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August 10 2001

Written by Justin Three-Socks



Disclaimer: bwana!

Summary: Plot? What plot? Just gratuitous smut. A little boredom leads to a little wife swapping - and a little more . . .

Warning: Contains C/T, P/J and T/P but the main partnering is C/J. No slash.



Tom huffed frustrated.

“Aw, come on, B’Elanna. I’ve been stroking your clit for twenty minutes and you’re not even aroused yet.”

B’Elanna groaned and pulled away, rolling onto her side.

Tom moved up beside her and kissed her naked shoulder before claiming her lips. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? I haven’t made you come in more than two weeks.”

“I don’t know. I need something more.”

“More what?”

B’Elanna’s eye widened and turned her head to look at him. “I have an idea.”

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

“You are joking, I presume?” Kathryn said, suddenly in ‘Captain’ mode.

“No,” Tom and B’Elanna said together.

“Sounds like fun,” Chakotay said.

“Commander!” Kathryn objected. “Tom, B’Elanna. Despite what rumors you might have heard I am not involved with Chakotay, which negates your suggestion all together.”

Chakotay moved closer to her, his hand brushing across her breast. Before she could do more than yelp, he pushed her hair aside to allow his lips to claim her neck. “Admit it, Kathryn. You’ve wanted this for a long time,” he drawled huskily, punctuating his words with kisses.

Kathryn’s eyes fluttered closed as she moaned deliciously, feeling his tongue on the outer edge of her ear, his breath dusting her skin and echoing against her auditory canal. “Oooh.”

Smiling softly, Tom and B’Elanna exchanged a glance.

“I guess ‘now’ would be as good a time as any,” he said and moved over to Kathryn and started to remove her boots. The front of her uniform jacket popped open and Chakotay grunted his gratitude. Now he could feel the nipple beneath the material harden as his thumb brushed over it.

B’Elanna’s hands smoothed their way up under Chakotay’s cream shirt as she pulled it loose from his pants. She snapped the belt off and kicked it out of the way. The hot bare skin of his hairless chest rippled beneath her touch as she expertly unbuttoned the shirt from where she knelt behind him, and slid it from his shoulders.

Chakotay grunted in surprise as he felt her even white teeth gently scrape across his shoulder. He turned from Kathryn to hone his attention on B’Elanna, divesting her of her waistcoat and top as his lips met hers. His tongue snaked out to duel hers.

Tom wasted no time in pulling off his upper clothes as he began kissing, licking and nipping Kathryn’s other ear and neck. He was gratified to feel her hands wander down his back to his buttocks squeezing them gently. She barely noticed her clothes being removed, her attention too focused on the mound at the front of his pants. She gripped it thru the material. He groaned; humping his hips against her touch as his hand was teasing her now naked left breast into full bloom to match the other one Chakotay had already pebbled.

Chakotay had B’Elanna naked before him and was licking his way down her body. Flat on her back on the floor she let out little cries of pleasure. B’Elanna suddenly sat up and pushed him back, pulling off his pants and boxers in one astonishing move. He gasped. Her grip was like iron as she grasped him, and it had been a long time for him. Gasping he came almost at once as she pounded her hand up and down his stiff. Grunting, eyes closed, he almost shot his load into the air. He growled stilling her hand, holding on with difficulty. Holding her back, he pushed to his feet and sat on the chair, beckoning her closer.

Straggling him, he slid his cock inside her wet cunt in one move. He held her down, eyes closed. His sharp uneven breaths attested to how close he was. B’Elanna ran her fingernails down the center of his back and he began to thrust. Within a minute, her legs curled around his body, she cried out, and he sighed noisily into the curve of her throat.

“Chakotay,” Kathryn called hoarsely. “Me. Be my first.”

Tom reclaimed B’Elanna, taking her nipple in one hand and her slick clit in the other, rubbing and coaxing them until they both stood out proud from the rest of her. B’Elanna took his shaft in her hand and rubbed gently. He liked gently. They wanted to take their time as they watched Chakotay and Kathryn together.

