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Forest Drive - Al Hayer to Shwaib

Today's drive was planned to go from the FOREST at Al Hayer to Shwaib with a total of 10 vehicles.

Somehow this expanded to around 21 vehicles and finally ended up with 18, which I split up into three groups and unfortunately had to send two vehicles away as their drivers had no off roading experience, and this was not a novice training day.

We aired down on the tarmac just before entering tracks into the forest. Managing to train my daughter in how to use a pressure guage.

We were soon in the forest with Stuart CG leading one group and Marcin an other then into the dunes towards Shwaib

Most of my group had reasonable experience with exception of my colleague Bala and a Dutch friend Cees with whom I had never off roaded before.

Above Photo by Yanni C. Smith

Bala had some encounter with a bush and needed rescuing, but that was the worst scenario we encountered.