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RPR Returns

After almost a year away from the deserts of UAE my friend and fellow Landy nutter, Richard (aka RPR) returned to Dubai with his family for Christmas and New Year.

His Series III (The Tonka) is now a fully kitted up jungle vehicle, but RPR's love of the desert is as strong as ever. Therefore it would not be unfitting for him to venture back into the dunes that lured him in to off roading in the first place.

Unfortunately due to work committments I had to decline an offer of taking the new Range Rover out for a test drive so over a drink or three with Tim, Streaky and Ian we came up with a plan for a Saturday drive out.

Unfortunately only Tim could make it as he is having some days off, so he brought his father along, and Richard and I travelled in the 90.

We decided to do a bit of exploring in an area that neither Tim nor I had ventured before just off the Al Ain highway to the north of Faqa.