am I." Chakotay said with regret. So much for inviting her to the
holodeck. It was obviously too soon. He stood up, set his cup down, and
started to leave.
"Chakotay, please have hope." Her candid words stopped him and he looked
back at her with a question in his eyes.
"We've only been back on the ship for 24 hours. Try and be the patient man
everyone thinks you are. I really do need a little more time, but I
promise you, this *will* work out, and not just because my statistical
analysis verifies this. My gut tells me it will." Janeway kept a straight
face, but there was humor laced with concern in her tone.
He considered her words, and gave her one of his rare smiles before he
left the Ready Room.
It was a quiet day in Engineering, despite the turbulent emotions coursing
through Torres. She decided to go off duty a little early and visit Kes.
Maybe the young Ocampan could help her sort things out. At this hour,
she'd be in the hydroponics bay tending the vegetable garden. Kes usually
picked the produce for the night meal, and sure enough, she was there when
Torres entered. B'Elanna approached the slight, blonde woman who was
fussing over a flowering plant.
"Hello, B'Elanna." She gave Torres a bright smile.
"Hi. I thought about what you said earlier, and I decided to take you up
on your offer," Torres said quietly.
"I'm glad you did. Sometimes talking to an impartial person can help." Kes
put the finishing touches on the soil preparation.
"What is that?" Torres indicated the plant with its delicate pink and
white flowers.
"It's a Terran plant called a bleeding heart. Perhaps you've come across
it in your travels?" Kes looked up to gauge B'Elanna's interest and
noticed the wry expression on her face. 
"No, I wasn't much for botany I'm afraid. They forced us to take an
introductory course at the Academy, and I barely got through that. Do you
need any help here?" Torres looked around for something to occupy her.
"No, but I think *you* do. Care if we talk while I work?"
"Not at all. So, you sense trouble in me?" B'Elanna asked uneasily, not
sure how much Kes actually guessed about her situation.
"Not just in you, there are several others on the ship projecting dark
emotions too." Kes looked upset and stopped her work for a moment.
*Gee, who could that be?* Torres kept the last bit to herself, but Kes
looked at her sharply and managed a smile.
"I see a lot, B'Elanna. Everyone passes through the mess hall sooner or
later and they may not be aware of it, but their body language speaks
volumes. I admit that some people are harder to read than others. Take the
Captain and Chakotay for instance, they seem to be on the outs right now."
Kes gave Torres a sideways glance to see her reaction. She was rewarded
with a frown from the other woman.
"Really? Why do you say that?" Torres asked nonchalantly. 
"Chakotay came in looking for you this morning and he didn't even see the
Captain. He seemed very preoccupied with finding you."
"Oh, he found me." B'Elanna's quiet tone did nothing to hide her
"Want to talk about it?" Kes asked as she started fertilizing some
vegetable plants. Her kind blue eyes expressed her concern.
"It's just that....things are so different now that they're back. Chakotay
and I used to be best friends, especially after Seska betrayed us all. He
needed someone and he chose me for his confidante. And when I needed
someone to talk to, he was always there for me." Torres crossed her arms
and sighed.
"And now?"
"Now, nothing is the same. He obviously has something going with the
Captain, and he's not there for me anymore. He's making unreasonable
demands and he's not following through on commitments." Her brown eyes
looked pained and she hesitated to add any more commentary.
"I see. Go on," Kes prompted as she proceeded down the row and started
picking ripened vegetables.
"What do I do in the meantime? Do I just pretend that nothing has
happened?" Torres asked.
Kes looked thoughtful. "No, of course not. I think you have to give
Chakotay time to sort through his feelings. But more important than that,
I think you have to give yourself time as well."
"That's easier said than done. I want my *old* friend back. How do I
accomplish this?" Torres asked impatiently.
"I'm not sure that's possible, B'Elanna. Someone else has entered the
picture. It's bound to change the dynamics in any relationship. Look at
the problems Neelix and I went through when Tom showed an interest in me.
It was very difficult, but we worked it out. I told Neelix he had to stop
doubting my feelings and trust me. And isn't it funny how it turned out?
Neelix and Tom are friends now." Kes smiled at B'Elanna and continued to
place vegetables in her basket.
"When you look it at that way, I guess there's hope, isn't there?"
B'Elanna commented.
"There's *always* hope, B'Elanna." Kes finished her gathering and stood
facing Torres. "I hope this has helped you put things in perspective."
"Yes, actually, it has. By the way, who's the plant for?" Torres indicated
the bleeding heart which was now wrapped in a decorative foil.
"Someone who has a need for it," Kes answered simply. "I have a delivery
to make after I visit the mess hall with these vegetables. Neelix will
have a fit if I'm late."
"We wouldn't want to have that, now would we?" Torres gave a small chuckle
at the thought of Neelix fuming and pacing in the galley. "Well, Kes,
thanks again. You've given me something to think about." 
"You're very welcome. Anytime, B'Elanna."
It had been a tiring day. It seemed like there was a constant stream of
visitors, so when yet another person requested an audience at the end of
Alpha shift, Janeway was at her wits end.
