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GPS Orienteering cont'd

Thankfully cell phone coverage was good and we were getting reports from the sweep team (Alan and Stuart B) that all sorts of disasters were happening, not only to the competitors, but to themselves !!!

The Animal stuck, even with 35" tyres, photo by Alan Passmore

Alan P forgot to look before he leapt, photo by Stuart B (The Animal)

The teams began arriving with Alex first and then Alan T shortly afterwards

The first teams enjoy refreshments sponsored by A&E

Prasad and his team came in third and finally the remainder herded by the sweep team all arrived with teams 1 and 6 failing to visit all waypoints

Chris Crompton's Rangie lost the front bumper and was replaced by a set of sand ladders

The main criteria for winning was the average difference in Km between the start and finish of each vehicle, and the winning team with an average of 30Km was Team 3 (Alan T, Peter GT and Kaye).

Above, Squire Prasad

Prasad's team with 39.5Km was second

Ajay's team with 40.33Km was third

And Alex's team with 49.0Km was fourth

Above the FINISH

Very interesting day out, lots of lessons learnt and we departed around 5.30 pm with plans for the next event already being worked out