There is a New Earth coming soon to a neighborhood near you. The Hopis tell us that we are now exiting the Fourth World, and the Fifth World will begin shortly. Termed the Golden Age by the Hindus, this Age of Light will last for 2,000 years. The calendars and prophecies of the ancient ones, the Mayans, the Hindus, the Egyptians and the Hopis, all speak of the ending of this present age and even to the end of a system of time. Our last 26,000-year cycle is closing, and the time spiral approaches the zero point. This means our experience of time is going to shift. At the same time, new creative energies are being birthed around us. Those who hold the heart’s desire for love, compassion, unity and joy will be showered with Grace by the angels, the dolphins, the faery and mer folk and many other dimensional realms as we emerge into the 4th & 5th Dimension. The full transition will take place between 2003 and 2012 according to the calendars.
Humanity stands on the threshold of sunset and sunrise. This is an awesome moment to be alive for something grand and delicious is brewing. The smells/energies of it are blowing in the wind and are tantalizing. Lifting into a higher dimensional frequency more in alignment with our soul’s intent is exactly what we have been working towards for a long, long time. A great transformation of spirit on the New Earth is going to be experienced as we awaken into our spiritual mastery. Our hearts will be opened as we communicate once more with our brethren and our mostly-forgotten kin: the faeries, mermaids, dolphins, angels and all of our extended family in all the dimensions. Our families have been separated for far too long. A sublime homecoming is in store for us, and very soon, we can say that it’s time to bring down the curtain in the grand ballroom. The Great Play is over. Applause to all of us for our superb acting, and a special thanks for those that played the ‘bad guy’ roles for you were most convincing! We can gather and congratulate each other, always knowing that this was our plan: that we would return once again to the homecoming of Full Consciousness.
My homepage is dedicated to Unity Consciousness and to the New Earth that is emerging. Now it feels as if there are two earths in existence parallel to each other, each pulsating on its own frequency. The gap between them is teensy, and daily you jump (perhaps subconsciously) from one to the other. Soon you will be settled into the new, and there will be no more of this back and forth. You will have chosen to reach for spiral upward: the world of order, the world of new Life! You will have chosen to ascend with Mother Earth. As will I!
The Portals below are my witnessing to the many realms that are now rejoining. Some of my writings are excerpts from works in progress. Others are articles that speak of altered states and mystical communion. May you be blessed with LOVE as you experience these exciting and challenging times.
Ashie Nielsen
(The Divine in me honors the Divine in you.)
The Dolphin Portal
Click on Dolphin to enter the DOLPHIN PORTAL
The Faerie Portal
Click on Arisis to visit the Faerie Forest Portal
The Mermaid Portal
Click on Mermaids to enter the Mermaid Portal
The Angel Portal
Click on the Blue Angel to enter the Angel Portal
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