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Eid Trip to Oman 2004

Ramadan was at an end and the Eid holiday about to start. My plans for a dive trip at the Damaniyat Islands in Oman were put on hold as Al Sawadi beach resort was fully booked and a posh dinner on the Thursday night left me somewhat incapacitated due to something not agreeing with me and it was not the Aussie grape juice.

So after sitting on the loo all Friday, well most of it anyway, I decided that we had to go somewhere and called friends John Tan and Cees Bal to sort out a trip to the Petrified Forest in Oman.

We set off from Dubai on Saturday at around 1.00 pm and after a lengthy border crossing (it was busy) we headed down towards Muscat for an overnight in the Sheraton.

The following morning we had a late start around 9.30 from Muscat and headed out towards Nizwa, then south on the Salalah road to visit a confluence point N22 E57 that had not been officially visited and photographed for the Confluence Project.

After completing the visit we returned to the Salalah road and continued southwards before cutting off to the Petrified Forest, which of course we could not reach as we were running out of time and soon the sun was setting, so we set up camp in some dunes.

We spent a pleasant evening enjoying some refreshments and telling jokes before eventually crashing out.