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Old Man Emu Upgrade

1st February 2005

Fitted Old Man Emu Shock Absorbers and Springs

On the recent Oman trip I could hear my shocks creaking and had already purchased replacements. However their installation was depending on arrival of the springs, which fortunately ARB (Abu Dhabi) sent to me by courier.

Total cost AED2,400.00

Originals removed

The OME Springs are longer

Rear Suspension fitted

Front too

Fitting was done by AAA at Rashidiya for AED400.00

As I now have just over an inch of lift I decided to remove the roofrack first for two reasons

1) Max Headroom in some carparks here in Dubai is already close to the height of the Disco with the Expedition roofrack
2. The roofrack is rusting with one leg already broken and two others about to fall off!

Time for a Safety Devices Roofrack