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Written by Susan de-Fluke



Disclaimer: TPTB were so stifling, bordering on the boring with their narrow ideas and . . .well what can I say other than, keep yours and I’ll play with them while you’re asleep. I promise to bring them back before curfew.

Author’s note: I made a challenge in memory of my cousin. He was forever challenging me and losing him was hard. So I challenged others to do this - write a story in two days. Chakotay, Kathryn and one or two others are abandoned on New Earth, or another planet, with no hope of ever leaving. Here is mine.

Summary: They have made life as comfortable as possible but a conversation and an unforeseen event changes their lives for ever. Contains J/C, C/T and C/K



“These tomatoes of yours are very tasty,” he complimented.

“Thanks, and I think they are supposed to be for every one; not just you,” she teased.

Chakotay grinned.

Kathryn noted the tomato juice dribbling down his chin and reached out a fingertip to wipe it away with rather more seduction than perhaps she had intended, at first at least.

“Watch it, woman!” he growled. “Or I might just make love to you right now.”

“What? Here among the vegetables?” she asked coyly.

He suddenly grabbed her and kissed her deeply. Within seconds their lips and tongues were dancing. He pulled away breathless. “We better stop, eh?”

Kathryn nodded also breathless. “I think so or we’ll never get dinner in the oven,” she agreed.

He growled in his throat and gave her stomach a little affectionate rub brushing across he curls through the material of her dress; whether accidentally of deliberately was unclear. “I’d rather get something else in the oven,” he added meaningfully.

Kathryn started to laugh, but it was cut off by a pair of lips that descended to hers once again.

“Chakotay! Chakotay!”

He heard the horrified shouts and lifted his head. Kathryn beside him straightened from trying to stop the tickle of his slow moving hands and they locked eyes.

“Oh, spirits!”

He jumped from the garden and Kathryn followed.

“Over here B’El. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Kes. She’s . . .” The frightened and partly embarrassed woman stopped short. She briefly glanced back at the shelter in the distance and turned back, one hand on her hip the other covering her mouth.

Kathryn saw the look and crossed to her, reaching her a split second before Chakotay.

“What’s wrong?” she demanded. “Is she hurt, a fall . . .the virus . . .?”

“No, it’s none of those,” B’Elanna assured her. “It’s . . .well she’s . . .”

“Why were you calling for me?” Chakotay wondered.

“You better see for yourself.”

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

At a run they entered the shelter. Chakotay stopped dead at the sight that met his eyes. Kathryn stopped beside him and both hands flew to her mouth. B’Elanna stood on Chakotay’s other side wringing her hands with worry. What the hell would they make of this?

All three of them stared at Kes. She was kneeling curled up under the table rocking and trembling badly.

“Oh no,” Kathryn moaned softly through her fingers.

“Is it what I think it is?” B’Elanna inquired softly.

“What’s happening to her?” Chakotay asked.

“It’s a little complicated and embarrassing,” Kathryn replied.

Chakotay’s eyes widened in alarm.

Kathryn lowered her hands and swallowed dryly at the look on his face. “B’Elanna? Would you please wait outside a moment? We’ll be out shortly.”

Confused the young woman nodded. “I’ll go and check the fish traps,” she mumbled on stepped outside.

Chakotay watched her go and turned to Kathryn quizzically. “Do you know what’s wrong with Kes?”

Kathryn looked up at him and gently ran her hand down his arm to hold his hand. “Yes I do,” she said finally.

“What is it?” What do we need to do to make her well again?”

Kathryn smiled gently. “She isn’t sick. It’s the elogium. And we can’t help her. Only you can.”

Chakotay frowned.

“Talk to Kes. Let her tell you. I’ll be outside helping B’Elanna.”

Chakotay stood alone. He looked down at Kes and walked over to the table and knelt down. Holding out his hand he reached out to her. “Kes? Come out now,” he called softly.

Kes looked out at him, There was worry in her eyes and a measure of embarrassment. She let his hand take her arm and let him gently guide her out.

“Come and sit down.”

“I can’t sit. It hurts . . .to sit. I need to . . .lie down,” she stammered.