Chakotay sucked her breasts, first one and then the other, pulling off her pants and panties in one urgent move. Deciding the sofa was not enough space he lifted her onto the floor, keeping one nipple between his lips. His fingers drew hot lines down her body. He found her curls and her other breast simultaneously. A single finger pushed between her folds to her nub and rubbed it first slowly and then more vigorously, feeling it harden further and become slicker. Her juices ran over his fingers as he worked. She sighed and moaned, arching her hips against his hand. Her hand found his large cock and held it firmly as she stroked it back and forth, feeling its surface wet with B’Elanna’s fluid. He arched his hips into her hand and groaned.

Kathryn gently parted her thighs as she felt his fingers pushed further down to enter her inner sanctum. She was so ripe. She raised her knees a little more, begging to be filled. It had been too long. She was clenching; he pulled back. He didn’t want her to cum just yet. He eased her hand from his hard and lowered his face to her curls.

His tongue snaked out to taste and tease her core, as it stood proud. She was so sweet, so slick, and so ready. Moving closer, his tongue slipped into her vulva to flutter against her soft sensitive flesh. Kathryn moaned louder still, holding his head to her body. Her legs strained wider.

“Oh! More!” she almost screamed.

Chakotay snapped up to look into her face, her eyes half closed with desire. He stretched out over her and nestled between her parted thighs. She tensed.

“Relax, Kathryn. Enjoy this.” He eased in and closed his eyes. “Ooh, so good. So tight,” he whispered.

He pushed in to the hilt, and felt her relax. He was big and firm within her body. He began to move, humping her like a hungry man after bread, surging in and out like a piston.

Watching them, Tom and B’Elanna moving in unison. He pushed his fingers inside her cunt with vigor. He wanted in, and quickly took her, ramming his all into her body. Crying with each breath the two lovers next to him climaxed, he joined them and B’Elanna jerked with them as her orgasm broke over her. So quick.

Tom shuffled up and tapped Chakotay on the shoulder. “My turn.”

Chakotay obliged and Tom slid inside Kathryn with ease. Chakotay held on to Kathryn’s nipple as he lowered his mouth to caress the peak with his mouth. He lifted his head, watching B’Elanna standing up against the wall, one leg slightly bent, hand to her clit and rubbing while she watched them together. He moved over to her, pulled her hand away and mouthed her fur, lifting the bent leg over his shoulder.

“Oh yes,” she groaned.

She writhed against his face, feeling his lips, tongue and teeth on her swollen nub. He could taste their love on her, mixing together to arouse him further.

Kathryn and Tom looked up. Kathryn pushed him off her and crawled over on hands and knees to squeeze between Chakotay and B’Elanna. Her hot mouth took him in slowly in . . .and out . . .in and out. Full length.

He groaned as he felt her tongue in his slit, and thrust his cock deep into her open orifice, as his tongue darted out to arouse B’Elanna to further heights of ecstasy. One hand reached up to stroke her vulva and to penetrate her aching center and the other found Kathryn’s breast, still wet from his previous ministrations. He left it as he felt Tom’s hands claim them, and opted to run his fingers through her rich red hair holding her head to his shaft as he begun to thrust.

Tom had come up to Kathryn, and on his knees he entered her from behind and was pumping deliciously, holding her hips to him with one hand, while the other squeezed and kneaded her breast, feeling it fill his palm, her granite-hard nipple pressing against his fingers.

Just who came first was not clear as together they grunted, roared, cried and screamed out their love and lust. Spent and breathless, they sank down and lay together on the floor, and snuggled together.

=/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=

“Same time next week?” Tom asked as he and B’Elanna were leaving.

“Nothing short of a Borg attack will stop me,” Kathryn replied smiling.

As the doors closed, she turned to Chakotay who stood only in his boxers by the bedroom door.

She slinked over to him. “What are you smoldering for?”

“I’m not smoldering,” he objected half-heartedly.

“Yes, you are,” she said. She wound an arm behind his neck and the other hand slid down his chest, stomach and stopped on his erect penis that was tenting proudly in front of him. She licked her lips seductively. “Again?”

He groaned in his throat. “Making up for lost time?”

She reached up to lick his lips. “You better believe it.”

Chakotay’s mouth claimed hers with such passion. He had waited for her for so long that now he would not, could not hold back. He would have her.

They never made it to the bed.