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Title:  Red Wine and Black Satin
Author:  Angela Drews
Rating: G
Codes: C/T
Author's notes: No infringement intended. Challenge response.'s fluffy.  Definitely different from my usual angst, that's for sure.
SUMMARY: Chakotay gets an invitation.   


He had the distinct feeling that something was going on, though what he could not tell.  Not that he wasn't completely flattered - who wouldn't be?  But the question in his mind was whether or not that flattery was being wasted on someone's joke.  Tom Paris had watched him pick the card up with a glint in those devilish blue eyes and that was enough to make Chakotay a little hesitant towards putting much faith in this little invitation.

Still, it would be a pleasant surprise if this turned out to be real.  He certainly could use a distraction from the monotony of life.  A little romance was welcome to him at this stage in his life.

He turned the card over in his hand, wondering who had placed it in his chair, who wanted his attention.  It's soft surface was matte black with shiny red letters - his name written across the front in a beautiful script.  The back sweetly informed him that there would be another little card in his quarters after work and that to tarry in retrieving it would make the sender very upset.  He wouldn't that now, would he?  Certainly not.

His mind's eye toyed with a few ideas, images of who this mystery person could be.  Of course there were a few preferences, who wouldn't have those?  One in particular had the focus of his imagination right now.

Of course she'd always held his fascination.  They were friends.  They did things together and had even kissed once or twice.  Those kisses he remembered fondly and wondered if tonight would offer him further insight into what could develop.

Time passed entirely too slowly for Chakotay's tastes.  Kathryn seemed to pick up on his distraction, offering him her ears and if need be, her mind as well.  Her amusement at the black card made him smile.  In the end he could see she was genuinely glad for him, that someone was "finally getting what she deserved".

For a little while he pondered the meaning of that.  She seemed to have an idea as to who might be behind this little note of his.  Of course she'd never tell him that, so he didn't bother asking.  He could wait until the proper time to find out.  Besides, he liked surprises.

The day wore on, business was business as usual.  Not every day offered up some terrible disaster or capturing adventure.  Today hadn't - at least not ship wide.  Yet he supposed in a way he was on his own little adventure tonight.

When Chakotay's shift ended he left the bridge with anticipation, wanting to find his next card and hopefully learn the great secret of the day.  His quarters greeted him with soft music that had an upbeat tempo, something very his style.  His secret admirer had even took the time to light incense and the intentions behind it's scent wasn't lost upon him.

Upon his bed clothes had been laid out, all black and flattering to his physique.  And beside his wardrobe for the night was his next clue.  Another black card that read: Hungry?

With a smile the first officer picked up his note and turned it over.  He could nearly hear the tone behind her words as he read the next set of instructions.  Almost there, Chakotay.  Are you curious enough?  Don't keep me waiting.  Engineering.

Engineering.  The crew there was sparse, most crew members engaged in dinner activities at this hour.  Lieutenant Vorik was the high ranking officer on duty and his expression was bemused.  With one eyebrow raised as he spotted Chakotay, he approached and stretched out his hand.  Another black card, another command.

The front was again covered in only one word, this time telling him to follow.  The other side was a little more detailed.  You saw them, right?  Look down.

Of course he'd noticed them before and after entering Engineering.  Scattered rose petals littered the floor, a trail that lead from here to wherever she was.  Chakotay smiled and followed the trail.  He was gathering quite the collection of little black notes.

B'Elanna.  The pretty petals had lead him to her door and he smiled, tapping the buzzer.  She called him in immediately and he was all to eager to obey.  He wasn't disappointed.  There was no joke, only she and dinner and a sparkle in her eyes.

"What took you so long?"

He laughed and drank in the sight before him.  B'Elanna had always looked particularly good in black satin and her lips were stained as red as the wine before her.  A vision of what any man that wasn't blind would consider beauty.  Chakotay sat in the chair provided for him and smiled at her impatience to have him here.  He really couldn't say what had taken him so long to realize, or to take action on what he wanted when he finally did  know it.  All he could reply with was, "I'll do better next time."