Chakotay led her to her alcove and she laid down on her side on the bed. He sat on the edge not knowing quite what to say.

“I think I know what you want to say, and I understand if you don’t want to do this . . .”

“Do what, Kes?” he replied. “I’m not entirely sure I understand. What’s happening to you?”

“The elogium; it’s the time of change. I am of age to mate and have a child and I want you to mate with me.”

Chakotay abruptly slid off the bed backwards and stared down at her. “Y-you . . .you want me . .to mate . . .oh my!” he sighed.

“Chakotay, I understand that this puts you in a difficult position, but for my species this occurs only once. I have to mate now or I will never have a child. I don’t want to come between you and Kathryn; what you have is very beautiful and damaging that is the last thing I want to do. But I have to know your answer.”

An incomprehensible sound escaped his lips and he sucked in a breath. “I-I . . .I’m not sure what to say. I really think I should speak to Kathryn . . .is there a deadline . . .you know; how long . . .I mean when do I have to . . .?”

She lifted her hands both of which were covered with a thick gelatinous substance.

“What is that?”

“It’s the ipasaphor, it makes the mating bond possible. Once we start . . .if you decide that you would want to mate with me we have to stay bonded for six days to ensure conception. But it will only active for another 49 hours.”

He gazed at her numbly. “I - you . . .well . . .” He pushed a hand through his thick black hair and closed his eyes, sighing loudly. “Oh, Spirits. I should have seen this coming.” He gazed down at her for a long time before he let the hand drop unto her shoulder as he leaned towards her again. He gently squeezed her shoulder affectionately and smiled dully. “I think this is a decision that we should all make. I’ll go and bring the others in and we’ll talk about this together.”

Kes nodded.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

Kathryn was the first to see him walking towards them. She straightened from tickling a salmon in the river and stepped out of the water soaking wet and dripping all over the grassy bank.

“B’Elanna,” she called softly.

B’Elanna looked up and then joined her.

Chakotay looked at them both. “I think we should all talk together because I can’t decide on my own and whatever the decision will be it will affect us all.”

Kathryn looked at B’Elanna and they both nodded. “We’ll get changed and join you.”

“I’ll be with Kes in her alcove.”

“We’ll be right there,” B’Elanna agreed.

Chakotay nodded and walked back to the shelter.

Kathryn looked at B’Elanna and spoke softly. “It’s time you told him the truth,” she said.

B’Elanna’s eyes filled with tears. She took a breath to say something, but instead pursed her lips together. Then she sighed and nodded.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

They had begun the discussion with a brief outline of what the elogium meant for Kes. And followed that with the consequences.

“I don’t want to leave you for another woman,” Chakotay said to Kathryn. “It’s you I love.”

“Do you have feelings at all for B’Elanna?” Kathryn asked gently.

“I’m fond of her, yes. She and I have been close for years. I have a deep affection for her.”

“What about Kes?”

“I’m not sure I can say that about Kes. She and I are good friends, I value her company. Yes, I suppose I’m fond of her too,” he admitted.

Kathryn smiled slightly. “What do you think we think and feel about you?”

“Well, I know how you feel, your love is tangible to me. As for B’Elanna and Kes . . .?”

“Kes is the odd one out here. Her need for you is merely a biological necessity. Both B’Elanna and I love and care for you deeply. I think if you mate with Kes - and I strongly suggest that it is the right decision to do so - you should mate with us all. I can’t be your only mate, Chakotay. We are alone here and we all have needs, and you are the only man.”

“I agree with that,” B’Elanna added quietly.

Chakotay opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His cheeks darkened as he looked at each one in turn. Finally he spoke. “You all think that?”

Kes nodded. “Yes, I do too. It’s only fair.”

“And since we are here for the rest of our lives, mating with all of us will ensure a broad gene pool for future generations,” B’Elanna put in straight faced.

Kathryn stared at her in surprise and suddenly coughed out a laugh.

Chakotay almost smiled. “Thanks B’Elanna - I think. I am going to find this a little strange it will be difficult to get used to. I have always been a one woman man.”