"Come in," she said, not bothering to hide her impatience. She felt a tic
developing in her left eye, and she willed it away.
"Captain, if this is a bad time, I can come back later," Kes said
tentatively. Her soothing voice was an instant balm to Janeway's nerves.
The plant in her hands grabbed the Captain's curiosity and helped her
forget her own problems.
"No, actually Kes, you are *exactly* what I need right now. Please, sit
down. Can I get you something?" Janeway waved tiredly in the direction of
the replicator.
"No, thanks. It's almost dinner, and I can't stay long." Kes placed the
plant in front of the Captain. Janeway looked at the flowers with
"Are these for me? What's the occasion?" A keen interest sparkled in
Janeway's dark blue eyes.
"This is a welcome back plant from Neelix and me. It's our way of showing
our appreciation for all you've done for us." Kes smiled and waited for
the questions she knew were forthcoming.
"Thank you, Kes. Tell me, what is this plant called? I know I've seen it
Kes answered, "It's called a bleeding heart, Captain. It's supposed to
bloom in the late spring on your world, and it likes the shade. We have
more in the hydroponics bay if this one doesn't make it."
"Ah, I see my reputation precedes me. I admit I'm not much of a gardener.
I've never had a high tolerance for insects, especially not now," Janeway
said with irony, a smile quirking up her mouth at the corner.
Kes winced in sympathy. "I saw this plant on the ship's database and I
noticed it does very well in New England. That's where you were born,
isn't it?"
"Yes," Janeway said introspectively. Her attention returned to Kes. "That
was very thoughtful of you, Kes."
"I thought it might remind you of home, Captain. Perhaps it could be a
symbol of hope for you."
Janeway smiled mischievously. "Is that all? I thought maybe you were
trying to tell me that someone's heart is broken."
"Not at all, Captain," Kes said, an answering smile lighting her delicate
"Well, I shall do my best not to kill this plant, Kes. I actually did
quite well with Neelix's Talaxian tomatoes when we were on the surface.
You would have been proud of me." Janeway felt much better all of a
Kes stood up to leave. "Well, I better get to the mess hall, Captain. If
there's anything you need, let me know."
"I will. Thanks again, Kes," Janeway said thoughtfully as her mind turned
once again to Chakotay. She'd been more than a little hard on him, and she
owed him an apology.
Here's a smile from the dark side
a fire on the rise
your trust in me a luxury....
Excerpt from How Sweet by Ultra Vivid Scene
Paris was putting the finishing touches on Chakotay's program, but he
needed a break. He terminated the program and exited the holodeck. As he
rounded the corner, his mind was not on his surroundings, and he almost
knocked a slight figure to the ground.
"Captain, are you all right?" He righted her with his hands and she nodded
at him.
"Fine. It serves me right. I wasn't looking where I was going. It's just
the jolt I needed to wake me up before dinner." Her eyes looked tired, and
Paris restrained himself from expressing his concern. According to Kes,
who had just visited him on the holodeck, the Captain didn't need any more
well wishers. She was worn out by the nonstop visits she had received
throughout the day. Kes had approved of the program and suggested that Tom
show it to the Captain. Tom wasn't sure if Chakotay would appreciate that,
but he didn't have to show her everything.
"Captain, do you have a minute?" Paris decided to go for it.
She hesitated visibly. He knew she was warring with the need to grab some
time for herself, and the desire to please her crew. "Yes, of course."
"I've been working on a program and I think you'd really appreciate it."
Another thought pushed its way into his head, and it took a great deal of
intestinal fortitude to prevent a mischievous smile from breaking out on
his face.
"I'd like to see it, but...." 
"Captain, I think you *need* to see it. Perhaps it will help you relax,"
Tom said.
"Very well." She followed him back into the holodeck with a resigned look
on her face. What could he possibly show her that would relax her more
than a hot soak in a tub and a good night's sleep?
Tom activated the program. "Computer, activate Paris Alpha C 179. Level
Janeway looked at Paris. "This program has levels? Tom, I'm really not in
the mood for exercise right now. I realize that it *is* supposed to relax
one, but it's really not what I had in mind."
"Captain, it's not what you think at all. Take a look around you." He
stood slightly behind her and couldn't stop a grin this time.
Her mouth opened in surprise and delight at the woodland surroundings.
Bird song sounded from the numerous tree canopies and the breeze carried
the delicious smell of spring in all its glory. Janeway lifted back her
head and sniffed with delight. Suddenly, she realized that she was alone.
She shrugged her shoulders and decided to explore. 
