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i decided to make a page that kind of explanes the porpose of the website it was an idea i have had for a long time

name:Dylan(faye on the site)



concept:to make a good game site for free!

email:none of your f****** busines!


AIM,ICQ,Yahoo:well aim is captdylan22

i realy REALY like anime, it takes up so much of my life and money! the runner up is video games which meanes i'm basicly constantly broke! also i have aspirations to work at nintendo or sega as a game desinger as when i'm playing games i always find a glitch or badly desinged level and if i can hack it and change it! i also enjoy using computers and seam to have a "knack" for them so i read up, took a class and desinged a website also i finaly have my own computer but alas, my modem for it got taken away so no more midnight updatesTM


google(best search)