Kathryn curled am arm round his waist. “Oh, I think the biggest problem will be getting a four-man bed in these alcoves.”

B’Elanna laughed.

Kes smiled. “I think a double bed for each of us should be ok, and just establish a rota,” Kes decided.

Kathryn smiled softly down at her. “That’s a really good idea, but first you are our priority. Is there anything we can do?”

“The Rolisisin; it’s part of the change. My people have formed it into a ritual of sorts. Someone needs to massage my feet.”

“I can do that,” B’Elanna offered quickly.

“What say we take a foot each?” Kathryn interjected.

They chattered excitedly about the prospect of this new experience and Kes sat up tentatively to allow them to remove her boots. Through their clamour a single voice rose to still the ebullience.

“Ah, ladies? I haven’t made a decision yet.”

The three of them fell silent and turned to Chakotay. He smiled uncomfortably and waited far too long to put their minds at ease. “I’ll do it,” he told them. “Give me an hour or so to meditate.”

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

Chakotay smiled at her and kissed her lips. She smiled up at him and touched his face. He encircled her in his arms and held her close. Lifting his head slightly he opened an arm and beckoned B’Elanna into his embrace.

He released Kathryn to hold the younger woman and they kissed for the first time. A wonderful feeling of warmth flowed through him then and he was amazed at the love and trust and sense of peace he felt. They all wanted the same and had offered themselves equally to him. A lump began to form in his throat. He wasn’t sure he deserved any of them, their calm and sisterhood was so . . .he couldn’t find the words to adequately explain his feelings right at that moment.

He found it no less than astounding that they were willing to share him. Could he give them just a fraction of himself equally in return. Of course he could. Hadn’t he always? Just this was so different.

Chakotay released her and smiled to them both and stepped across the room to the alcove. He looked back momentarily before disappearing behind the semi-transparent screen.

Kes stood waiting for him nervously. Chakotay took her arms in his, careful not to touch her palms, gently tracing circles on the backs of her hands with his thumbs.

“Is this your first time?”

Kes nodded.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

He pressed his lips to hers tentatively and she shyly kissed him in return. He kissed her again moving his hands to her back to gently pull her close. She was so small against him, so delicate that he was afraid of crushing her.

But her arms reached up to encircle his neck to pull him closer, deepening the kiss. He parted his lips, the tip of his tongue reached out to taste her lips and to his surprise and delight her tongue slipped out to meet him half way. Without breaking the pace he gradually slipped the shapeless shift she was wearing off her shoulders and smoothed his hands across her soft skin. He felt her fingers on the buttons of his shirt as his lips left her to wander aimlessly across her virgin skin and then decided at the last second on a direction.

He found her neck and throat and then her beautifully shaped ears. He had always, secretly, been fascinated by those ears and traced the carved shell with his lips and tongue, his breath dusting her auditory canal causing her to shiver involuntarily.

Kes was being driven wild by these new sensations. She closed her eyes knowing that he would take her through this gently and carefully making her first time special and memorable for them both. She trusted him.

Pushing the shirt from his body she moved on to the fastenings of his trousers. She could feel the already stiffened manhood beneath the material of his briefs. He was so aroused, and he was with here showing her, guiding her through this most powerful of experiences that two people can share. He would be her first.

She gently pulled his briefs from his hips and felt him shift slightly to kick the clothing away. They were both naked now. She pressed her body to his and felt him slowly dry-humping against her. It was an indescribable sensation that sent shivers through her being.

Chakotay lifted her onto the bed where Kathryn and B’Elanna had piled a mound of cushions for them to lay on. Reclining beside her he found her breast his with lips. She sighed loudly and felt his hand claim the other pebbling the nipple with his fingers.

His hips rocked gently against her thigh and his free hand travelled down her body to her damp fur and swollen folds. Her thighs parted invitingly. He was surprised to find that she was so human-like. A finger pushed between her folds and touched her sex. She jerked and cried out as he rubbed the hard peak gradually up and down and then increased the speed. She raised her knees urging him on.

He slipped a finger inside her hot core swirling it round before withdrawing and inserting it again. and moved over to mouth the other nipple. She was so wet. She was so ready.

