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Golden Spade 2004

The award ceremony began with a few different prizes going to:

Linda (load of bungees) for having to be rescued from a bowl using 9 tow straps

Chef Thong (recovery kit) for requiring numerous rescues during the season

Chris (fire extinguisher) in case he repeats a previous incident!

Big Stu (Tent + 2 sleeping bags - in case he gets lucky) as events coordinator.

Tony (Folding Shovel) as runner up

And finally the GOLDEN SPADE awarded to ALAN PASSMORE for the second year in succession - how does he do it?

Alan is knighted as he retains the Golden Spade award for the second year running
Photo by Henk Bos

Alan receives the award
Photo by Henk Bos

Alan makes his speech before he fell asleep
Photo by Henk Bos