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Title: Homecoming, Drabble
Author: Anne Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Voyager and its characters belong to Paramount Pictures. No
infringement intended.
Spoilers: none
Summary: J/P, C/T, Voyager returns home. (1k)
Archive: I would be honored if you want to archive it. Please let me know where
so I can visit it.
Author's Note: ŠAugust 7, 2001

Homecoming, Drabble
By Anne Rose


The Borg sphere exploded, revealing stars and fleet of vessels. It was good to
be home. Reaching
over, she squeezed Chakotay's hand. "You'd better be getting down to sickbay to
see your new

He had to dodge the small child who darted out of the turbolift.

"Grandpa," the child exclaimed, staring at the viewscreen, as he attached
himself to his mom's leg.

"Kathryn, when I asked you to look after my son, you certainly dove into it
with your usual

"With all due respect sir, he took care of me." She said, wrapping an arm
around her husband.

~*~*~ THE END ~*~*~