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Images from the lab

  • collage of images

  • far shot of the front of the building. Note that the building is in fact 4 buildings connected by 3 links. Each building is called a 'pod'. Pod a,b,c and d from right to left (or west to east). Links x, y and z. I am currently located in C3, which is the third floor of pod C.
  • The {snowy} front entrace.
  • The kitchenette. There are 2 on each floor of each pod. We have free coffe/tea/cocoa there.
  • The inside of the Z3 area. (which is between the C3 and D3 floors) This area is called the "French Bistro".
  • The Cottage. This is the area in the Y4 area. (between C4 and B4)
  • One of the four adirondack chairs infront of the cottage.
  • The English Library. This one is in the X4 link between A4 and B4.
  • The South Asian room. This one is in the Z4 link between D4 and C4.
  • The rest of the South Asian room - which is unofficially termed "the chinese room" due to the fact that this room is mostly used by Chinese Canadians at lunch time.