“Oh . . .” she mumbled. Careful not to touch him with her palms, she smoothed her fingertips across the bronze skin of his chest and then his back. She found a buttock and squeezed it nudging him closer.

He groaned and lifted his head. Kes had her eyes closed revelling in the sensations he was producing. He carefully manoeuvred himself between her thighs feeling her legs go around him. He was by instinct at her entrance. He thrust gently at her door while he claimed her lips again.

Kes could feel his swollen shaft beat a gentle, but insistent tattoo against her vulva. His hips rotated against her as he kissed her deeply longingly, their tongues duelling. She stiffened and drew back as his head pushed in, exploring.

“It’s okay. Trust me. You’ll be okay,” he whispered soothingly. “Just relax.”

Kes allowed herself to go all floppy while still holding onto him with her legs; her hands poised above his shoulders like a fox over a lizard.

Gently and carefully he pushed in further and drew back. He thrust forward and drew back until he was almost all the way out.

Kes lay her head back enjoying the feel of his thick shaft probing her inner sanctum. The look on the woman’s face beneath him has almost as arousing as the feel of her tight body around his hot member.

He closed his eyes and pushed in all the way home and held himself there. “Oh, Kes,” he sighed.

Kes opened her eyes and gazed up at him and smiled. “Chakotay,” She whispered silkenly.

“Okay?” he inquired duteously.

She nodded. “More. I want more.”

Slowly he began to thrust in and out gradually increasing the speed until he was driving into her like a piston. Their breaths huffs out in time with their moves, hers thrusts matching his, keeping pace as he ground his body into her pulsating nub.

He could feel her body begin to clench around him in increasingly violent muscular waves. His orgasm was building and he began to huff louder still and till he lunged up inside her and shouted out his release. She flung her head back and cried out with him, holding him to her and now hands flat against his shoulders as her body jerked.

His hot seed spurted up inside her as her body clenched tighter milking him dry and staying closed. Regaining his breath by measure he lifted his head he blinked down at her.

“I seem to be stuck.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “That’s as it should be. The ipasaphor is also in contact with your skin and we will both fall into a deep sleep within minutes. My body won’t release you until conception is assured.”

Chakotay smiled. “I’d hate to make the comparison, but that’s very similar to an Earth canine . . .” his voice drifted off into nothing, suddenly feeling the pacifying nature if the ipashaphor as it gradually flooded his mind with endorphins.

Chakotay kissed her gently and saw that she too was falling asleep. He allowed his head to drop onto her shoulder and knew nothing more.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

Kathryn stirred the eggs and them tipped the mixture into a large serving bowl. “Do you think I’ve made enough?”

B’Elanna eyed the plate. “There are only four of us. You’ve made enough there for ten.”

“Well, they’re due to wake up about now and they haven’t eaten for six days.”

At the moment Chakotay and Kes emerged from their brief hibernation. Kathryn dropped the spoon into the pan and the pan onto the small woodstove and crossed to him, putting her arms around him.

He smelled of sex and stale sweat, but he was gorgeous and she had missed him. Telling him this, they kissed completely forgetting that there were two other people in the room.

“Oh Kathryn, I’ve missed you,” he said between kisses. Then he lifted his head and smiled widely down at her.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Never better. And as hungry as a traiken beast.” He inhaled deeply through his nose. “Breakfast smells good. Where’s that other beautiful wife of mine?” he said looking round and spying a surprised but grinning B’Elanna standing on the far side of the table. He quickly went to her and crushed her too him kissing her almost senseless.

“Other wife?” a voice rose from the doorway.

Kathryn turned to find Kes smiling in the doorway. “Kes! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I feel a little strange, but I expected that. It was the experience of a lifetime and now I am starving . . .what?”

Chakotay coughed and looked at anything rather than look at their inquiring expressions and upward curving eyebrows.

“Well, I hope you have enough left for B’Elanna and me,” Kathryn ribbed.

Kes spied the eggs at almost the same time as Chakotay.

