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Marine Captain Ethan Roberts - Strategic Operations Officer, Camp Lancelot, Deridous IV

Personal Data

Ethan Roberts - Marine Captain

NAME Ethan Roberts
RACE Human
AGE 31
DATE OF BIRTH August 9, 2347
PLACE OF BIRTH Martian Colony 6 - Hesperia Planum
ASSIGNMENT Strategic Operations Officer, Camp Lancelot, Deridous IV
FAMILY Parents still reside in Hesperia Planum colony, younger sister living in Tampa, FL, Earth
GENERAL APPEARANCE Tall and lanky, yet muscular, just not overly so
HEIGHT 2.08m
WEIGHT 82.1 kg
SKIN TONE Fair, boardering on pale
DISTINGUISHING MARKS Scar on right thigh


Federation Standard
Starfleet Academy Preperatory School, Hesperia Planum, Mars
Starfleet Marine Corps Academy, Olympus Mons, Mars

Starfleet Record

2364 - Enrolled in Starfleet Marine Academy on Mars
2368 - Graduated 24 in a class of 116
2368 - Assigned to USS Europa as squad leader with rank of Second Lieutenant
2369 - Named Executive Officer of Alpha Company, USS Europa
2372 - Promoted to First Lieutenant
2374 - Transferred to command of Charlie Company, USS Aurora
2375 - Injured in battle with Jem'Hadar
2375 - After cessation of hostilities, given command of Tango Company, 82nd Starfleet Marine Expeditionary Force on occupation duty in Cardassian Union
2377 - Transferred to command of Alpha Company, USS Calisto
2378 - Promoted to Marine Captain
2378 - Transferred to Camp Lancelot, Deridous IV as Strategic Operations Officer

Dominion War Service Medal



Ethan was the product of a strict upbringing and the unforgiving Martian landscape. From day one, his father (a retired Marine who had fought in the Cardassian and Tzenkethi conflicts) drilled into him the values every good soldier should have; discipline, honor, courage, and the anchient code of chivalry.

Upon graduation from the Starfleet Academy Prep School on Mars, Roberts enrolled in the Marine Academy at Olympus Mons. There he proved to be both a model student, and the "good soldier" his father had always wanted him to be. Graduating with honors, Robets would become a fleet Marine like his father before him, serving as a squad leader and later company executive officer on the USS Europa.

Following a promotion to First Lieutenant, Roberts would be transferred to the USS Aurora at the outset of the Dominion War. The Aurora was one of the vessels fighting on the Vulcan front, valiently struggling to keep the core worlds safe from the Dominion onslaught. During a particularly bloody engagement, the ship was boarded by Jem'Hadar troops. The crew of the Aurora fought the genetically engineered warriors with everything they had, eventually driving them off and escaping with massive casualties. Lieutenant Roberts was among them. His right leg badly wounded, he would spend the rest of the war flat on his back in a hospital on Earth (much to his chagrin).

By the time Ethan was ready to return to duty, the war was over. Given his record, he was assigned to command of a company in the prestigious 82nd Expeditionary Force, which was doing garrison duty in occupied Cardassia.

Once the occupation forces withdrew two years later, Ethan was promoted to Marine Captain and shipped off to the USS Calisto, where he would once again command a company of Fleet Marines. But serving on a ship no longer satisfied him, and he longed for a planetary assignment. One would not open up for another year, and it wasn't even a job typically assigned to a Marine officer.

That assignment was as Strategic Operations Officer for the Deridous sector, in the Crossroads. Though Roberts was not the top candidate for the position, his commendable record and meticulous attention to detail garnered him the post.

Additional Information

Order, discipline, a good steak dinner

Disorder, insubordination, jokers

Can be overly stiff. A Vulcan once called him a model example of Surak's teachings

Excellent organizational skills, above average pilot (mostly small Marine craft)

Collecting swords and other bladed weapons

Skilled marksman, won the Starfleet Marine Academy Phaser Proficiency Competition three years in a row
To serve the Corps and the Federation
Almost no personality while on the job, but has been known to lighten up just a little in social situations

Psychiatric Profile

Captain Roberts is extremely well adjusted for someone brought up in such a stricy environment. I've told him he should consider lightening up, but I don't see him making much progress in that regard without quite a bit of prodding. All in all, he exudes a typical Marine attitude of strength and determination, but I suspect that somewhere deep down, he has a soft side, waiting to be tapped.

~ Lieutenant Commander Chang Wufei, Counsellor, USS Calisto (Report Summary)

Medical Profile

Captain Roberts is in spectacular physical condition, given to his rigorous training regimine and strict diet. He shows no sign of lingering problems from his leg injury. However, further observation should be undertaken given the severity of the original injury. Other than that one matter, I declare Captain Roberts fit for duty.

~ Lieutenant Commander Doctor Lucrezia Noin, Chief Medical Officer, USS Calisto (Report Summary)