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The crew of the Enterprise comes across a planet that has a technological level similar to the late 19th century on Earth. The crew decide that they want to study this planet's culture, an away team led by Captain Archer are surgically altered to blend in with the crowd easily. But after they are down on the planet for a while, they discover that several locals have lost their lives due to  a deadly mystery.

Tyala, who is an inhabitant of the planet and she is a beautiful scientist meets up with Captain Jonathan Archer. After her meeting with Jonathan Archer, she eventually falls in love with him. After Jonathan has won her trust, they work together to solve the deadly mystery.

Garos is a shopkeeper who seems quite friendly at the beginning but it turns out that he is hiding his true identity and intentions. Archer and Tyala finds out that Garos is involved in the mystery.


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ARCHER: Morning everyone.
TRIP: Morning, sir.
TRAVIS: Good morning.
ARCHER: What've we got today?
T'POL: We've detected several "phenomena." A Xural class supernova remnant, approximately three light-years off our course.
ARCHER: That's... interesting. What else?
T'POL: A cluster of three neutron stars... very unusual.
TRIP: How 'bout that? Three stone cold stars! Pretty exciting, huh?
ARCHER: ...anything else?
TRIP: There is... one other thing... might be worth swinging by to take a look. A Minshara class planet, about four and a half light years away.
ARCHER: Any life signs?
TRIP: Only about 500 million!
TRIP: If our scans are right, it looks like there's a whole civilization down there!
ARCHER: You might have put that on the top of the list.

ARCHER: Except we're on the wrong side of this door.
TRIP: Not for long... 
ARCHER: Seventy-eight light years to get here, and our first act is breaking and entering.
TRIP: Maybe you don't have to mention this part in your log?

RIANN: Where's your starship headed now?
ARCHER: There are lots of inhabited planets to see... but I doubt many will be this memorable.
RIANN: Is your translator broken again?
ARCHER: I'm sorry? I don't understand a word you're saying.