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Wadi Hatta

Boss in town for loads of meetings this week so the only free time to chat with him was by taking him to the desert, hard life I know but somebody has to do it.

As it was a bit short notice and no plans to meet up with others (although some of my Dutch friends were going out) I chose a trail that would be easily done with one vehicle ... Wadi Hatta.

Plenty of photo opportunites for Reto and an easy drive for me.

View leading into Wadi Hatta

The route planned was from Hatta direction which is opposite from my normal way. By doing this I would be in Wadi Hatta before all the picknickers arrived especially as this was a holiday weekend (Mohamed's Birthday [PBUH])

It was also blowing a hoolie on the road down with a lot of drifting sand, definately not a day to be in the dunes.

Fortunately in the mountains it was much better and we stopped frequently for photographs, and despite the heat 41C, there was still plenty of water in most of the pools, which support a variety of life including frogs.

Local Amphibian

We carried on to K JUNCTION and then bailed out on tarmac back to Hadf so that the boss could be back at the hotel for 1.00 pm

In one of the side wadis

Pleasant morning drive with very little traffic encountered on the track.

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