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C/T Quotes

C/T Quotes

To better demonstrate the nature of the Chakotay/Torres relationship.

Chakotay: Whatever she wants us for, it better be good. I had you right where I wanted you.
B'Elanna: What are you talking about? I was ahead, 19 – 7.
Chakotay: I was just lulling you into a false sense of security.
B'Elanna: Sure you were.
Chakotay: I'll win the next couple of points and then you'll start to tense up.
B'Elanna: I don't tense up.
Chakotay: Easy, B'Elanna, it's only hoverball.
--from Maneuvers

B'Elanna: You're taking this all very personally, aren't you?
Chakotay: Why shouldn't I?
B'Elanna: You are not responsible for what happened.
Chakotay: Oh no? I let her join the Maquis. I took her into my confidence. I even ... got intimately involved with her.
B'Elanna: So you have lousy taste in women. Look, Chakotay, she fooled us all. She was my best friend--or at least I thought.
Chakotay: I for one am through being manipulated by her.
B'Elanna: Are you sure? Because she's affecting you. That's just where she wants you. Don't tense up.
Chakotay: So now I'm getting advice about controlling my emotions from you.
--from Maneuvers

Chakotay: This is the second morning you've been late.
B'Elanna: I'll make up the time. It won't happen again.
Chakotay: I'm not concerned about the duty schedule, B'Elannna. If there's something wrong...
B'Elanna: I'm fine.
Chakotay: Ah...You mean fine like when you insisted on finishing the Hoverball Championship with a broken ankle?
B'Elanna: I mean there's nothing wrong. I was only late because...I've been having these dreams. They're very intense. That's all.
--from Remember

Chakotay: So I assume I'm going to have to write up a report on your chronic oversleeping...
B'Elanna: If you say a word of this to anyone...
Chakotay: I know, you'll rip my heart out and eat it raw. Your secret's safe with me.
--from Remember

B'Elanna: Sounds like you had a lot more fun out the Academy than I did. I remember doging a few punches in the lab.
Chakotay: Only you, B'Elanna, could start a brawl in Astrotheory 101.
(They laugh)
B'Elanna: I guess I was just a little more...enthusiastic in those days.
Chakotay: I guess so.
--from Future's End, part 2

B'Elanna: We'd have to get jobs.
Chakotay: I've thought about pursuing archaeology full time. Maybe I could teach at a university or work on one of the important digs in Central America. There were still a lot a important discoveries to be made in this century. I could win a Nobel prize.
B'Elanna: So much for a low profile.
(They laugh)
Chakotay: What about you?
B'Elanna: Highly qualified Klingon seeks position as engineer.
Chakotay: I'd hire you in a second.
--from Future's End, part 2

B'Elanna: I'm sleeping!
(Chakotay enters)
B'Elanna: Oh! I thought you were the Doctor making a house call.
Chakotay: He let you out of the cell block, huh?
B'Elanna: He thinks familiar surroundings will help speed my recovery.
Chakotay: Recovery from what?
B'Elanna: That's what I said! He thinks I'm suffering from clinical depression.
Chakotay: Are you depressed?
B'Elanna: (laughs) What are you? The new ship's counselor?
Chakotay: No. Just a friend.
B'Elanna: This whole thing is so stupid. I don't report a few scrapes and suddenly Janeway thinks there's something wrong with me. Typical Starfleet, huh?
Chakotay: You have been running Holodeck programs without safety protocols.
B'Elanna: A few. But I haven't put anybody else at risk and it's nothing that I can't handle.
Chakotay: Tell you what--what do you say you and I pay a little visit to the Holodeck? You can show me some of the programs you've been running.
B'Elanna: Right now?
Chakotay: Sure. Maybe if I see what you've been up to I can convince the Captain there's nothing to worry about.
B'Elanna: She's taken away my Holodeck privileges.
Chakotay: Consider them restored.
--from Extreme Risk

