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GPS Orienteering Funday

Stu and I had been talking about a GPS type challenge for some time and last week we made a reece of an area I thought would be perfect, plenty of small dunes and flat plains ... easy for beginners in both off roading and using a GPS


Stu and Jack had camped out the night before with plans to have some of the waypoints marked on the Thursday afternoon but this did not happen until the Friday morning.

The plan was a simple one

Each team would be given a waypoint, when they reached that waypoint the next waypoint would be listed and so on until they reached the finish.

Stu and Jack began laying the waypoint cards from the FINISH to the START, however they ran into a problem as they were nearing the start which meant I had to give the sermon on the mount and start sending people on the trail before the temperatures started rising.

Jack stuck inbetween the narrow gap separating two dunes, Photo by Stu CG

Stu and Jack arrived one hour after the first team left, so we set off by road to reach the finish before the first team arrived bearing in mind that we had done the route the week before in TWO hours.

Airing down and preparing for the start