“Eggs!” they said in unison and sat down digging forks into the fluffy pile. Kathryn sent her best ‘I told you so’ gaze at B’Elanna and she shrugged.

“I’ll make some more,” the half-Klingon responded.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

Why do I get the feeling you and B’Elanna did all the work around here while I was asleep?” Chakotay bemoaned, eyeing the winter store which was almost full. Smoked salmon, dried fruit and whole fruit vegetables, herbs and spices. The tubs of grain were full and the honey had been collected.

“Ah-ha! I notice you didn’t do the wood.”

Kathryn threw her ball of wool at him and watched it fall short landing at his feet. “Insufferable man. Not only do you insult the hard work we’ve done you stand too far away for me too hit!”

Chakotay merely grinned at her.

“Uh-oh. Red alert, the dimples are out,” B’Elanna chuckled.

Kathryn laughed with her. She stood up and collected her wool placing the crocheting she had been doing into her craft basket. “All right. I’ll help you with the wood. Will you two be okay here?”

“Well be fine,” Kes assured her. “B’Elanna and I are working on the new weave pattern I designed.”

Chakotay stood and collected a phaser, hatchet and a tri-corder and bent to kiss B’Elanna. “Well see you later.” He bent to kiss Kes a hand round her shoulders in affection. He drew back slightly. “Is it my imagination or is there a slight bump?”

“It’s only been a few hours since we awoke,” Kes protested.

“How long does it take for the pregnancy to become noticeable?” Kathryn asked as she fetched the med-kit.

“I’m not sure to be honest and there’s no way to be sure that I have conceived or that we’re even compatible for that . . .”

She stopped as the scanner whirred over her back. Kathryn could not smother the grin that spread over her face.

“I am?” Kes blurted out in surprise.

“She is?” Chakotay followed barely a second later.

“She is,” Kathryn confirmed.

“I thought I felt strange when I got up this morning. I just didn’t think that was the reason.” Kes suddenly smiled brightly.

Chakotay was almost in tears. “Oh, my Kes. You take it easy now, you hear me?” he said softly. Kes giggled through her nose and nodded, humouring him the other two women were sure. “I’ll be back soon. How long will we have to wait until it’s born?”

“About twenty weeks,” Kes replied.

“Late winter,” Chakotay thought aloud. “We’ll need extra wood. Kathryn, we’ll take the shuttle, that will minimise the time it takes to haul the logs.”

Kathryn agreed.

They said their farewells and left for the shuttle.

Chakotay skipped along at a heady pace, Kathryn puffed hard to keep up.

“Chakotay, slow down, love.”

Chakotay stopped and looked at her, his light heart was evident for all to see.

She smiled at him and touched his cheek. “Oh, you are going to be so difficult to live with now,” she noted with amusement.

Chakotay took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. “How about I try and make it two?” he mumbled.

“Right now?” she almost squealed.

“Right here, right now,” he drawled heatedly, and lowered her onto the soft ferny forest floor.

They couldn’t undress each other fast enough. She had been without his touch for almost a week. Too long. And he, as a passionate man needed his outlet and needed it now. But Kathryn had other ideas.

She flipped him onto his back. Hands roamed across his skin her lips and mouth doing obeisance to his body, kissing licking and nipping every centimetre of his bronzed torso. She heard him gasp and moan and then all the louder as she clamed his manhood and drew him into her throat fully and tenderly. In and out of her mouth and squeezing his balls. His thighs parted slightly to increase the penetration. This would end so soon . . .too soon.

He threw his head back and groaned loudly, clenching to stop himself from shooting his load at the sensation.

“Oh, stop! Oh Kathryn! My sweet love, please.”

He pulled her from his erect shaft and lay her down finding her breasts with both hands and her throat with his lips and tongue. Slowly he worked his way down her body feasting on each nipple, purring as he sucked each hard pebble that he found. Down her belly with butterfly kisses he found her folds. She parted her thighs inviting, begging him to taste her.

He knelt between her legs and kissed her soft red curls before parting her with a finger and probing her nub with his tongue. Her taught centre was aching for him. She bucked under his intense onslaught of tongue and lips on her wet.

