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Title: I Said It In Zest
Author: Jess in Oz
Email: --
Size: 3K
Rating: G
Category: A, F, Q, U; C/T, T/V
Summary: Chakotay realises that what he feels for Torres isn't just sisterly love.
I take the stone in my hand, feeling the cool smoothness of its skin, and hold it to my
forehead. Hakoochimuia, I whisper. Hakoochimuia.
Help me, spirit guide, on my journey through life. Help me now, as I have feelings I 
cannot resolve. Feelings of love, and fear, and doubt.
Love, for one whom I have thought of as a sister. B'Elanna may have a temper, but she is
fiery and passionate in everything she does. She would stand alone in her beliefs, would
die for them. How could I not feel for her?
Fear, that I will be discovered, for she does not love me back. Instead, she would spend
her life with another, one who can take her strength. She is with another engineer now, one
called Vorik.
Doubt in my ability to control my feelings. Must I always fall for the wrong women? Help me
now to quell these feelings, or at least to lessen them, that I may remain as her friend at
least. Hakoochimuia, spirit guide. Hakoochimuia.