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September 2004

On return from a business trip to Oman I eventually managed to organize diving the Damaniyat Islands, well a couple of sites at any rate which has given me an appetite for more

I stayed at Al Sawadi resort and the departure from there was at 9.00am with a 45 minute boat ride to our dive sites, passing a couple of other islands after 30 minutes.

Click on the photos below to see larger images

On the second dive my strobe batteries died, so had to enjoy the scenery of wonderful soft corals and shoals of snapper and rainbow runners sans camera

Near the end of the dive whilst crusing at 5M we found a small turtle, opened the lens up to f2.8 and prayed that there would be enough light for the 60mm lens to get some evidence.


Since then I have been diving a few times with Christian Stonig and his girlfriend Veronika

All photos copyright Gordon T. Smith 2004-2009