She felt his tongue penetrate her core flicking across her sensitive flesh. He moved his tongue back to her peak, up and down and pushed a finger inside her. After only a few probes with his fingers he wanted in. He could hold on no longer.

Settling against her he thrust gently feeling her open up to him. And he entered in one move. She was so ready, so hot, so ripe.

“Oh, my sweet Kathryn. So mine. My beautiful Kathryn,” he whispered like a litany.

His rhythmic thrusts grew in intensity and soon he was pounding into her, their bodies slapping together as the rose towards the ecstasy.

“Oh, Chakotay. Ooh . . .Oooh . . .Hhoahh, hah, hah, hah!”

“Oh Kathryn, oh, Kath! Nhagh . . .Nhagh! Nhagh!!” He huffed against her neck breathless, but happy. “Oh Spirits. I am a lucky man,” he said still breathless, but in control as he lifted his head to look at her.

“Why do I get the impression that I have harem?”

“Because you do?” Kathryn suggested with amusement.

“I am either going to die a happy grandfather, or I will burn my self out and die happy during middle age,” he smiled.

“We won’t tax you that much, my love,” she promised. “At least, not all at once.”

Chakotay chuckled softly. “Let’s go and get the lumber in.”

They rose and dressed and reached the shuttle only to make love again before flying off to the thickly forested slopes of the distant mountains.

The cargo hold filled nicely and they left for home two days later. It took several more days to chop the lumber into suitable sized pieces.

B’Elanna eyed a rather thick trunk laid off to one side. “That one is too thick to get the axe through,” she noted.

“Ah, that’s not for logs. That’s for the babies’ cradles.”

“Don’t you mean cradle?” she frowned.

“Not if I time it right,” he replied, conspiratorially.

B’Elanna eyed him in amazement. “You want us all to have children at once? Either you are good at boasting or good in . . .”

“Oh, I can vouch for that,” Kathryn put in, throwing a hot look in Chakotay’s direction.

“No complaints from me either,” Kes put in.”

Chakotay’s cheeks turned red and he turned away, hiding the grin. He collected his tools and loaded them into his toolbox before picking it up and heading for the shelter.

Their eyes watched him leave and Kathryn turned to B’Elanna who still stood eyeing the lighted doorway contemplatively.

“Knots at twelve o’clock,” Kathryn said.

“Not for long,” the younger woman responded and walked into the shelter.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

Breathless he gasped, his moans increased. Her soft, but urgent cries dusted his cheek. He drove in further, deeper claiming her fully. In to the hilt he rocked his hips feeling her thrust against him. He closed his eyes; she was so good. He drove in harder and faster, could feel his release and hers coming.

“Oh, you’re so beautiful!”

He pressed a kiss to her lips before grunting, his climax hitting him. He roared out his release hearing her cries ring out around him. He held her tight and lowered his head to her shoulder. Basking in the feel of her body throbbing around his he lay still.

After a moment or two he raised his head and looked down at her.

“Are you okay, Sweetheart?”

She nodded. “It’s been so long for me,” she replied. “You were everything I had hoped.”

He smiled and brushed her sweat-dampened hair from her face. He shuffled off to lay beside her, folding her against him her back to his chest and encircling her in his arms.

“Chakotay?” she said softly.

He nuzzled his face against her hair. “Hmm?”

“You don’t have any reservations about this arrangement do you?”

“No, none. I am happy here. I have the love of three beautiful women, and a beautiful son on the way. I know he’ll be beautiful because his mother is beautiful. What could I ever hope to have that is better than that?”

“Well, I just thought . . .this is an unusual set up, that’s all. And I wanted you to know that if you didn’t . . .you know, if you didn’t want to . . .with me, I would understand.”

Chakotay opened his eyes as she turned he head to look at him. He kissed her lips softly. “B’Elanna, I am here by choice. I love you very much, each of you equally, but in different ways. Don’t ever doubt that you are as important to me as Kathryn just because I have loved her longer, or Kes because she carries my child.”

B’Elanna concerned look dissolved as she broke into a smile. She kissed him and rolled him onto his back. “Let me show you my answer.”