B'Elanna: Turn it off!
Chakotay: Not until you tell me what it is!
B'Elanna: you know what it is!
(Chakotay rolls a body onto its back)
Chakotay: Who's this?
B'Elanna: LePaz. Don't you recognize him?
Chakotay: Oh, I recognize them all! Meyer...Nelson...Sahreen! You created a program to watch all our Maquis friends get slaughtered! What I want to know is why!
B'Elanna: I thought we came down here to talk about safety protocols. This has nothing to do with that.
Chakotay: I'm not so sure. The logs show you only ran this program for 47 seconds--the day after I gave you the news about the massacre. Then you shut it down and started running the most dangerous programs you could find with the safeties off. Why?!
B'Elanna: This is crazy. I'm leaving!
Chakotay: Computer, seal the doors!
B'Elanna: You can't do this!
Chakoaty: The hell I can't! You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on! B'Elanna. Why are you intentionally trying to hurt yourself?
B'Elanna: I don't know.
Chakotay: Are you trying to commit suicide?
B'Elanna: No!
Chakotay: Then why?
B'Elanna: Because...because if I sprain my ankle, at least I feel something.
Chakotay: What do you mean?
B'Elanna: I'm not trying to kill myself! I'm trying to see if I'm still alive!
Chakotay: I don't understand.
B'Elanna: When you look at those corpses, how do you feel?
Chakotay: Sad. Angry. Maybe a little guilty that I wasn't there to die with them.
B'Elanna: Not me. I don't feel anything at all.
Chakotay: B'Elanna, the Maquis were like our adopted family. I can understand you trying to block out that kind of pain--
B'Elanna: You don't understand. It's not just the pain. I don't feel anything--not about my dead friends, not about, my job...
Chakotay: Maybe you're afraid if you let yourself start to feel something you might not be able to stop. You can't just shut off your emotions, B'Elanna. Sooner or later, you're going to have to let yourself grieve.
B'Elanna: Why? Just so I can go through it all over again?
Chakotay: What do you mean?
B'Elanna: When I was six, my father walked out on me. When I was 19, I got kicked out of Starfleet. A few years later, I got separated from the Maquis. And just when I start to feel safe you tell me that all of our old friends have been slaughtered. The way I figure it, I've lost every family I've ever had.
Chakotay: B'Elanna. You have a new family now, here on Voyager. And you're not going to lose us. You're stuck with us. B'Elanna: You can't promise me that.
Chakotay: No, I suppose I can't. Losing people is inevitable, and sometimes it happens sooner than we expect...But I can promise you that the people on this ship aren't about to let you stop living your life or break your neck on the Holodeck. You're going to have to find another way to deal with this.
B'Elanna: I don't know how.
Chakotay: Then we'll figure it out. Together.
--from Extreme Risk

B'Elanna: Let me go.
Chakotay: B'Elanna, I don't have time for this.
B'Elanna: I am not out to get myself hurt if that's what you're thinking. I just want to do my job.
Chakotay: I thought you weren't interested in your job anymore.
B'Elanna: If that hull breaches, I should be there. I'm still the best engineer we've got.
Chakotay: Not lately.
B'Elanna: I can do this. I need to do this.
(Chakotay hands her a toolkit. She takes it gratefully and sprints off down the hall.)
--from Extreme Risk

Chakotay: B'Elanna. I heard you did a hell of a job. So? How are you?
B'Elanna: You mean am I back to my old charming self? I don't know.
Chakotay: Give it time.
B'Elanna: Chakotay--What you did down in the Holodeck today...Thanks. But if you ever do anything like that again, I'll break your neck.
--from Extreme Risk

Torres: The wheel represents both the universe outside and the universe inside our minds as well. They believe each is a reflection of the other. When a person is sleeping or on a vision quest it's said that his soul is walking the wheel. But if he's in a coma or near death it means that he's gotten lost. These stones are signposts to help point the way back.
Doctor: You've placed the Coyote Stone at the crossroads of the Fifth and Sixth Realms which would divert Commander Chakotay's soul...that is, his consciousness...into the Mountains of the Antelope Women - according to his tradition, an extremely attractive locale. He might not want to leave.
--from ??

Chakotay: She wants to work in Engineering.
Torres: What?!
Chakotay: The Borg use transwarp conduits to travel through space faster than warp speed. If we could create one of them...
Torres: We don't know anything about transwarp technology. Playing around with it could be dangerous.
Chakotay: That's where Seven of Nine comes in. She's offered to work with you.
Torres: What do you think her real motives are?
Chakotay: She's having a tough time making the transition from the Collective. She wants something to do.
Torres: I never thought of you as naive, Chakotay. Bottom line is, I don't want her working in Engineering.
Chakotay: The bottom line is, I'm giving you an order and you're going to follow it, Lieutenant.
--from ??

Chakotay: Voyager's had an encounter with an anomaly. It's fractured the ship into different time periods.
Janeway: We're trying to undo the damage. But we need access to that panel.
Torres: First she destroys our only way out of the Delta Quadrant, and now you're collaborating with her?
Chakotay: Try to understand, I'm from a time period in your future, when all of us will be working together.
Torres: That's pretty hard to believe.
Chakotay: B'Elanna, I've never lied to you before, and I'm not lying now.
--from Shattered

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