There was a garden path ahead of her and she followed the paving stones
into the cool embrace of the forest. Lady slippers and bleeding hearts
nestled contentedly by the edge of a stream. She stopped and examined them
with a clinical eye. Was Kes in on this with Tom? Very likely. Oh, well,
they had good intentions. Somehow, she knew there was a message in this
for her, but she wasn't sure what it was yet. She continued along the path
and noticed it was brighter up ahead. The path must end there. Sure
enough, the treeline ended abruptly, and she was treated to yet another
She was on top of a hill overlooking a charming New England cottage on a
pond. Then she did a double take and took a closer look. *Wait a minute,
Kathryn, how could he know about Grandmother's house on the Cape? Unless
he was snooping in my files.* She couldn't find it in her to be angry at
Paris. The pastoral scene beckoned to her and she walked eagerly down the
She rounded the corner of the house and stood facing the front portal. It
was exactly like she remembered from her summer trips to see Grandma.
Leila Sullivan's Cape Cod style house had been built in 1720. The wooden
shingles on this replica showed exactly the same degree of weathering as
the original. Concord grape vines wound themselves confidently around the
trellis in the side yard, and caused her to remember something amusing.
Her grandmother had always made her own wine, and she sometimes gave
little Katie a sip. She always accepted, because she didn't want to hurt
Grandma's feelings. But to this day, she didn't care much for wine,
especially red wine. Grandma was good at many things, but winemaking
wasn't one of them. Through the years, she continued to call Kathryn
*little Katie*, even after she was graduated from the Academy and had
accepted her commission. Still, the sight of those grape vines called up
warm, comforting memories of her maternal grandmother.
Janeway entered the house and looked into the front parlor. She sighed at
the sight of the wingback chair and afghan covering it. The only thing
missing was Ozzy, her grandmother's favorite cat. She walked over to the
chair and touched the patterned fabric with her hand. The sturdy material
was faded from years of exposure to the sun that slanted through the
window on most afternoons. *I'll only sit down for a minute,* she decided.
She settled her tired frame into the old chair and rested her head against
its back. Her hair was twisted into its usual knot and the pins dug into
her scalp. She reached up to release her heavy masses of hair when a voice
startled her.
"Let me do that for you." 
Chakotay was leaning against the doorway, gazing at her fondly. It should
have felt like an intrusion, but he was oddly welcome. He walked forward
and relieved her head of its burden. "There, is that better?"
"Yes, thank you. Chakotay, may I ask what you're doing here?" Her eyes
were relaxed and genuinely interested in his response. Shining, auburn
tresses fell in silken splendor across her shoulders and he longed to bury
his face into their scented depths.
"I could ask you the same thing, Cap...Kathryn. This is my program."
Amusement mixed with some other undefined emotion crossed his face and
curved his lips into a smile.
"Your program? But Tom Paris said this was something that would help me
"He's right, it will. But you weren't supposed to see this program...yet.
I wanted to surprise you with it," Chakotay admitted.
Janeway looked up at him with surprise, and suddenly a stray tear etched
its way down her face. He walked over to her and brushed it away with his
hand. "I thought it would make you happy."
"It does, Chakotay. It's just that....I've been terrible to you in the
past few days. I wanted to apologize for my behavior."
"Well, I promised I would give you space, and I kept pushing my needs on
you. I hope this program will make it up to you." He looked around with
satisfaction before his gaze returned to her face for approval.
"You're not angry with me anymore?"
"No, but you might be angry with me," Chakotay said sheepishly.
"What do you mean?"
"Look around you. What do you think of your surroundings? I'm very
impressed by Paris's skill."
"He did a marvelous job," she said agreeably. "The details are exact. Wait
a minute.....I guess I shouldn't ask you how you got access to my personal
files, should I?"
"Ah, no. It's what you would call a 'Maquis operation'." A mischievous
grin lit up his face and she returned it measure for measure.
"I see. All right, then I don't want to know, except....just how many of
my personal files did you see?"
"Just some vacation photos. I wanted to capture a place you found
special." He gave her one of those captivating smiles again, and she felt
something in her begin to weaken. *That's not the only thing he's
captured, the scoundrel, and doesn't he know it.*
"This is only Level 1 of the program?" Janeway asked, turning the subject
to something less personal.
"Paris has a little more fine tuning to do on certain sections. Would you
like to see it when it's done?" He had the enthusiasm of a little boy at
times, and she couldn't help but respond positively to it. Chakotay had
worked so hard to please her on the planet that she sometimes felt like
she took him for granted. But not now.
"Yes, I would like that very much." She pulled the afghan closer about her
and Chakotay took that as a signal to leave.
"Well, I just wanted to check out Level 1. Sorry I disturbed you. I'll
leave you to relax." His tone of voice said just the opposite. He wanted
to stay.
"Chakotay, please, this is your creation as much as Tom's. Stay, and keep
me company." Her blue eyes pleaded with him.
"I'd like that," he said shyly, and took the companion chair near at hand.
"Perhaps we can replicate some dinner," she suggested.
"Perhaps." But food was far from his mind. His black eyes transfixed her
and she couldn't release her gaze. Her eyes dropped to his lips and
returned to the rest of his face, and he smiled, for he knew she felt what
he did.
"Chakotay, I..." Heat coursed through her, but she couldn't blame it on a
fire, for the nearby fireplace was cold and gray.
