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Damson Rhee

Rank Lieutenant
Damson Rhee
Portrayed by Linda Hamilton
Position Chief Science Officer
Race Trill (Joined)
Sex Female
Place of Birth Korag, Devysia
Age 33 years
Height 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight 124 lb.
Eyes Blue
Hair Red
Service Record

2374-2375 Starbase 416, MedTech
2375-2376 Starbase 416, Medical Tech
2376-2377 Starbase 416, Interspecies Spec
2377-2378 USS Passageway, Medical
2378-2385 USS Passageway, BioEngineering
2385-Present USS Taurus, Chief Science Officer



Damson Rhee was born in a large metropolis of the planet Trill called Nieu Yorque. Her mother was Teran Mal and her father was Joeron Rivvst. She was separated from her parents when she was three. A young Vulcan female noticed her and brought her to Earth, where she was adopted by the Chandler family.

Their own daughter, Catherine, entered The Academy when Damson was sixteen, but the Trill was not far behind. She applied to The Initiant Academy when she was twenty, and was easily joined. She decided to become a Doctor, like her next-to-previous host. She took many classes, including history, which led her to adopt Doctor McCoy of the original Enterprise as a role model. Her symbiont's brother now serves on the USS Victory [NCC-9754-A].

Rhee also took intensive study courses in internal medicine, pediatric oncology, and medical psychology. She seeks knowledge of her roots. She spent two years at the Vulcan Institute of Mind Development and Intensive Study for Control. She graduated 12th out of seventeen students. Just after she left Vulcan, she was granted by a chance to do a tour on the Starbase 416 as low nurse/student serving under her older sister. She was then ready for a promotion. Due to her outstanding record, she was assigned a post as Interspecies specialist on Starbase 416. Her direct overhead officer was Doctor Kristen Burke, who resigned recently from Starfleet. Damson Rhee was granted the Medal of Valor aboard Starbase 416 for her work at calming this troubled area.



Rhee 2Rhee is a very creative, imaginative, and colorful human being. She is as unique as she is an outstanding officer. She tends to slip into daydreams, but never when she is needed by the crew or anyone else. She is very quiet and thoughtful, but it is impossible to walk into a room and not notice her. She has an extremely sharp, dry sense of humor that pops up from time to time.

Due to her background there is an inherited grace and tolerance. She has an almost nonexistent temper, due to her Vulcan studies, but when it is released she can be seemingly unpredictable. She can precisely discerns trains of thought and feelings, but refrains from doing so without good cause. If one is a friend to her once, one becomes a friend for eternity, but if one is an enemy to her once, it takes a lifetime to regain her trust.

Special Abilities

Languages: Trill, Ferengi, Bajoran Standard, Vulcan, Klingon, English


Player Name David Moody  

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