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Friday bimble to Camel Rock

Having been in Jeddah all week with plans to stay there for two and hopefully get a bit of diving done I was a bit peeved when my boss told me that he was coming over and wanted me back in Dubai for a meeting.

The meeting fortunately only lasted 2 hours and due to other reasons I was delaying my return to Jeddah on Saturday instead of Friday which meant some play time in the dunes

One of the other persons at the meeting was another colleague from Switzerland, Roger, and as he had never been out in the desert before (apart from the commercial stuff) he expressed interest in coming along.

Unfortunately I could not find anyone free to join me so decided on the easy Fossil Rock route.

We came across a Jeep on its own, and two guys digging. I pulled them out just as another Jeep arrived.

We carried on passing by a mother camel suckling her baby, and drove up the ridge at the end of Wadi Faya for another photo stop.

After this we carried on to Camel Rock then down once again into Wadi Faya where we met some South Africans looking for Fossil Rock

It was easier to take them there, well near enough, however as they were driving on road pressures I advised them to air down

I followed them briefly until we came across some people pushing a Pajero. Land Rover to the rescue again, not only for the Pajero but also for a 4.8L Patrol that was stuck on the flat (budding Golden Spade candidate), and after airing down from 2 to 1 bar and using low range he was on his way, although neither Pajero or Patrol had any recovery gear or pressure gauge.

Had a nice drive home and currently supping some Windhoek as I type :o)