Chakotay got up and sat down on the floor next to her chair. He lifted her
hand from where it rested on the coverlet and wrapped it within his own.
"I know you need time, and I want to give it to you. But can you deny the
effect this place has on both of us? It feels like home, doesn't it?"
"Yes," she admitted with a sigh, "It feels like we're a million miles away
from everything right now."
He nodded in agreement. "Can't you forget for just a little while,
"I can try, but..." He covered her mouth with his hand.
"No objections. Just relax with me and enjoy the moment." He moved behind
her and suddenly his warm hands surrounded her neck and started kneading
the knots he knew were there. He remembered the response he had gotten
from her the last time, and he wasn't disappointed. A groan escaped her
lips and she was breathing faster than before. In four months, he had
gotten pretty good at knowing the best spots to touch her, and he
proceeded to start mapping out a course. He did this as much for her as
himself, for her reaction got him hot and bothered. Suddenly, he could
stand it no longer. His hands stopped and she tipped her head back to look
at him.
"Why are you stopping?" Her voice was slightly slurred from exhaustion.
"Because if I continue, I can't guarantee where my hands will end up,
Captain." His dark, soulful eyes were black with passion.
"I see. Well, then, please continue." There was no mistaking the message
in her voice.
"Are you sure?" Chakotay asked hesitantly.
In response she took one of his hands in her own and started sucking his
fingers. She looked up at him with naked desire on her face and answered,
"Yes, I'm sure."
End of Part Three
Drift: ST Voyager-C/T/J, PG-13 4/4
by Elizabeth Klisiewicz
Tom Paris was the last one to leave Sandrine's that night. It was 2300
hours, and most of the holobar's regular patrons had the early shift.
Paris decided to work on Chakotay's program so he could finish it up
quickly. He had a feeling that both Janeway and Chakotay needed it. It had
been a brilliant stroke of genius to invite the Captain to use the
program, then call Chakotay down to review it on his own. Paris knew that
Chakotay was a perfectionist, especially if it was something he had paid
for, and he would check out every last detail. How could he help but find
the Captain? From there, he figured nature would take its course.
Paris noticed that his program was still running on Holodeck 2. The
security lock was not enabled, so he figured it was safe to enter. *Hey,
maybe I can talk to Chakotay and finish up tonight.* The door slid open
silently and the couple standing nearby were so wrapped up in each other
that they didn't notice him standing there. He was about to open his mouth
to announce his presence, but some strange impulse stopped him. Janeway
and Chakotay were molded against each other as they engaged in an
extremely wet and sensual open-mouthed kiss. Paris was starting to get
turned on watching them. *OK, so I admit it, I'm a bit of a voyeur. And it
sure is fun to see the Captain let loose.* Chakotay's hands were roaming
freely over Janeway's body and when he fondled one particularly sensitive
place, she threw her head back and let out a moan that caused the hairs on
Tom's neck to stand on end. *Now I'm intruding*, he thought. Paris coughed
quietly, and the startled pair flew apart.
Paris explained, "The door was unlocked. I wanted to see if Chakotay
needed any more changes made."
Janeway flushed a deep red and looked away. Chakotay looked like he wanted
to be everywhere but in this particular situation. Paris knew the other
man valued his privacy, and to be caught in the act, well, that had to be
particularly galling. It was one thing to tease Chakotay about jumping the
Captain, but it was quite another to have it confirmed.
"We were....umm.." Janeway tried to act casual, but her florid color
remained. In fact, Paris couldn't help but notice that the color not only
suffused her face, but it extended down into her uniform. He wondered what
it would be like to see....*Paris, enough already. Only two weeks without
Jenny Delaney and you're already going crazy.*
"Yeah, I could see that," Paris said with a grin. He gave Chakotay a
knowing smile as they both remembered the time Chakotay had caught a
couple members of the crew necking on the turbolift. The Commander's
answering glare told him he remembered the incident well and didn't
appreciate the reference.
"We didn't think anyone was around...." Janeway started to say, then
changed her mind and clamped her mouth shut. Paris was fascinated by the
disarray of both their uniforms, as well as the hasty attempt by the
Captain to pull her hair into its usual bun. 
"Ah, hah. Well, I didn't see anything. I'm glad you both liked the
program." He gave them both a wink and disappeared through the arch and
out the door.
Janeway and Chakotay looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders. 
"This is what I was afraid of, Chakotay." She managed a small smile. 
Chakotay patted her shoulder. "What's done is done, Captain. Good night."
"Good night, Chakotay." She figured she'd give him five minutes and then
return to her quarters.
A few weeks passed, and things seemed to settle back to normal. Torres was
bent over a console when she heard a familiar voice. "Can you spare a few
She straightened up and gave Chakotay the once over. *God, he's smiling.
And it seems genuine.* Torres looked at him doubtfully and was about to
make a sarcastic remark, but something stopped her. She didn't want to be
the cause for any more unhappiness. If anything, the passing of time had
caused her to reflect soberly on her behavior and make her realize she had
been a trifle hard on him.
