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After Lunch

After lunch we changed the Marshals on the teams, each group of Marshals moved forward one team. As Colin and I were leaving Team 4, we took over Team 1, which was being lead by Jason and had another couple of Oil burners on board including another Lara Croft Replica driven by somebody called Jason.

All was going well until we neared Pink Rock and the Durango was struggling with an interesting stuck that we managed to free with a bit of digging and pushing.

However not to much further on the limitations of this levathian were soon discovered and we had a damaged radiator amongst other problems.

Colin and Cazza underneath making repairs

I called for backup having spotted Alan Passmore near Pink Rock and he came along with some extra tools. I used my trolly jack to lift the front end and Colin made some temporary repairs. Fortunately although the radiator was bent, it was not leaking.

All the teams together at the base of Pink Rock

We all made it to the end except one vehicle that Alan P had escorted out earlier due to a female passenger not feeling too good, and apart from the Durango incident all vehicles came out unscathed