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MAY 2009

On return from a business trip to Oman my colleague from Austria, Christian Stonig, and I stopped off at Al Suwadi for some diving. After our last trip there in 2005 Christian was not really convinced that we would have some good dives, fortunately he was proved wrong on this instance.

We made three dives on separate sites, the AQUARIUM, NOODLES and SIRA Island (Google Image below)

There was one other diver booked for diving (Giovanni), however when we arrived to set up our gear two more people were also booked, arriving from Muscat and a bit late too !

We did set off at 0900 instead of 0830, the weather conditions were perfect ... flat calm even after our third dive.

Click on the photos below to see larger images

The first dive had awesome viz, 15-20M, and the highlight of course was spotting two separate Ceratasoma trilobatum with a cherry on top at the end when we came across a large turtle

The second dive at the Noodles was also pretty good although nothing really special, it would have been good for wide angle.

The third dive at Sira Island was also great viz around 15M with some fantasic wide angle opportunities but the highlight here was two separate pairs of Risbecia pulchella


Above: Emperor Angelfish Pomacanthus imperator

All photos copyright Gordon T. Smith 2004-2009