"You wanted to say something, Torres? Feel free to take your best shot,"
Chakotay quipped.
She grinned and said, "I'm trying awfully hard to restrain myself. I mean,
that smile of yours could light up a room without any electricity. You
seem awfully pleased about something."
"Actually, I am." He didn't elaborate, but she didn't need him to. She
knew enough about his situation to guess that things were going his way
for a change.
"Good. So, what did you want to talk about? We're a little short handed
today. Hogan has contracted some kind of flu, and I'm trying to fill in
while he's out."
"I wanted to thank you, B'Elanna." He nodded to emphasize his words.
"Thank me?" She looked incredulous. "For what? Admittedly, you *were*
acting like an ass, but I was being totally shitty to you."
"I deserved it. Instead of taking action, I was wallowing in self pity,
and the crew suffered for it."
"Yeah, well, that's life. We survived, as you can see. Your friends are
still here for you, Chakotay."
"I'm glad to hear you say that, B'Elanna. Are you up for a game of
hoverball? Say, 1900 hours?"
"Absolutely. I'll see you then. Better take some practice shots before I
get there, because I'm going to pulverize you. I've had a lot of time to
practice while you were gone."
He smirked at her and was about to leave when she added something.
"Chakotay, maybe you can answer something for me."
"What?" He noticed a gleam in her eyes, and wasn't sure he wanted to hear
her question.
"Do you know why Tom Paris has been strutting around here these past few
days? He's driving us all crazy with some secret he has. He keeps denying
that he knows anything, but I know him. He's so full of himself, I want to
smack him one. Usually, when there's something going on, he's the first to
tell everyone." 
Chakotay looked uncomfortable for a moment, but it was enough for B'Elanna
to ascertain that the secret must be about *him*. "I really wouldn't know,
B'Elanna. Paris and I aren't exactly friends."
"Oh, really? Then why are you spending so much working on that holodeck
program with him?" She threw him a sharp glance.
"He's getting well paid for his efforts, Torres. Paris doesn't work for
free. Well, I'll see you later then."
He ducked out of Engineering before she could ask him any more questions.
Torres just smiled to herself and returned to work. She'd have fun getting
Tom to spill his guts, and her smile grew almost lascivious as she thought
of ways to convince him. *Torres, get your mind out of the gutter and back
to work before you get yourself in trouble.*
Well I'm thinkin 'bout your presence
I'm thinkin' all about your hands, about your mouth.....
Excerpt from Cut Throat by Ultra Vivid Scene
Janeway was in her quarters gazing out at the stars when her comm badge
"Chakotay to Janeway."
"Go ahead, Commander," she said absently.
"If you can spare some time, the holodeck program is finished. Would you
like to join me?"
A smile stole onto her face. "Yes, I've been looking forward to it. What
should I wear?"
"Anything but a uniform. Oh, and bring your appetite. Chakotay out."
A few minutes later she arrived on Holodeck 2. He was nowhere in sight,
but she soon heard his familiar tread and his dark head emerged from the
woods. Her breath caught at his outfit. Chakotay's chest was bare and his
golden skin glowed with some inner light that seemed to radiate towards
her and catch her in its net. A medicine bag hung from his neck with a
rawhide thong, and he wore buckskin leggings and moccasins. He smiled at
her reaction and stopped in front of her.
"You didn't tell me we were going native," Janeway remarked with a quirk
of her mouth. His smile deepened and she thought how unfair it was that a
man should have dimples like that, and what's more, be aware of them and
use them as a powerful weapon.
"You look lovely, Kathryn." His warm eyes scorched her as he took in her
red jumpsuit that clung to every curve. Her hair was pulled back loosely
in a ponytail, but he'd make short work of that later on.
"Well, follow me," Chakotay said mysteriously. He started back the way he
had come from, and turned back slightly to make sure she was following
"Are you going to tell me what this is about?" Janeway increased her pace
to keep up with him, but he merely threw her an amused glance.
"If I did that, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? Now, no more
questions." He pretended to be put out with her, but she caught the
twinkle in his eyes. They walked down to the pond and she stopped short.
"A rowboat? It looks exactly the same as the one you were going to build,"
she exclaimed happily.
"It *is* the same." He took her hand and she followed him onto the dock,
where he helped her in. One end of the boat was higher than the other and
had a built-in backrest. She smiled at his thoughtfulness as she settled
herself comfortably into the boat.
"I suppose this is like the headboard you built me?" Janeway's easy tone
soothed him, and he smiled to hear how relaxed she was.
"Yes. I try to anticipate your needs before you even have them. My wish is
your command." He untied the boat from its mooring and started rowing.
"I'll keep that in mind." She looked around for a picnic basket and
glanced at him suspiciously. "I thought you said I should bring my
Chakotay laughed wickedly. "I didn't say what *kind* of appetite, did I?"
"You're bad," she said, shaking her head with a laugh. Unfortunately, her
stomach gave her away. Chakotay started at the loud growling emanating
from the other end of the boat.
