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Following the success of the GPS Funday earlier this year we decided to have a more challenging event once the new season had begun.

Many lessons were learnt from the Funday and the most important was the size of each team, smaller teams as we knew from our regular trips move a lot faster than large groups, and with this in mind we decided, after several changes, to stick with a three vehicle team maximum and allowing two vehicle teams if required (more risky)

The teams gather to receive instructions, photo by Henk Bos

The purpose of the event is to go to a given waypoint using GPS, and at that waypoint find a card that has thenext waypoint and so on until the finish.

The kilometre reading from the oddometer was taken for each vehicle at the start and the finish then averaged out to obtain the final distance travelled. The shortest distance is the winner.

However we also decided to put a 5 Km penalty on each club marshal, as this would compensate for the less experienced members and even the field.

Additionally we timed each team in order to differentiate in case of a tie.

Teams left at 5 minute intervals, we had five teams of three and one team of two vehicles. Alan P in his SWB Patrol and Prasad in his LC (both with winches) provided the sweep. Stu CG, Streaky and myself then headed for the penultimate point to put up the final sign then on to the finish for lunch and a beer or three.

Arriving at the camp site