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This season's episode titled 'Anomaly' starts with a number of small anomalies like the coffee cup in the captain's ready room is floating, items in the mess hall going against the laws of physics lead to warp field fluctuations that brings down Enterprise's main power grid. As a result of these anomalies, Enterprise loses its warp drive, defenses and weapons. The ship can only travel at quarter impulse, it travels to intercept a vessel that is a drift, Archer, Malcolm and two MACOs board the vessel using one of Enterprise's shuttlepods, the vessel appears to be a derelict ship and it has been attacked by scavengers, due to the disruptor burns to the hull of the derelict ship . 

An alien ship beams over a team to board the Enterprise, crewman Fuller was killed by the alien team. The aliens stole photonic torpedoes, food stores, hand-held weapons and all of the antimatter storage pods that are needed in order to power the ship up beyond a month. Trip managed to capture one of the aliens by knocking him out cold. The prisoner whom Phlox identifies is from a race called Osaarian, Archer orders the security team to take him down to the brig, but the Osaarian refuses to give Archer any information, he does say that any ship without Trillium-D in the hull plating, that acts like an insulation to the Expanse's Anomalies won't survive. He told Archer they used to be like him, they came into the Expanse in two merchant ships looking for new trade routes. But the crew on the ship that he serves on became predators to survive when anomalies ravaged their ships and crews. They found out that they could not leave the Expanse, due to the fact that the other Osaarian ship tried to leave the Expanse, but the nebula that surrounds the Expanse only lets ships in and not out. Archer swears  that he will dodo whatever it takes to retrieve his supplies. The derelict ship managed to find a way track the Osaarian's ship ion trail, but life support ran out before they began their search. Lucky for Enterprise, they kept a record on how to find the ion trail, T'Pol had already told Ensign Mayweather how to find their ion trail and they set off in pursuit of the Osaarians.

The crew of the Enterprise discovers that the Osaarian ion trail ends then begins again, so Archer decides to follow the trail to see why it disappeared then reappeared, the Enterprise went through a cloaking field and appeared in a section of space containing an enormous spherical station. Its gravimetric energy that it is producing may be connected to the anomalies that Enterprise has encountered. When they enter via a docking port, the away team finds most of their stolen items, plus evidence that their Osaarian attackers had previously downloaded the database of a Xindi vessel. When asked, the Osaarian prisoner denies all knowledge of the Xindi, but Archer locks him in a decompression chamber and threatens to kill him if he isn't forthcoming.

Soon the crew has command codes for the Osaarian vessel and lures the predator back into the cloaking field, using restored weapons to stall for time while Sato downloads the Xindi database. Afterwards, Archer releases the prisoner onto the station, though the Osaarian tells him that mercy won't serve him well in the Expanse. Still Archer has the database, and begins to study it.





  • The Enterprise encountered anomalies, ranging from coffee cups floating to the warp core discharging itself into the surrounding area inside Main Engineering.
  • The first time the brig has been shown on Enterprise occurs in this episode.
  • Another MACO, named Corporal McKenzie is shown, she is a young tough and sexy girl soldier. 
  • The Osaarians stole equipment from Enterprise
  • The Osaarians destroyed a Xindi ship a couple of weeks ago
  • Hoshi managed to download 90% of the Xindi database from the Osaarian's computer core



Tucker: "Either we get away from these anomalies, or we're going to have to re-write the book on warp theory, and I don't have to tell you how long it took Zefram Cochrane the first time around."

Phlox: "He'll need to be under observation." "You can observe him in the brig."

Osaarian: "I don't think you'd be very comfortable torturing another man. You and your crewmates are far too civilized for that. Too moral."

Archer: "I need what was stolen from me. There's too much at stake for me to let

Phlox: "Aldebaran mud leeches. Place one on your chest, and one on your abdomen. Their secretions act as natural sedatives. Oh, and be careful to sleep on your back. If you roll over, you might anger them."
Tucker: "Maybe an hour a night with T'Pol isn't so bad."

Archer: "This is Captain Archer. Remember us? You've probably noticed that our weapons are back on-line, so STAND DOWN!"