"Don't worry, Kathryn, there really *is* food on the agenda." Chakotay
said this with a straight face, and she knew he was teasing her again.
She raised an eyebrow. "So, is that all I am to you is an agenda item,
"Touche, *Captain*." They both laughed as they remembered the painful
conversation of a few weeks earlier.
Janeway eyed his garb with frank admiration and more than a little
curiosity. "Tell me, Chakotay, what tribe are you from? You've never
mentioned it specifically." Janeway waited patiently for his answer.
"Before I tell you that, let me tell you a story that my grandmother's
friend told me many years ago. It's a long one, so make yourself
comfortable." He smiled slightly as she adjusted her position on the other
end of the boat.
"Kathryn, I think you might be more comfortable down on this end of the
boat. Why don't you come here, and relax against me?" He offered
"That sounds lovely, Chakotay, but you won't be able to row the boat,"
Janeway answered with a hint of mischief in her voice.
"We can....drift along with the current." Chakotay pulled up the oars and
laid them in the bottom of the boat.
Kathryn hesitated for a moment, but her common sense won out and she
carefully crawled to his end of the boat. She sat on the seat facing him.
"How's this?"
Chakotay shook his head slightly and grinned. He beckoned her over to sit
with her back to him. "Don't be silly, woman. I won't bite you."
She raised her eyebrows at him, for he *had* done that on more than one
occasion, and this atmosphere was conducive to such behavior. He picked up
her train of thought and his dimples deepened. "I promise I'll be a
perfect gentlemen. Besides, I have to tell you a story. At the very least,
my mouth will be busy."
A giggle escaped her and she finally complied with his wishes. She had to
admit, his chest did make a very good pillow. "This is a story from the
Hopi Indian tribe and how a great chief's son made the first journey
through the Grand Canyon.
'"Long ago, on the enormous far rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, lived
ancestors of the Snake Clan, who belonged to the Hopi Indian tribe.
Chief of the Hopis had a very wise son, who liked to sit and meditate on
edge of the canyon rim. He tried many times to imagine where the powerful
river far below finally ended.
Experienced ancient men of their nation did not know the answer for Wise
Son. Their council leaders had different ideas among themselves. One
the river took a secret course through enormous underground passages.
Another thought it entered the middle of the world and there it nurtured
large and dangerous reptiles.
Impatient, Wise Son said to his father, the Chief, 'Is it not time for me
seek my quest? I wish to go down the great river and find the place where
Proud of his son's desire for accomplishment, the Chief gladly granted him
permission to follow his quest. Wise Son, overjoyed with his coming
planned specifically for every need. His family and tribal friends helped
him to design and to build a waterproof boat that could be closed
like a cocoon.
He constructed a long pushing-pole to help him navigate the waters. The
Shaman tied prayer sticks at the top of the pole, with special blessings
a safe journey.
Finally, the day arrived for Wise Son to launch his special canoe. The
and his warriors arrived with supplies of food, good wishes, and more
Week after week, Wise Son drifted with the river. He was happy. He learned
to keep his boat in the main current, though it carried him through
turbulent side routes, including rapids and tunnel-like caves. He
victoriously came though these experiences with joy in his heart.
On and on Wise Son traveled, winding his way out of steep canyons and
through flat meadowlands. He caught fresh fish for his main food supply.
day, Wise Son noticed a change in the taste of the water. It was salty and
he knew that he should not drink it. Then to his surprise, he suddenly
floated into a great body of water that extended as far as he could see.
had discovered the place where the mighty river ended, in the ocean where
the sun sleeps!....."
His voice caressed her mind like velvet. She felt all her troubles slip
away as the boat drifted aimlessly in the stream. Janeway's hand trailed
in the water and she sighed as he continued to relate his tale. Her
thoughts slipped back to the time on the planet when he had told her his
Angry Warrior tale. That moment in time would stay suspended forever in
her mind, frozen with its loveliness and fragility like fossilized
amber....*Why am I thinking of bugs*?
Chakotay looked down at the Captain who was nearly asleep in her relaxed
state. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she was fully alert. "What a
lovely story, Chakotay. Thank you for sharing it with me. But you still
didn't answer my question."
"What question was that?" 
"What tribe are you from?" Janeway repeated with fond exasperation.
"I thought you'd figured that out by now, Kathryn. I belong to your tribe.
I go where you go." Chakotay's face was solemn as he added yet another vow
to stay by his Captain. He heard her breath catch at his pronouncement.
Kathryn sat up and took his face in her hands. She stroked his cheeks,
caressed his lips and traced his tattoo as if she was trying to memorize
his features. "Thank you, Chakotay."
"You're welcome," he said warmly as the boat arrived at its destination.
"Tell me, was there some point to that story other than entertainment?"
Her sharp eyes examined him as she hopped lightly from the craft.
"What point do you think there was?" 
"Oh, let's see, we're drifting in a boat and so is the wise son. And there
are numerous descriptions of his hazardous journey. Tell me, Chakotay, has
it really been that bad?" Her eyes crinkled with laughter and he smiled
back at her almost shyly.
"Come on," he said, taking her hand and pulling her down the path. "I have
something special to show you."
They followed the stream to its end, and Kathryn's mouth opened up in
wonder at the multiple leveled pool and waterfall. Her hand tightened
around his inadvertently. "This is amazing, Chakotay. Is this a real
"As real as you want to make it, Kathryn. But to answer your question,
yes, it's a real place. My paternal grandmother is Cherokee, and I spent a
lot of time in the Blue Ridge Mountains as a child. Few can appreciate the
loveliness of that region of North Carolina. Waterfalls are so common that
most residents don't even blink an eye at them."
She was so moved by his gesture that words failed her for a moment. He
took her hand and squeezed it gently. "I appreciate it, Chakotay. This,
and everything else you've done for me. I can't believe this program and
how you've managed to weave together places that mean so much to both of
us. Thank you."
"Well, you can thank Tom Paris." His humble words caused her to smile.
"But you were the visionary who came up with the idea. Now, where's that
"Right this way." He led her to a flat rock by the side of the roaring
water. A basket lay nearby and he unfolded a blanket and started handing
her implements. Wonderful smells wafted from the basket.
"This doesn't smell like anything from Neelix's kitchen. Not a hint of
leola root."
Chakotay grinned. "Neelix can't take credit for this, Captain. I've been
saving many of these ingredients for a special occasion. I hope you like
Much later, they lay entwined on the blanket. Janeway rubbed her stomach.
"God, I don't think I can move an inch. That was wonderful, but I'm going
to be useless for awhile."
"There's no hurry, Captain. We're both off duty tomorrow and I have the
holodeck for the night and half of tomorrow morning."
She started as she thought of something. "I hope you remembered to
activate the privacy lock this time."
He laughed and nuzzled her with his lips. "Yes, now stop fretting, will
She didn't hear him, for she was already sound asleep.
She woke much later and felt a warm, comforting presence next to her. Her
eyes opened and she found herself staring straight into Chakotay's
laughing face. "It's about time you woke up, you lazy woman."
Her mouth curved into a smile as she stretched her arms over her head.
"What time is it?"
He growled at her and butted his head against hers. "No schedules, no time
constraints, and no agendas. Is that understood?"
"Yes, sir," Janeway laughed. "Gee, I'm glad I didn't have to serve under
"Are you sure?" He wrestled with her and flipped her on her back expertly.
His heavy body fit against her perfectly, and it was hard to keep her
thoughts straight. "Now, take it back."
She laughed and shook her head. 
"Take it back or else," Chakotay said jokingly.
"Or else what?" Janeway taunted. She tried standing up but he caught her
around the waist and hoisted her into his arms.
"Or else this." He strode over to the nearby pool and dunked her in. She
shrieked at the shock of the cool water against her body. Her clothes
started to weigh her down and she pretended to be angry as she stood up in
water to her knees.
"You just ruined a perfectly good cashmere sweater, Chakotay. I can't
replace this." She threw him a mock glare.
"We'll replicate you another one." He acted like a proud warrior standing
over an adversary he had just counted coup on and she decided to strike.
Her arms snaked out and pulled his legs out from under him. He fell
heavily into the water with a splash and came up sputtering.
"I can't replace these buckskins either." His grin was white and feral as
he pulled her to him. Their faces were only an inch apart and each enjoyed
the other's thorough perusal.
"I love the way you can lie through your teeth and smile at the same time.
If I recall correctly, didn't you come on Voyager with only the clothes on
your back?" 
He took her head in his hands and let her feel the full force of his
smile. "I can't get anything past you, can I?"
His warm solid body, coupled with his musky scent, distracted her to no
end. "You owe me a sweater, Chakotay."
He laughed, "I promise I'll knit you one, Kathryn."
"Is there anything you can't do, *Wise Son*?
He lowered his hands to her shoulders and murmured, "So, you were paying
attention after all."
Janeway tried but failed to suppress a shiver. Her blue eyes sparkled up
at him. "Don't these clothes feel just a little cold and wet to you,
"Yes. Why don't we help each other out of them?"
"Good idea," she said huskily as his mouth lowered to hers. They sank to
the ground beneath them and renewed that age old dance once again.
A few remaining drops of water trickled down a bare leg and he licked them
off of her. She gasped as his mouth slipped lower. "Don't you think it's
time we got back, Chakotay?"
He stopped his ministrations for a moment and sighed. "Yes, I suppose so.
I think we better replicate some clothing since what we arrived in is
Janeway wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his shoulder.
"This has been an extraordinary experience, Chakotay."
"Yes, it has. But it doesn't have to end, Kathryn. It's only the
She raised her head and regarded him seriously. "We can't keep on like
this, Chakotay. It's only a matter of time before people figure it out. If
we're to have a relationship, I want it to be an open and honest one."
He nodded in agreement. "Why don't we meet later in the hydroponics bay
and talk about it? That should give us both time to think."
"That sounds like a plan." Janeway stopped for a moment and looked around
her in puzzlement.
"What is it, Kathryn?"
"I was wondering where my bathtub is. That is part of the program, isn't
He threw back his head and laughed. "Yes, it was originally intended to be
that way. But then I figured you could use the pool for the same purpose."
"Ah, is that what you figured, you evil man? I'll just bet that's what you
planned all along, isn't it?" She punched him lightly and they proceeded
to walk arm in arm to the rowboat.
Paris woke late that morning and spent most of the afternoon playing pool.
He was about to rack up the balls for one more game when Torres hailed
"Torres to Paris."
"Go ahead."
"Harry and I are in the mess hall and wondered if you'd like to join us
for dinner. Tuvok is cooking some Vulcan dish." Amusement filled her voice
and Tom could hear Harry chuckling in the background.
"*Tuvok* is cooking? This I gotta see. I'll be right up."
Paris shut down the program and made it to the mess hall in record time,
nearly exceeding Warp 10 in the process.
Torres gave him a curious look. "Hey, slow down, Tom. We don't want you
turning into a lizard or losing your tongue."
Paris grimaced and sat down. "Thanks, Torres. I know I can always count on
you to brighten my day."
Harry piped up. "So, how does Chakotay like his new program?"
Tom caught B'Elanna's astonished glance and he looked over his shoulder.
*Well, I'll be damned, they're finally owning up to it.* The Captain and
Chakotay entered the mess hall with their arms around each other, wide
grins splitting their faces. Tuvok looked up from the galley and he nearly
dropped the pan in his hand in his amazement. Paris started laughing at
the reaction they were getting. He especially enjoyed the red flush
creeping down Harry's neck.
"I don't know, Harry, why don't you ask him yourself?" Tom teased, not
missing a chance to needle his best friend. Harry was such an easy mark
sometimes that it probably wasn't fair, but this was a golden opportunity.
Harry said, "I can't believe this."
Torres gave him a sharp look. "What can't you believe, Harry?"
"Well, they're supposed to set a good example for the rest of the
crew...." He stopped as his friends burst out laughing. "What?"
Torres smirked at him. "I don't know, Harry, I'd say they're setting a
fine example. What do you think, Tom? Would you like to follow their
Tom's astonished face caused Torres to burst out laughing again. "You guys
are too much. What do you expect after four months alone on the planet,
Harry? I think we can safely say they're past the hand holding stage."
Chakotay and Janeway noticed the attention they were receiving, but they
merely nodded at the junior officers and adjourned to their usual table in
the corner.
"Why do I get the feeling I'm the last person to figure this out?" Harry
asked petulantly.
"Harry, Harry, don't feel bad. I'm the only one who knew about this," Tom
"What are you talking about?" Torres said sharply. "I knew all along they
were involved. I got a good look at some of those files. You saw them too,
Harry. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out."
Harry groaned. "What a dunce. Of course, a bathtub and a boat? It was
right in front of me all the time."
Torres looked at Paris suspiciously as something occurred to her. "Wait a
minute, Paris. Is this the secret you've been hanging over our heads for
Paris laughed. "Yeah. What of it?"
She grabbed him roughly. "If you ever hold out on us again, you'll answer
to me personally. You got that?"
Paris couldn't help but notice how attractive Torres got when she got her
back up. "Ooh, B'Elanna, you give me shivers when you look at me like
that." She muttered something about a dumb p'tok and loosened her hold on
him. Torres continued to eye Paris with mock ferocity, but it was
difficult to maintain her expression. He pretended to leer at her and she
couldn't help but laugh. Harry looked between them, blinking in his
confusion. If there was a joke here, he had missed it. Paris noticed his
friend's problem and started chuckling. Poor Harry, innuendo was lost on
him. He was too damned straight for his own good, and too trusting to
Tuvok arrived with their food on a platter. Paris smiled and said, "I must
say the service has improved around here. Are you planning to do this on a
regular basis, Tuvok?"
The expression on Tuvok's face was priceless. Before he could answer, they
all started laughing. The Vulcan performed his customary eyebrow raise and
set the food down on the table. He was about to ask them what the joke
was, but something told him he didn't want to know. Tuvok had a habit of
killing any joke when he tried to apply logic to it.
He merely said, "I hope you enjoy tonight's cuisine."
They watched as Tuvok proceeded to the Captain's table. Paris picked up
his fork and commented, "Boy, what I wouldn't give to read his personal
Harry groaned and B'Elanna threw her napkin at Tom. "Don't even think
about it, Paris."
They laughed and dug into the food with gusto. In the meantime, Janeway
and Chakotay ate their food without tasting it. The weight of hiding their
relationship was gone, and each of them gazed out at the stars, wondering
at the infinite possibilities that lay on the road ahead.
1. The Hopi Indian legend is an excerpt from a much longer tale called
First Journey Through Grand Canyon.
Musical Sources:
1. Frantic Drift by the Chills, an early single from the compilation
Kaleidoscope World.
2. "How Sweet" and "Cut Throat" by Ultra Vivid Scene, from the CD Rev.